
Everlasting Bond

Under the twilight stars, pair boy and girl running together to grab happiness. After losing many things, they supporting each other in despair. In their will and promise, never shall they separate. Even fate said otherwise, even destiny against them. This a story about a pair of boy and girl. They aren't Heroes nor Villains. Yet, their life full of wonder, fortune, and misfortune. This is a life story of him and her. Dragged in many strange incidents, meeting with various people. Gained and lost many things in their long journey. Weaving strong and beautiful bonds with people they met in the way. This is their story. This is their life. This is the story of Arc and Misha in Everlasting Bonds. =================================================================================================================== Note for reader: To every reader, note that I'm not an English native, so there may mistake in my writing. Need to know this story will release irregularly. For the genre, it would increase as the story goes on.

Oiltumpah · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 1 – A Changing Day

*Swish* *Swish*

In the backyard.

Under the red sunset, Arc swinging his sword repeatedly.

The sword swinging smoothly. It's a simple repeat swing up and downward without any unnecessary move. Still not flawlessly but already quite good for child at his age. Arc quite mastering the move as he keeps doing this for two years.

The Everyne backyard, the place Arc currently using to train was a beautiful yard. It simple for noble manor, Duke's particularly. The side of backyard filled with lush box gardens leaving empty space in the center.

At this time, Arc often using the backyard for training. Evening is time Arc no longer have work as servant and he'd freely spend his time as long it not breaks rules. Also, no one would come bother him in the backyard at this time.

*Tap…* *Tap…*

Footsteps can be heard from distance.

Correcting his state. No one would come except her.

Arc didn't need to turn to know who was come. He already instinctively recognizing her from her footsteps.

A small figure quietly strode toward him, watching him train vigorously. The little girl not calling him, just standing close to him.

With a slight smile on her face, Misha gazed at his every move.

*Swish* *Swish*

Steadily, Arc keep swinging his sword. Misha appearance won't bothering him. He already used her presence. Rather, it'd slightly bothering him if she didn't come as she always there whenever he trains.

After swinging for the 300th time, the sword fell from Arc grab. His tense body loosened after releasing the sword. Despite the sword look ordinary, it's very heavy actually. The sword weighting more than two head-sized stones. Quite a heavy sword for a child. By the time he finished, Arc drenched by sweat.

*Pant* *Pant*

Arc gazing his sweating hand. Just yesterday, he barely swung that heavy sword for hundredth and almost fainted. Now he could swing it three times more and still have energy to stand. He can't believe with his steep risen strength.

Then he saw a pair small leg walk up to him.

"Here." (Misha)

Misha passed a dry towel and water bottle to Arc. The towel throwed and fell on Arc's head.

"…Thank you." (Arc)

Grabbing the towel, Arc wiping the sweat off his body.

Whenever she coming here, Misha would always bring towel and water with her.

At beginning, Arc bewildered by Misha behavior. Isn't the act bringing towel supposedly a servant job, not the other way around, he thought.

"That's because it's responsibility of master to look after their servant," respond Misha when he asked.

Arc feel that's little different from the supposed responsibility, but he stopped minding after a while.

"How is it?" (Misha)

"Good, I feel managed to control my strength." (Arc)

He said while drinking.

"Oh, by the way, congratulation for your breakthrough as Warrior, Arc!" (Misha)

"This's nothing compared to you, Misha." (Arc)

Reply Arc wryly.

Today, Arc made breakthrough from an ordinary child to First Rank Warrior.


It's term for mana-user martial artist. Using mana to strengthen body, break the boundary limit of ordinary, and achieve infinite possibility. A powerful warrior can smash mountain or split sea and heaven. Many who desire that possibility but few who can achieve it.

The people with average talent can awaken when they reached adulthood. In other word, when they reach age fifteen. For Arc become a First Rank Warrior before adulthood, showing his promising future. Everyne house almost thrown into uproar because Arc breakthrough.

"What are you saying, Arc? Aren't you a genius who awakened before adulthood? Don't be humble." (Misha)

"…Are you really the one said that, Misha?" (Arc)

Arc said with skeptical look.

While Arc almost created uproar, the one before him managed thrown chaos in the house. Arc's achievement still not matched with her.

"You already at peak First Rank Magist before adulthood. Not to mention you awakened as Magist when you at six." (Arc)

"…A-ha-ha." (Misha)

Misha laughing, scratching her head shyly.

Besides Warrior, there's another mana-user occupation.

It's called Magist.

Magist is existence that more powerful than Warrior. While Warrior strengthen their physical body beyond boundary with mana, Magist is someone manipulating mana itself. Using mana as medium they can create and control impossible phenomena that known as magic. Magist can release fire breath that burn everything, controlling storm obliterating anything, or causing gigantic tidal wave that swept everything. Their existence greater compared to that Warrior.

Magist were stronger and scarcer. Among 50.000 people just 100 would awaken. 95 of them become Warrior while the remaining would become Magist. That how rare Magist is.

A chance one of ten thousand.

Talent of Magist is hereditary or chance. The Magist talent can awaken through Magist lineage. As long they have Magist bloodline in their vein, they have great possibility to become Magist. There too random people that suddenly awaken even without bloodline through luck or mysterious chance. No one know why even the people themselves. People that awaken through chance usually weaker or stronger than average Magist.

Misha's talent in the chance category.

Misha's talent unknowingly appeared and quite monstrous. For it made Misha capable to awakened at six, show how monstrous her talent is.

Arc can only imagine the uproar she created as he not been here at the time.


Sighed, Arc felt little lonely can't view her awakened. He then threw his sight up.

"It's getting dark." (Arc)

"You're right. We have been here for so long." (Misha)

"Let's go in, Misha." (Arc)

They both entering the mansion together.

As usual, the mansion filled with magnificent sight. Since night approaching, the whole mansion lighted.

When they step in mansion hall, they stopped.

"Young Lady." (Arc)

"…Yes, Arc." (Misha)

Arc change his calling to formal title that befitted with Misha position.

As servant, that's how Arc supposedly to address her considering their position. It just Misha very uncomfortable when Arc called her Young Lady or etc.

Misha wanted Arc behave normally around her, but Arc could get punished if he behaves like that. Eventually, they agreed to drop any formality between them just when there's no one around them.

"I'll go to kitchen now." (Arc)

"Okay, safe work." (Misha)

After they parted, Arc hurriedly walk to laundry. Thrown the wet towel to basket, cleans his body, changed to set of work grab, then went to kitchen.

"You're here kid." Said a scary looking uncle.

"I'm here Mr. Zafh." (Arc)

Arriving in the kitchen, Arc greeted by the head cook, Mr. Zafh's angry look. He got scary scars on his face that could frighten people upon first meeting.

In the kitchen, he and the other cooks peeling potatoes.

"Help us peel the potatoes." (Mr. Zafh)

The head chef prompted command.

"Okay." (Arc)

Arc grabbed the nearby peeler and sat around potatoes pile with his colleagues. No one give a word to him. All the cooks focusing on the task in their hands.

Actually, since Arc become Misha's servant, few people would exchange words with him. The other servants seldomly talks to him unless needed. Feeling there a wall between him and them.

Arc already accustomed with their cold action.

This time, however, Arc felt the gap between him with them widened.

Arc felt a little sad. His master always said to befriend with the workmate, but it seemed that truly hard to ask.

Arc tilted for their change.

Mr. Zafh shook his head when he saw this. He's understood the reason for the gap. No longer minding him, Mr. Zafh return his focus on his hand.

All the workers beside Arc are professional.

Soon, the potatoes were peeled. They then readily preparing tonight dinner.

Arc watching from sideline while doing the chores as he'd increase the burden if he involved. Arc noticed, for some reason, the number of chores more than usual.


Arc sighed as doing his chores.

After hours work, the dinner was done.

All the worker left the kitchen as their work finished. Leaving Arc and Mr. Zefh alone in the kitchen.

"Hey, kid." (Mr. Zafh)

Mr. Zafh called him.

Arc glanced at him.

From his stiff expression, seemed it'd a serious conversation.

"What's up Mr. Zafh?" (Arc)

"Kid, starting tomorrow, you don't have to come here anymore." (Mr. Zafh)

"Huh?" (Arc)

Arc shocked, thinking he heard wrong.

"There's no longer need you come here." (Mr. Zafh)

Mr. Zafh repeat his word with regretful tone.

Arc staring blanky at him.

Don't come here?


There's unwillingness in his heart to leave this place, as still he wants to learn here.

"Why?" (Arc)

Arc asked unwillingly.

"You're now a Warrior, different from ordinary people like me. This isn't place for people like you anymore, but outside there." (Mr. Zafh)

The matter of Arc's breakthrough spread fast, even Mr. Zafh that Arc known for ignoring worldly matter knew it.

"But I'm haven't finished my apprentice here yet." (Arc)

"There's no need for you. Just leave that kind chores to people here." (Mr. Zafh)

"Uuu…" (Arc)

Mr. Zafh sighed at Arc's unwilling expression.

"Don't make that face. Me too unwilling. Kid, you're most hard-working and diligent kid among brats over here. It's saddening me to let such good apprentice." (Mr. Zafh)

Mr. Zafh expressing his regret. Personally, he wants Arc keep learning under him.

"There're so much I want to teach you." (Mr. Zafh)

Because Arc is the one most passionate and talented apprentice that learning from him. Any teacher won't leave such good student under normal situation.

"…Mr. Zafh…" (Arc)

Hearing Mr. Zafh said all of that, ceased the complaints in his throat.

Still, he was unwilling though. Arc has his reason to learn under Mr. Zafh. Just as his goal within reach, it's suddenly disappeared. Arc didn't want all of his effort become wasted.

As Arc fell sadness, an idea struck in his mind.

"Mr. Zafh, can I come back again?" (Arc)

"I said kid. You didn't need do chores anymore." (Mr. Zafh)

"No, that isn't..." (Arc)

Arc shook his head.

"I mean, can you teach how to cooking when you're free?" (Mr. Zafh)

That was his reason. Because of his circumstance, Arc have great interest in cooking. Sadly, his workmate and teacher won't even let him touch the utensil.

Under Mr. Zafh, what Arc learned until now just some simple ingredients preparation and basic cooking that even amateur can do. Mr. Zafh hasn't taught Arc the real cooking is.

Mr. Zafh stayed hearing his request.

"You quite obstinate one, Kid." (Mr. Zafh)

He chuckled.

"Well, I know you Kid interested with cooking, but not this degree… No problem Kid! If you truly interested, find me here after dinner." (Mr. Zafh)

"Really? Thank you, Sir!" (Arc)

Arc beamed hearing Mr. Zafh acknowledge.

Mr. Zafh smile wryly looking at Arc's such expression.

"Isn't there something you need to do now?" (Mr. Zafh)

"Ah, right! I need go now. Excuse me, Mr. Zafh!" (Arc)

"Later, Kid." (Mr. Zafh)

Bidding his farewell, Arc went to his master located.