
Everlasting Bond

Under the twilight stars, pair boy and girl running together to grab happiness. After losing many things, they supporting each other in despair. In their will and promise, never shall they separate. Even fate said otherwise, even destiny against them. This a story about a pair of boy and girl. They aren't Heroes nor Villains. Yet, their life full of wonder, fortune, and misfortune. This is a life story of him and her. Dragged in many strange incidents, meeting with various people. Gained and lost many things in their long journey. Weaving strong and beautiful bonds with people they met in the way. This is their story. This is their life. This is the story of Arc and Misha in Everlasting Bonds. =================================================================================================================== Note for reader: To every reader, note that I'm not an English native, so there may mistake in my writing. Need to know this story will release irregularly. For the genre, it would increase as the story goes on.

Oiltumpah · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 25 – Mayhem in the Opera House      

"Whew, that was exciting." (Misha)

"Yeah." (Raina)

"…It's good…" (Herlin)

"…" (Arc)

Wearing satisfied smile, Misha and others set off the stage toward changing room, as their part in the show was over.

"Thank for the help, little lady."

"Hey, hurry get to stage."

As they exited, they passed the people will replace them acting as adult version four princesses. Continuing Misha and other's part as four princesses in their childhood.

Misha was happy since they complete their task without problem.

"…" (Arc)

Contrast with Misha's mood, 'the silver-haired princess' beside her was depressed, since 'she' was forced into this inexplicably situation.


Just how this happen?

For how they became performer in the opera house, it was something happened hours ago.




––Three hours ago.

Misha, Arc, and Raina following Herlin to the opera house's changing room. Using the key that snatched by cat, they went through back door.

"So that key for the back door." (Misha)

Now Misha realized why Herlin was chasing the cat desperately.

"Herlin, where have you been?" (Elisabeth)

As they came in, they meet Elisabeth that have been waiting in the room.

"Hmm?" (Elisabeth)

Elisabeth then noticed Misha and other presence behind Herlin. She slightly cocked by the appearance of unexpected guest.

"Miss Misha, what are you doing here?" (Elisabeth)

"That…" (Herlin)

"I will explain, auntie Eli." (Misha)

Misha explained the process of development that led to the current situation.

"––Then, since we are free, we thought visiting this place." (Misha)

"…Is that so?" (Elisabeth)

Elisabeth's forehead wrinkled, ingesting Misha explanation. After a while, a sigh escape from her mouth.

"Then, I'm grateful Miss Misha bothering to help my disciple again." (Elisabeth)

"Don't be like that auntie Eli, it just coincidence. Moreover, there's nothing wrong with helping a friend." (Misha)

"…Friend…" (Herlin)

"Friend, huh?" (Elisabeth)

Herlin and Elisabeth repeated the word 'friend' in different nuance. Herlin was slightly dazed, while Elisabeth has meaningful expression.

Somehow, Misha and others felt little intimidated by that expression.

"It's good to know my disciple have a friend…" Elisabeth paused. "By the way, Miss Misha, did you like my gift?" She shifted the subject.

"..." (Misha)

Instead answering, Misha went silent at the question.

"Miss Misha?" (Elisabeth)

"Madam Elisabeth." Arc raise a voice.

"What is it, little Arc?" (Elisabeth)

The way Elisabeth called Arc, showed how differently her treating him with Misha. Arc doesn't mind since it's appropriate with his status, and continue what he intending to tell.

"We need have a serious talk regarding that gift. I hope Madam Elisabeth doesn't mind to spend some time with us." (Arc)

With all seriousness he has, Arc expressing the urgency of the situation.

When Elisabeth saw that expression, something clicked in Elisabeth's mind.

"Don't tell me you managed to make those cards worked." (Elisabeth)

Madam Elisabeth, what does that mean?

Despite having a little misgiving in his heart, Arc nodded.

"…I'll trouble then…" She said with troubled expression.

Arc squinted since Elisabeth's reaction somewhat suspicious.

"Tell me, what were––" (Elisabeth)


"What!" (Arc)

"Huh!" (Misha)

"*Flinched*…!" (Raina)

"!!!" (Herlin)

"Who!?" (Elisabeth)

Before Elisabeth finished her word, the door suddenly slammed open and someone dashing in.

"Elisabeth~ Help meee~!" Cried by a man with such girlish tone.

That man rushing at Elisabeth's side with a girly movement. Elisabeth's expression was soured when she saw the man approaching her.

Hearing the newcomer's voice, the children felt goosebump creeping through their body. Immediately, they strode off, away from the man.

"You… What else this time?" Said by Elisabeth tiredly, holding her head as if she suffering a headache.

"Elisabeth~ Hear me. This time, we are in deep trouble~!" (Womanly Man)

"Haa~." Another deep sigh escaped from her lips. "Hurry up say it. What deep trouble this time?" (Elisabeth)

"Yay~ I know you would help." (Womanly Man)

"…Do you want tell me or not?" (Elisabeth)

Elisabeth sounded tired and irritated the longer she talking with this womanly man.

"I will!" the womanly man prompted.

"You know, it was bad, so serious, so grave~. We'll be destroyed any rate if we don't solve it immediately." (Womanly man)

"...Straight to the point…" (Elisabeth)

"The young princesses' role vacant! Except for the shy princess, the other young princesses' player couldn't come here. If it like this, the play will fail before it even begun!" (Womanly Man)

"What happened to the actresses?" (Elisabeth)

"The cheerful princess' fell sick. The elegant princess' return to hometown. And, there's no news about the silent princess' situation." (Womanly Man)

"Great. Just how could all the problem gather in one moment?" (Elisabeth)

She surprised by how the three actresses absent with three different causes.

"Why don't prepare substitute?" (Elisabeth)

"I can't~ There just merely three hours before the show begun. There isn't even time to search suitable substitutes!" (Womanly Man)

"Leave it to me, I have already candidate in my mind." Elisabeth smiled, looking at the children's direction.

At the corner, Arc, Misha, and Raina staring at Herlin, seemingly curious with the identity of that womanly man.

"Herlin, who is him?" (Misha)

"I don't know…" (Herlin)

Herlin hurriedly shook her head, as she doesn't know any man that speak with girlish tone, nor desiring to be.

"Is him Elisabeth's friend you mentioned?" Arc guessing.

"Please… I don't to know… and I don't want…" (Herlin)

Even though Herlin said she came here to help Elisabeth's friend, she hasn't met or saw that friend. So, Herlin doesn't know the appearance of Elisabeth's friend. However, she wishing it wouldn't be him.

"What you kids talking about?" (Elisabeth)


Unnoticedly, Elisabeth already behind the children.

"Ah, nothing. We just curious who is him." Arc pointed the womanly man that standing at corner.

"Him? He just an old friend." (Elisabeth)

As soon Elisabeth said that, light vanished from Herlin's eyes, as though she abandoned by world.

"Don't give me that look. I also regret befriend with him." Elisabeth flicking Herlin's forehead.

"Uhh~" (Herlin)

Herlin pressing her forehead.

"By the way, he also the director of this building." (Elisabeth)


Big news!

The children shocked silly by the revelation.

There many urban legends that circulating in the capital. Misha and others had many chances to heard that legends since they love strolling around the capital.

One of them is the opera house mysterious director.

The rumor spoke the operation and the play of opera house lead by a genius artist. But, no one know who is this artist, and no one ever saw his appearance ever since the opera house built. Even though there's no appearance, there many clues that lead to his existence.

Since there clues, people believe with this man's existence despite his never appearance. This unknown genius quickly became famous, and known as most mysterious artist in the capital. The wonder of Myrdiana mystery.

Today, Misha and others unexpectedly discovered the mysterious director's identity.

The mysterious head of prestigious opera house in Myrdiana Kingdom capital, known as Mr. Butterfly Smile, turned out that womanly man!

Misha recalled the ladies of Everyne house love watching the play in the opera house. She even heard they held admiration for the director. Misha wondering how they'd react if they meet this womanly man.

Such mischievous though flashed in Misha's mind. She then shook her head, cleared that thought clean from her mind.

"Wait, if he's your friend and a director of opera house…" Misha presuming, her eyes running through at Herlin's dress. "Herlin, are you working as actress here!?"

"Huh…? Y-Yes, I-I'm… Ah, no, wrong, I just helping…" Herlin giving a disordered answer.

Although Herlin jumbled at her word, Misha still could comprehend the content.

"What are you helping at?" (Misha)

"She'll show up on the stage as replacement since the actress for the role she'll play can't come." (Elisabeth)

Elisabeth instead the one answering the question.

"Oh, is that so." Misha nodded. "So, what the role Herlin will play?"

"She'll play one of four princesses." (Elisabeth)

"What kind role is that?" (Misha)

"Well, it is one of the protagonists in the play we'll show up." (Elisabeth)

"The protagonist herself!? Did you called this just little helping!?" (Misha)

"Now, now, Miss Misha. This just short role despite being a protagonist." (Elisabeth)

"Why is that?" (Misha)

"Because this role just describes the short moment of protagonist childhood. Once it's over, the real protagonist will enter the stage, replace Herlin on the stage." (Elisabeth)

"Oh." Misha nodded.

Basically, even though Herlin will be playing as protagonist's childhood, it wasn't different with a minor character in the play.

"…Um…" (Herlin)

"What is it, Herlin?" (Elisabeth)

"…What about him…?" She pointed at the womanly man, Mr. Butterfly, who looked so anxious.

When Herlin turned her sight, she spotted womanly man squirming anxiously in the corner. Since his movement so unique and disgusting, Herlin couldn't ignore him.

"Oh right, I almost forget him." (Elisabeth)

"Elisabeth~!" (Mr. Butterfly)

Mr. Butterfly shocked. Despite the distance, he still could hear the content of their conservation. He was so shocked when he heard he almost being forgotten by his helper.

Elisabeth facing Misha with rather sunny smile.

"Miss Misha, are you interested in taking part of show?" (Elisabeth)

"Huh? Me?" (Misha)

"Three of you precisely." (Elisabeth)





After Elisabeth proposed and some twist and turn, Misha and others partake in the show.

Mr. Butterfly had a doubt at first. Although they managed found substitute for actresses, with little time they wouldn't even remember the content of script.

However, the children didn't use ordinary way to remember all the content of the script. With combination of [Mind Strength] and [Mind Balance] Spell, they managed to remember the whole script in less than ten minutes in such forceful way. Mr. Butterfly, even Elisabeth, taken aback by their achievement.

However, Mr. Butterfly doesn't mind, instead, he was happy with this happy unexpected development, since it'd mean his show will secured. While Elisabeth, she little curious with the spell Misha and others used to memorized the script content.

With that, the play went well, and everyone was happy.


Well, everyone except for Arc, since this event pushed him into such inexplicably and shaming situation.

His eyes dimmed as if there no love in the world.

When Misha and others returned to the changing room, someone unexpected have been waiting for them there.

"You seem have so much fun, Misha." (???)

"Brother Emer!?" (Misha)

Misha shocked by the appearance of her brother.

How could brother Emer here?

"What are you doing here?" (Misha)

"No, Misha, it should you why are you doing here?" (Emer)

Emer responded with glare.

Looking him, Misha awkwardly avoided Emer's eyes contact. In her heart, Misha wondering why brother Emer would been everywhere she going.

Emer ignored Misha, scanning 'the princesses' around her, then rummaging the surroundings.

"Where your servant, Misha?" Emer asked, frowned since he didn't find a figure that should beside Misha.

"Oh, Arc. If is him, he was here..." (Misha)

At the end of sentence, Misha's voice quieted and stopped, caused she recalled what state Arc currently in. Her gesture and smile getting more awkward.

"Where?" (Emer)

Emer shaking his head left and right, but he couldn't find him.

A tired sigh blew out from 'the silver-haired princess'.

"I'm here, young master." Said 'the silver-haired princess' with resigned tone.

"Huh?" (Emer)

Blinking out, Emer petrified on the spot, unsure how to react. No matter he looks he just seeing a beautiful little girl standing before him.

Emer turned at Misha with bewildered face.

"Hey Misha… What is this situation? Why are your servant dressing up like a girl?" Emer questioning, as he never expected this little princess turn out the little servant.

Toward this question, the light inside Arc's eyes dimmer. He looked up, seemed lost something precious.

"Ha-ha-ha, that… hear me brother, I'll explain." (Misha)

Misha gave full explanation of why they here to why Arc dressed up like girl.

"––Because of the lack of people, we need substitute for this people replacement. Since the role was for girl and there's no longer girl left, we're forced give this role to him, then dressed him up like a girl… I swear this not my idea, brother."

"Ha-ha-ha" (Arc)

A wry laugh escape from Arc's mouth.

Emer rubbing his temples, getting a headache from his sister whimsy act.

"You'll come with me, Misha" (Emer)

He decided let his father handle the situation.

"Could you please wait, Brother? There's something I need finish here."

That's right.

Since Misha and others too busy and surprise with the sudden play, they truly forgotten the matter of fate cards. Misha recalled this matter when she got on the stage.

She planning to ask Elisabeth when she get off the stage.

Honestly, Misha never expected Elisabeth would playing as the villain in the play. Somehow, her role seems fit with her image.

"If you still have matter here, hurry up finish it."

"Well, I afraid––"



A strong throb pulsed through the room, caught off their attention. Immediately, they turned at the direction of the throb.

That throb just now seems came from audience seats.

Suddenly, the whole opera house grew quitter. Not just the place Misha's party currently in, even the play stopped by this unknown throb.

"What was that?" (Emer)

"Brother, did you feel that too?" (Misha)

"Yeah." (Emer)

"…" (Arc)

At side, Arc fell in completion. Somewhat, he feels this throb familiar to him.

He raised his head.

Right, it was when we're on the outside.

Then, a great alarm rigging inside his mind.

From above, he felt danger approaching.

"Misha!!" (Arc)

"What!?" (Misha)

The warning come too late.


Afterward, a great explosion occurred above.