

Ace, Ty, Trevor, and Theo are reincarnated into a new world of where Descendants roam the magical realms, however, they will be reincarnated into the same body. How will they face the challenges as one? Will they manage to keep their secret, a secret? Will they aim to change this world or will they be corrupted by their past? Dive in as our protagonists attend one of the eight academies, as they collect petals and study the different elements under the Primordials. As they adventure through the different realms and explore the lost art of summoning.

Hedtea · Fantasy
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31 Chs

New Beginnings (III)






To anyone watching, they could not tell Caleb's body was alive, but she knew there was more than one consciousness inside the body, five to be precise, one way weaker than the other four but still somewhat present.

She had been watching the body of the five year old for a while when she felt immense power emanating from his body. Then, the consciousness started drifting away as the child's breathing became uneasy so she had to intervene in order to preserve the anomaly this child was.

She then proceeded to perform a healing spell which steadied the breathing rate. When she felt the consciousness growing again she left. She had no intention of intervening with humans.


After a few hours, Caleb regained consciousness again or more like Ace, Ty, Trevor, Theo and Caleb. Caleb was very weak but he was still alive. After seeing Caleb's last moments, their own last moments passed before the eyes of all to see. They now knew at least how they died.

◇Okay can someone explain to me what is going on? What the hell was that just now?◇

◯I was about to ask the same thing, we're supposed to be dead right?◯

۶If that was the case why did I just feel like I was dying all over again?۶

◇I already f*cking died once, I am not looking forward to doing it again◇

۶Well I decided to die in order to not suffer anymore so-۶

◇Great so we have a p*ssy in our ranks, and I thought we could not be worse◇

◯Oh shut up yeah? He is brave because I know I would not be able to do what he did◯

◇Do what? Chicken out?◇

۶I did not chicken out, okay? I did it for the people around me۶

◇Yeah yeah, they all say the same thing◇

◯Oh really? Well then with how many dead people who committed suicide have you talked to?◯

۶For God's sake, I did not commit suicide۶

◇Wait, where's the other one?◇

๑I have a name you savage, and I am thinking๑

◇Well, want to share?◇

๑I can't f*cking think with your voice constantly in my head-๑

۶Our head۶

๑Gosh yeah whatever, our head๑

۶Thank you (Mental smile)۶

๑We might've been reincarnated in another world after dying but it is weird that we maintain our memories and personalities๑

۶Like an isekai anime?۶

◇Like a f*cking what?◇

۶An isekai anime, you know, they travel to another world and are super overpowered, wait, does that mean we are overpowered? (mental eyes glisten)۶

◇(Mental facepalm hard)◇

◯Okay I am now curious, let's go for a ride in this body◯

◇Well yeah but who controls it? How do we work?◇

๑We'll take turns trying to open the eyes and whoever can do it, will control us for now๑

۶Please don't let it be the jerk۶

◇I'm right here◇

The first one that tried opening Caleb's eyes was Ace, because Ty wanted to make sure she could not do it, and he was correct as she failed to control the body. Then it was Theo's turn as he was the one who proposed the idea, and he failed too. After him was Ty's turn as he was eager to be the overpowered MC he wished, but he also failed. Finally it was Trevor's turn but everyone already knew the answer.

Trevor opened his eyes to see a flash of blinding light all around them, he closed them instantly as an instinct.

۶Open theeeem, I want to seeeee۶

He proceeded to their eyes again but this time he fought against the urge to close them. As his eyes adjusted a colorful canopy and lines in the air came into view. What they were seeing was the magic itself that permeated everything in this new world to which they had been sent.

Trevor proceeded to move his arms around their back and lift their torso so they would have a better view of the woods around them. They were dumbfounded with how bright everything was.

◇What is going on? Why is it so beautiful?◇

๑What are those strange lines floating in the air?๑

۶That is obviously the magic of this world, seriously guys did none of y'all ever read a comic?۶

◯It pains me to admit it but Ty might be the only one who knows what is going on. Is it so cliché?◯

۶I think I should feel offended but thanks for the compliment; as for how cliché this is, well only time will tell۶

◇Okay but is Trevor the only one capable of controlling us? Can't we take turns?◇

๑We will get to that but first, try to get up Trevor, and walk๑

◯Will do◯

Caleb's body functioned as normal, Trevor was surprised at how easy it was to move this body, it was indeed their own. They walked around for a while in the forest, the grass was long, the tree tops provided shade only allowing small rays of light which under their magical eyes were gorgeous. Animals could be heard chirping and rustling around, the air smell like wood and dirt relaxing their muscles under the peaceful smell.

After a while of walking around, Theo exchanged places with Trevor, while they walked, he had been studying how it felt to not control the body in order to figure out how to change the person "in charge" of the body. They spent the day exchanging the person in the driver seat.

Eventually, night came. As they were trying to figure out how to sleep and do not let the body unprotected Theo thought that it should be possible for them to sleep and remain awake at the same time as each had their own consciousness. As was expected of a scientist, he was right.

They then spent the night with at least one of them keeping watch as for some reason, the body didn't need sleep, even though it was the body of a five year old. Although they were awake and could move around, none of them dared to explore the woods in the night. It was their first time since being reincarnated to be, or at least feel, alone. In a day they had accustomed to each other's voices constantly in their head and they even missed it.