
Everlasting Bond

Under the twilight stars, pair boy and girl running together to grab happiness. After losing many things, they supporting each other in despair. In their will and promise, never shall they separate. Even fate said otherwise, even destiny against them. This a story about a pair of boy and girl. They aren't Heroes nor Villains. Yet, their life full of wonder, fortune, and misfortune. This is a life story of him and her. Dragged in many strange incidents, meeting with various people. Gained and lost many things in their long journey. Weaving strong and beautiful bonds with people they met in the way. This is their story. This is their life. This is the story of Arc and Misha in Everlasting Bonds. =================================================================================================================== Note for reader: To every reader, note that I'm not an English native, so there may mistake in my writing. Need to know this story will release irregularly. For the genre, it would increase as the story goes on.

Oiltumpah · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 40 – The Risk Being a Magist    

"…" (Arc)

"Why are you day dreaming there, Arc?" (Misha)

"Nothing." (Arc)

"...That where Herlin is, is it?" (Raina)

"Why you stare there?" (Misha)

"Well, maybe because we'll visit her." (Arc)

Arc, Misha, and Raina strode through corridor. Passing their time leisurely.

"By the way, yesterday quite hectic." (Arc)

"Ugh. Please don't mention it, Arc. How could there someone like that?" (Misha)

Now Misha understood with the painful feeling of all doctor that handling with such careless patient in books she once read and hospital she once resided.

It's funny to watch it from sideline, but very stressful when you one the one handling that.

"!!!" (Arc)

As Arc, Misha, and Raina strode over the corridor. Arc suddenly step in front of Misha and Raina, readying as if trying to protect them.

"Arc?" (Misha)

"Master?" (Raina)

"…" (Misha)

Master should be me, right?

Misha still doesn't realize the 'master' Raina mean was Arc.

Ahead of them, a pale face young man appeared.

"Huh, Misha?"

Arc's face tensed as the young man approaching them.

"…Brother Sora?" (Misha)

Misha realized the cause of Arc's action when she saw him.

The young man before her is the third son of Everyne family, Sora Everyne. Unlike the others Everyne family, Misha didn't have close relationship with him and always feels something strange about him. Their relationship practically almost like stranger.

It's quite coincidence to meet Sora now. Misha felt weird since she rarely encounters him although they live in same building.

"!!!" (Raina)

"Raina!?" (Misha)

Raina suddenly jumped in front of her, grunted like beast toward Sora. Misha surprised seeing Raina reacting stronger than Arc upon see her first meet with her brother.

Found his way blocked by the hostile pair of her sister servant, Sora complained.

"W-Whoa. Misha, I had said to reins your servant." (Sora)

"...Sorry brother. Excuse me." (Misha)

Seeing Arc and Raina didn't intention to release their vigilance before him. Misha chooses to leave.

Take a last glance to Sora, Misha dragging Arc and Raina leave with her.

"Arc, Raina, why you behave like that to brother Sora?" (Misha)

"…He dangerous, scary, terrifying. He's like those long poison beasts in wilderness. Ready prey you in any moment of weakness." (Raina)

"Long and poison beast? You mean snake?" (Misha

Misha startled. It's first time she heard Raina saying so much at once. But her description toward her brother made her uneasy.

"Arc. Is that how you always feel about my brother?" (Misha)

Misha asked this question since Arc always raising his vigilance whenever he encountering Sora Everyne.

"*Nod* Right, something like that. I always felt being stared by cunning dangerous snake whenever I near him." (Arc)

"…" (Misha)

Misha didn't have word.

"...You two may thinking too much…" (Misha)

Although she said that, Misha don't have much confidence with her words. If only Arc, she could dismiss that, thinking Arc thinking too much. But coming from both of them made her thinking her brother may dangerous as they said.

Misha shook her head and shifted her thought.

"Let's go, Arc, Raina."

She postponed the matter of her brother for time being.

Now, they went to Vermilioness Atelier.




Arc watching the surroundings.

"Raina, are you there?" (Arc)

"…Here." (Raina)

"Misha." (Arc)

"What?" (Misha)

"How come we are here?" (Arc)

"Beats me…" (Misha)

Misha also haves no word as she looking the forest before them.

–A while ago.

Arc knocking the Vermilioness Atelier door.

"Excuse me. Auntie Eli, we come to visit." (Arc)

However, there's no reply from inside.

"…Maybe they're out now." (Arc)

"Let's in." (Misha)

"Is that okay?" (Arc)

"We're just waiting inside until they come. C'mon!" (Misha)

"…Okay." (Raina)

"Whatever." (Arc)

Arc resigned at Misha's whim.

"Hmm?" (Arc)

Arc felt a weird sensation through his skin as he grabs the door handle.

"What's wrong?" (Misha)

"Nothing." (Arc)

Then, the children went in without suspecting anything.

As they open the door, a strong light coming from inside and engulfed them.


And the children mysteriously vanished from their spot.


A young lady looking at her unexpected guests.

"Miss Misha, what are you doing here?" (Elisabeth)

"Oh, Auntie Eli, we come to visit. By the way, can tell what's going on." (Misha)

"Sorry Miss Misha. It seemed you somehow involved with my space transfer." (Elisabeth)

"Wait, space transfer? Auntie Eli, you could use Space Magic!?" (Misha)

"Space Magic? Isn't that one of most difficult magic to learn?" (Arc)

"…Space magic? What is it?" (Raina)

Space Magic as name suggest is magic that manipulate space. The amount Space Magic user even more scarce than Healer or Puppet Magist, to the point people doubting their existence may just a myth.

For how powerful the Space Magic is they not know. All they heard about Space Magic just hearsay. Even Misha couldn't find any record about Space Magic in Everyne library.

"No, there's no way I have that ability." (Elisabeth)

"Eh, then how we could be transferred here?" (Misha)

Misha asked wonderingly.

"If it wasn't magic, then it's an artifact." (Arc)

Arc guessed the reason.

"What a keen child you are, Little Arc. That's right. I have something that could transferring us to distance in instant." (Elisabeth)

"Could I see that!?" (Misha)

"Nope. This is a lady's secret." (Elisabeth)

"Boo." (Misha)

"Stop that, Misha. Auntie Eli, what you're doing here anyway?" (Arc)

"Where's Herlin?" (Misha)

Misha looking left and right. They currently in forest. While Elisabeth appeared before them after being transferred, they didn't see Herlin's figure.

After Herlin be mentioned, Elisabeth giving a rather troubled look. The children not Missed the change of her expression.

"What a coincidence. You two suddenly appeared in rather perfect timing. My apprentice truly lucky… Could you come with me for a moment? This is about Herlin." (Elisabeth)


Arc and Misha shocked hearing Elisabeth sounded worry. Looks like Herlin unknowingly got into problem.

"What happen to Herlin?" (Arc)

"Is it serious?" (Misha)

"Nothing sort life threatening, maybe. But very unusual one." (Elisabeth)

"Please don't beat around the bush, just tell us straight, Auntie Eli." (Arc)

"Well, Herlin about to awaken." (Elisabeth)

"…" (Arc)

"…" (Misha)

"??" (Raina)

Raina tilted her head at the sudden silent.

"That is? Isn't that great? What the problem?" (Misha)

"Why you very anxious with Herlin awakening, Auntie Eli?" (Arc)

Arc and Misha fail to see Elisabeth's worry. In their view, the matter of awakening is something that worth to celebrate, not worrying.

"W-What? Did you know Magist awakening under ten years is something unheard of?" (Elisabeth)

Arc didn't have much reaction, just pointed at Misha.

"…" (Elisabeth)

Elisabeth was speechless. She forgot Misha was the proof of unheard case.


"I mean, I have checked her condition and already predicted Herlin would awaken in her twelve. How in the world her awakened suddenly shifted ahead? If I couldn't realize the problem, it might endanger her condition." (Elisabeth)

"Hey, just say that!" (Arc)

"Is there anything we could do to help?" (Misha)

"Currently, nothing. However, you could help me with the processing of her awakening." (Elisabeth)

"Sure, no problem." (Misha)

"We ready to help." (Arc)




Elisabeth brought the children deep into forest.

When reached the destination, Arc saw Herlin sitting in the middle of big magic circle. Misha felt bewilder when she heard Awakening Ceremony from Elisabeth.

Are these all necessary?

Masha thought.

"You all!" (Herlin)

Herlin shocked by Arc and others' unexpected appearance.

"Why you here…?" (Herlin)

"Coincidence." (Arc)

Arc replied promptly.

"We already heard your problem. We'll help you." (Misha)

"*Nod*…" (Raina)

"You knew…? Auntie Eli… did you told them…?" (Herlin)

"That's right. Their appearances were unexpected, but I could use extra hands to help with your awakening." (Elisabeth)

Elisabeth nodded, went to table near the circle.

Seeing all the preparation, Misha questioning.

"Anyway, Auntie Eli, what are these things? Is this really necessary for awakening?" (Misha)

"...Miss Misha, all of this necessary preparation for Magist Awakening Ceremony. How could you not know despite being a Magist yourself? Just how did you awaken?" (Elisabeth)

"I don't exactly know. I was self-taught, just trying to follow the instruction in Magist book I found and boom! I exploded and suddenly awakened." (Misha)

"...…Just like that?" (Elisabeth)

"That's right… No, I recall I destroyed my house library after that." (Misha)

Elisabeth held her head, amazed with the story.

"How the hell that supposedly worked!? Miss Misha, do you know the thing you attempted is very dangerous? Awakening supposedly not done haphazardly like that. If you made grave mistake that time, you may already dead now!" (Elisabeth)

"Really!?" (Misha)

Elisabeth admonished. Misha surprised by the risk of her past attempt.

"Excuse me, Auntie Eli, Misha. Before continuing your conversation, are you not forgotten something." (Arc)

"That's right. We'll continue this later, Miss Misha." (Elisabeth)

Before the conversation between Misha and Elisabeth heated up, Arc puling them back to their original purpose.

Elisabeth took out a big jug under the table, then spread its content on magic circle.

"What is that?" (Misha)

"Firezard's blood." (Elisabeth)

"…" (Misha)

"What the use?" (Arc)

"It'd enhanced Herlin's constitution during her awakening." (Elisabeth)

Elisabeth handed the jug to Arc.

"Cover the entire circle with this. Please doing it evenly." (Elisabeth)

"Okay." (Arc)

Then Elisabeth brought out two small bottles on the table and gave those to Misha.

"This mana potion in case you run out mana." (Elisabeth)

"Run out mana? Auntie Eli, what you intending me to do?" (Misha)

"You'll cover the entire circle with barrier during the process of awakening. Don't let anything from outside disturb Herlin and me when the ceremony started." (Elisabeth)

"...What'll you do in meantime?" (Misha)

"I'll be Herlin side. Guiding her until she fully awakened." (Elisabeth)

"…Aunt, I know I already asked, but are these really necessary?" (Misha)

"They are. It's actually very weird you awakened at your age without Awakening Ceremony." (Elisabeth)

"But there isn't any Awakening Ceremony from my place. This even first time I realize it." (Misha)

"Really?" (Elisabeth)

"Yeah, even Arc didn't have any." (Misha)

Elisabeth sighed at Misha's lack of knowledge.

It actually not Misha's fault. Misha coming from a Warrior family. They know nothing about Magist and there isn't anyone that taught her about being proper Magist. All Misha could do was Self-learning with Arc.

Elisabeth then explained to her.

"Miss Misha, do you know the reason of Magist scarceness?" (Elisabeth)

"Because of talent?" (Misha)

Misha randomly answered.

"There also. But, the true reason because of the risk during awakening?" (Elisabeth)

"Risk?" (Misha)

Elisabeth nodded.

"There's fundamental difference between Magist and your so-called Warrior. Warrior already have strong constitution that supporting them during their awakening and have less mana than Magist. Making their process awakening smoothly without need of Ceremony." (Elisabeth)

"But it's different when come to Magist. When a non-rank Magist attempting to awaken, the mana and potential that slumber inside their body would forcedly bring out at once in order to fully awakened as Magist. However, if they don't have strong enough constitution or not have support from a full-fledged Magist, there a risk their body exploded and die." (Elisabeth)

"That's why Magist Awakening Ceremony was created. To raise survival rate of Magist during their awakening. The magic circle beneath our feet serves to raise Herlin's constitution. And I will beside her, guiding her awakening so there wouldn't be any mishap happen." (Elisabeth)

Misha's face turned ashen hearing Elisabeth explanation.

"That bad!?" (Misha)

Arc who overheard their conversation slowing down his pouring. He becomes more careful to not making any mistake.

"That's the reason most people not attempting to awaken before reaching adulthood, when they in their best age and physical. That's time Magist have a sure survival chance during awakening. Though, many genius children forcefully awakened in their eleventh."

"Aunt Eli, couldn't you just delay Herlin awaken?" (Misha)

"The problem is I couldn't. The mana inside her almost burst out. If I didn't awaken her now, she'll forcibly awakened later without any prior preparation. That's more horrible than now. Just what trigger her awakening?" (Elisabeth)

Misha's head wetted by sweat. Now she heard another reason of Magist scarceness. Being a Magist riskier than she thought. The explanation made Misha realize it's miracle she still alive now.

Now Misha truly realizes the weight of Herlin's matter.

"Let's help Herlin!" (Misha)

Misha said as she didn't wish Herlin have any incident.

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