
Chapter 1

At a round table sat nine beings in a shadowy room, each distinctly different from the other. Only one seat, the grandest one, was left empty.

"How many years have it been now?" a normal-looking human, breaking the silence. The God of Humans, Katan [Rank 3]

"Who counts anymore? It must have reached a decade and a half by now," sighed another. He was a pale-looking man with long, sharp ears and tired eyes. The God of Elves, Agis [Rank 8]

"Why do you Gods care about that bastard? He locks himself in his realm and seeks pity from the gods. He's nothing special; I'm sure even I could take him on these days," interjected an arrogant voice. "The Slaughterer this, The Slaughterer that. He hasn't killed anyone for over two decades." A woman with crimson hair, eyes, and revealing clothes. The God of Phoenixes, Phoibos [Rank 10]

Her questions were met with silence and piercing gazes, making the woman uncomfortable and conscious of what she had just said. After some awkward silence, low sound echoed in the room.

"Pitiful creature, do not speak ill of Him. His life was destroyed the moment he was created. However, he persevered more than any one of us to achieve what he has as we speak. His might is beyond the mortal realm and surpasses that of even the realms of the gods. No matter what happens, he will always be at his peak. If one were to cut him in half, he would still walk; if he were burned, frozen, and then poisoned to death, he would stand up and take his revenge. Do not underestimate Him." The speech froze the blood of the Phoenix and the God of Beasts, Anima [Rank 9].

Both had recently joined the Council of Gods after defeating their predecessors, but even in the realms of the gods, the power difference was evident.

The ones who were ranked 6 or lower were of equal power, but their experience increased as the number decreased. From rank 5 upwards, the power steadily increased; comparing the God of Serpents, Echidna [Rank 5], to the God of Sea Kings, Thalassa [Rank 6], would be like comparing a lion to a wolf. Although both were respectably strong in their own rights, the lion was undoubtedly superior. Yet, when one reached the God of Energy, Arcana [Rank 2], who had just spoken, the power scale tilted. By estimate, it would take at least one hundred Katans to even lay a scratch on Arcana; a Katan who could lay waste to an entire country by himself wouldn't even reach the ankles of Arcana.

Despite that, Arcana worshipped him, the Slaughterer, as his idol and god. Reminiscing on the past, Arcana remembered the last spar that he had had with him. Although it had lasted barely two minutes, Arcana had been cut up numerous times, his face disfigured to such an extent that it could barely be noticed, and he had even used up his entire mana pool. And all that time the Slaughterer did not move at all. For such a being to even exist was truly defying the heavens.

Standing up abruptly, Amina sprang around and walked into the darkness, his tail in between his legs. After watching him leave and seeing that no one interfered, Echidna transformed into numerous minuscule snakes and disappeared, while Phoibos changed into fumes of fire and vanished.

Seeing this, Katan sighed and whispered loud enough for everyone remaining to hear, "The young ones have no respect for their elders these days," and left himself. One by one, each left, and only Arcana was left. Taking a last glance at the empty, grand seat, he too dissolved into energy and left.

In the obscure, empty room, nobody was left. After making sure of this, Vesnic Inamba released his invisibility spell and appeared sitting on the supposedly empty seat. Lifting his hand, a magic circle appeared on top of it, and slowly, his surroundings changed. In his true form, Vesnic stood on a massive island surrounded by water and greenery as far as the eye could see.

"My friend, I am truly sorry, but there is nothing left for me in this world. I have reached the pinnacle of everything there is to reach for. My arms ache from grabbing onto every thread of hope, and my legs are weary from my unfaltering strides." As he spoke, magic circles appeared below his feet; they spread across the entire island, which spanned tens of thousands of kilometres.

"The curse of my bloodline, which has caused me suffering for eons, will finally have meaning. I will rise to the top again from the bottom, but this time I will begin an age of mindless slaughter," I said, suddenly thinking about Arcana and words he repeated to him after one of their spars: 'Life is meaningless without something to do with it. What you do is decided by you and you alone, but remember, my friend, that life has no meaning unless you give it meaning. That is what you forgot to do in this life, but in your next, I hope you remember Vesnic.'

"No, I will not bring an age of mindless slaughter; I will bring an age of meaningful slaughter," he finished as the magic circles dissolved, sending visible mana particles into the air, which slowly rotated around Vesnic.

"The past, the future—whichever one it is, I will gladly accept it!" The mana particles vanished into thin air, taking Vesnic with them.


Vesnic gradually opened his eyes; a scene of barren land welcomed him. 'It doesn't seem to be the Land of Dragons, nor is it anywhere near it.' Looking down, he checked his body, and just like he had hoped, everything he had previously was on him. To have a fresh start, he did not bring any of his special artefacts, just plain, simple, obsidian black clothes and nothing else. He decided on having a unique body to stand out. His hair was a mix of green and red, and his eyes were affected by heterochromia and were green on the right and red on the left. His face was above average, and coupled with his lean body, it was attractive, to say the least, but Vesnic had no interest in using it in such a manner unless drastic measures were needed.

Not wanting to waste any time at all, Vesnic sat on the solid, bare ground and inspected his body. Closing his eyes, he sent his mana throughout his body, checking the current condition of every part. His physical body seemed to be the same as his last, able to survive any attack without much damage; even his mana core was at its peak. Vesnic was created to be a perfect being. He was a half-dragon, and the other half was every other species except the energy spirits. Being part dragon enabled him to have a massive mana pool, an incredibly tough body, and a long lifespan. Combined with the elves, the species with large mana pools, the dwarves who could live for millennia, and the part hydra, he could regenerate any part of his body. He could use any magic, survive falling from the sky, and live for aeons. He was perfect.

However, his perfection was his curse. His father, the Dragon of Time, and his uncle, the Dragon of Space, travelled throughout time and space, impregnating species after species and aiming for the perfect dragon offspring. Unfortunately, due to the overuse of natural mana, they passed away, leaving Vesnic as the unfinished product of centuries of work.

Because of this perfection, he had nothing to aim for and nothing to earn except wandering the world searching for answers. Shaking his head and clearing his head of useless thoughts, he circulated mana around his body for one last check-up before finishing up. Slowly, he breathed in and then out. Repeating this process, a couple more times, he then started his mana breathing technique, the one he created after wiping out a nation, the Draconic Slaughterer's Wish.

This technique used the stored-up blood and essence in his core and converted them into mana. He then started to absorb the mana particles in the air at a rapid pace. Because the mana particles in the air were small and even if they were absorbed it would barely add any mana to the mana pool. Converting them into blood and essence increased the amount of mana they could be converted into later.

In this world, what he needed to cast his magic were immense amounts of mana and knowledge of magic circles. He already had knowledge collected over eons, and his mana core was the largest any being could reach. Now all he needed was to accumulate mana.

After spending a couple of days on the Draconic Slaughterer's Wish, he had reached approximately seven percent of his maximum capacity. This would be enough to cast several eight-circle spells.

Standing up, Vesnic stretched out his body slowly and manipulated mana to check his control. Putting his hand out, he cast three eight-circle spells. The ground in front of him was erected, and three different flowers popped up. To anyone else, these flowers may look useless and something you would step on without thinking, but to Vesnic, they were as important as his clothes. Each flower had its use in the world of alchemy, such as the Weisor, because if it was mixed accurately with other specific ingredients and boiled correctly, he could concoct a mana potion that would restore double the amount of mana used to summon it. Why did the Slaughterer have such a spell in his arsenal? Because he was bored.

hi, from the start i wanted to clear up some stuff:

first we have the body and in the body we have a mana core. in the mana core there is a mana pool and in that mana pool is mana.

next is that there are runes and multiple runes make up a circle. then we have another lot of runes and those runes make up a circle. then those circle overlap/combine and become a second circle and so the process goes on.

after that is the mana core. i have already said that mana doesn't regenerate naturally and i will mention the methods to later so that is way the Draconic Slaughterer's Wish is useful.

i think thats it, if there is anything else or anything i was unclear on, i will add it on later. please leave a review if you have any criticism as any of it will be useful. thank you for supporting me by reading this! i hope to see you next time.

DateHydecreators' thoughts