
Everchosen Journey Of Heroes

In A world of modern society monsters from another dimension or even realm appear out of unknown reason. But with there appearence the new power's emerge in humans. These people become strikers who defend the humankind from the evils of these beasts.And with this a new era begins..an era of strive and continuous conflict between humans and monsters. The story follows one of these individuals.Genji Yamamoto a man who has been a victim of the first invasion. But his Power has more secrets then anyone else knows...

KaiserIvandrierch · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 11 Training Starts and Number one

After a long day of school and the unknown attack. Genji was resting and eating in his room in the middle of the night. He thought to himself what did exactly happened and asked himself:

- Why she felt so weird.. like she wasn't a human but add to that. It felt like she was dead..

Genji quiet confused decided to not think about it and went out of his room and went to balcony. He stood outside and watched in the distance as he noticed Orisa next to him. He asked:

- You can't sleep Orisa?

Orisa stayed silent. Genji got worried but didn't interrupted her as he stared onward towards the distance. He commented:

- One day... My story will or may End... And others will take my place. Or follow my steps. That's something everyone knows. No one lives forever.

Orisa started to cry and hugged him which surprised him. He tho only smiled and patted her head as he stared into the distance watching the moon and the stars going past earth. He then proceed to light up a small candle and look next to it towards the entire night sky. As he looked into the sky he said to himself:

- But...no matter what happens I won't allow it to happen.

Orisa hearing it froze and listened in as Genji continued:

- Because everyone forges there own destiny. If you want to die. You will. If you want it to end. It will. But I won't allow it to end so quickly. Don't worry about that Orisa.

He smiled and quickly hugged her as Orisa blushed and hugged tightly back. Genji then asked:

- You were sad because I would leave you guys?

She immediately nodded as Genji quickly answered to her response:

- It's alright I am here and I won't leave you guys at all. I promise.

He then smiled as Orisa hugged him more. He then picked her up and carried her to the closest couch. As he layed her down he got a weird sensation and spoke to her:

- I will be back..i need to check something...

Genji went to the front door and peaked through it seeing a figure slowly walking down the hallway. He closed the door without making a sound. He heard the figure approach the door and growl. He immediately commented:

- Come on. I don't want to fight in the middle of the night!

The figure suddenly spoke in a cute and adorable voice:

- I am sorry for disturbing but could you let me in?

Genji froze recognising the voice immediately and opened the door to see the Korean girl in front of him and spoke:

- You are the girl from our class! What are you doing at my apartment!

The girl looked at Genji and quickly answered:

- I..I am sorry..it's just..I don't have a place to stay ...

Genji was confused since he knew The White Serpents were wealthy. He immediately asked her:

- But isn't your .... Clan the richest In Korea?

She immediately answered:

- M..my clan said I should just leave..I ..have a personality disorder! And I always cause trouble!!!

Genji didn't really think much about it. He only really started to think what he could do in such a situation he thought to himself:

- "I can't let her in... All places at my apartment are taken. I..i ... Wait.. I know!"

Genji quickly kneel down to the girl with happy face and spoke:

- Give me a moment ok? I may have a place for you to stay at temporarily ok?

The girl nodded as Genji immediately called Hisashi. Since Hisashi was Livin with Kyo it would be easier since there apartment was bigger. He called for a minute and suddenly Hisashi picked up:

- " Hello there Genji bro! Why are you calling in the middle of the night?"

Genji quickly responded speaking to the phone:

- "Hey . Sorry if I call in bad moment. But.. the Korean girl from our class... Came to my apartment and said she had nowhere to stay ..... But I can't get her inside. I don't have any more places. You get it?

Hisashi Quickly answered:

- "Got it old friend. Give me a few minutes and I will be there! Or you can get her to my apartment!"

Genji smiled and let out a sign of relief and answered to Hisashi:

- "Thank god. I was worried. I wouldn't find anyone. I am gonna be there shortly."

Hisashi quickly responded:

- "Yes yes! See you soon!"

Hisashi ended the call and Genji went to the girl and spoke:

- I don't have room for you. But a friend of mine does. Does it work for you?

The girl nodded shyly as Genji closed the door and offered hand to the girl and spoke:

- Take my hand. I will take you to his apartment.

The girl obliged and took the hand and quickly spoke:

- Will.. you become my friend?

Genji looked at her kind of confused from her words . But her gathered himself and quickly responded:

- Yes I will don't worry about that. Everything is gonna be fine.

The girl hugged Genji's arm which made him feel kind of uncomfortable but be didn't said anything. Then Genji put hand forward and opened a port right in front of Hisashi's apartment. He walked through with the girl who seemed to trust him. She suddenly commented:

- it feels bad ..and sudden but .thanks to your arm I felt safe..

Genji looked away blushing as he really was embarrassed and just replied:

- It's alright. I am doing what I would do either way really. I am trying my best to help the others. Although...

She then looked at him and spoke:

- Its about that girl from the banquet isn't it?

Genji then nodded and sheed a tear while saying:

- I have lost the only person I could call family... I ...I don't know what I can do..

Genji was heartbroken... He didn't wanted to show it but his heart was severely damaged in case of his emotions. He was keeping all Hid anger.... Rage and sadness inside. Although it was hard he pulled forward with it. But then... The girl spoked again:

- Hey. I heard you may meet her soon. It's possible she will come to be a transfer student. With that guy but still .

Genji looked at her as Tears of pain and suffering rolled down his cheeks... He didn't knew what to thought about the information she then quickly hanged onto his neck and spoke face to face:

- Listen I heard about you. Everchosen shouldn't be so clumsy should he?

Genji froze hearing from she knew who he was. At that moment Hisashi opened the door and spoke:

- Sorry sorry lovebirds! I didn't expected you would make out at my doorste-

Genji immediately sucker punched him in the gut causing Hisashi to fall to his knees holding his stomach in pain. As Genji commented:

- We..were just speaking. Understood?

Hisashi quickly answered

- Ok ok! Sorry ! But next time don't make it so obvious! Because some people can think badly!

He stood up as Genji put the Girl down. He then spoke:

- Tomorrow we have something important. So get some sleep. Goodnight.

He walked towards his portal as the girl suddenly yelled to him:

- My name is Chin-Sun Ho! I hope we can meet again soon!

Genji smiled a bit as he walked through the portal to his room and closed it. Hisashi quickly asked Chin-Sun:

- Hey you did you first time?

He immediately got punched in the nuts by Chin-Sun. She smirked and walked into his apartment as he commented:

- Ok... Now I get why you are so dangerous..

She laughed and spoke:

- Well you will see what I can do tomorrow and be ready to be destroyed.

She grinned as both head into the apartment closing the door.

On the next day Genji who already arrived to Academy was waiting in the class for the teacher . But every student came and no teacher. Genji was confused since he didn't knew who could be there teacher today. Katashi quickly spoke to him:

- Hey have you seen miss Aoi? I thought we had a lesson with her.

Genji replied:

- No.. I noticed she didn't even left her papers and her Sandwiches on the table. Or desk how you gonna call it. Seems maybe another teacher today..

Hisashi came over and asked:

- Have you guys heard..about the news?

Both looked at him and Katashi asked:

- Um no? What kind of News?

Hisashi then spoke with very serious voice:

- It is said that Number one... himself will teach our class...

Genji didn't think much of it but. Others on the other hand... Were silent and excited. Katashi gasped and quickly noticed Genji wasn't impressed and asked him with a serious voice:

- You don't know how important it is?! The number one teaching us!!

Genji responded:

- I am gonna be honest. I didn't knew about him much. And besides. No offense but it's just a teacher. What is so special about this lesson?

Kyo came over and quickly Answered to him:

- The number one hero is the most respected hero there is. We only know him by his Hero Name. Imperios Symbol of Unity.

He is a reminder why heroes are one. And why we humans should always work together.

Genji listened in and suddenly heard heavy footsteps towards the class door. He already knew it was someone strong just by his way of walking. Suddenly one of the students stood up and yelled:


As soon as he said it. A heawy Armored figure walked in bearing a giant blue cape with Japanese symbol. His armor of heavy purple colours mixed with a dark blue. The figure turned to the class the eye holes of the helmet ignited with blue as sky eyes and the figure spoke:

- Welcome class! I am happy to have finally came back to my hometown of Tokyo. But you students know me very well. I am Imperios. The symbol of unity. The number one hero of the United society of heroes!

He rose his hand to the air with his clenched as all the students yelled in admiration and excitement. Most of the students were absolutely Crazy. Genji noticed it all and thought he was missing something still. Then Imperios spoke:

- I am very glad everyone welcomes me with such enthusiasm. It's gonna be important because today we gonna do a special training. It's gonna be a team fight!

The class looked at themselves and some smirked while Chin-Sun made a giant as hell evil grin and Genji noticed it and thought:

- "I don't think everyone here is on good terms from what I can see... Some will try to go full on out.. although he is number one he can't attack innocent students if necessary.."

Genji looked at Imperios as he himself looked around the class and commented:

- I heard about the students from this class. Some are truly unique and could caught my eye. But it truly depends.

Suddenly Imperios spoke again:

- The training will happen in a giant forest zone we have behind the school. That's why I want everyone... To get there hero suits. But for that follow me.

He then walked out as Genji quickly followed him with the entire class. Every other student who saw them Seemed jealous because they were the first ones to meet the number one up close. Genji thought to himself:

- "This number one really seems powerful I need to say. I will want to test him later.. but for now I should focus on the training section of the lesson.."

Suddenly Principal Chiyo runned over and spoke:

- You are sure you want to take them there? It's not safe 100%! And besides it's a forest! You can encounter monsters!

Imperios laughed and quickly Answered with calm voice:

- Don't worry about that's after all they have a number one in front of them. Good luck trying to approach the kids while I am here. Chiyo don't underestimate me..

Principal pouted and commented:

- I dare you to hurt Genji I am gonna get you for that!!

The class looked at Genji who wad looking away with very embarrassed face. He thought to himself:

- "I am in the center of attention!! Damn you principal!! I am so embarrassed!"

Imperios immediately commented:

- I heard things about that Genji.. Pretty interesting student.. is Genji here today?

Everyone made way as Genji turned around towards the two heroes and spoke while rubbing his own neck:

- It's me Mister Number one. Names Genji Yamamoto. I won't Bragg about my strength because that's not why I have in the first place.

Imperios laughed and quickly commented:

- I like you already. Someone who understands that power is not everything. Need to say the students and the future heroes suprise me every year principal.

Chiyo smiled and quickly spoke as an compliment:

- That's true everyone from this class is unique. They are poor or rich. But what they have in common is to become great heroes in the future for a reason. So I am pretty sure that not many people would be the same as them.

The students listened to the two as Imperios Looked upon the students with his sharp eyes that weren't really visible. He could tell all of them were unique and special and commented in his mind:

- "Seems the class is as unique as I expected. That Genji tho. Something about seems even more special then the others. Although some of the students have different aura..his is like completely Invisible to me. He is truly unique."

Chiyo then spoke:

- I will be your advisor on the team fights. So please let's get going.

Principal went forward and Imperios spoke:

- Come on everyone let's go.

The entire class followed soon after him. Genji was the only one from the class who seemed to be in a state of Thinking. He thought In his mind:

- "That number one guy...seems strong.. he was able to judge who was the strongest here..I saw that by just his stare.."

Genji chuckled as the group of students arrived to the lockers and started to change. Genji choosed a lot more military outfit. Having a vest, tactical boots a black shirt and to add to that black jeans. On top of that also he had a cape and gloves and a mask to feel more like himself. He looked around at the others as he stood at the locker room door. He suddenly heard something. It was a talk outside of the lockers so he decided to listen in:

- Hey Don't you think that Genji-kun is weird? I mean I get you like him in many terms Chiyo but that is just you know.

Genji peaked out and saw Aoi speaking with Chiyo. Chiyo answered:

- Maybe..he is nice and all. Although I saw what he can do once.. he isn't an ordinary student. But that is something I will keep to myself for now.

Aoi looked at her quite mad and spoke:

- You. How dare you Chiyo? We are like friends. Or even best besties. And you even say that? What the hell?!

She grabbed Chiyo as Chiyo quickly responded with:

- Because I care about Genji Goddamit! And don't you dare say stuff like that!

Aoi replied as she was wrestling Chiyo:

- He?! I only am being nice because you told me to! For me he is just another brat who I will discipline! He already seems to lack some things! Especially focus on something's!

Both of them continued to argue as Aoi threw a punch at almost punched Chiyo . But Genji rushed in tanking the punch and flew into the wall and felt down. Imperios immediately runned over and yelled:

- What happened?! I heard a crack!

Aoi froze in shock as Chiyo rushed to Genji and spoke:

- Genji! Genji! Why did you jumped in?!!

Genji opened his eyes and just sat up as commented while looking at her:

- Its fine. And besides. Both teachers shouldn't really argue about such stupid things right? Or is that just my thinking? Because this Seemed immature..

Both of the women went silent as Chiyo went to Imperios side and is silent. Imperios Quickly spoke with crossed arms:

- If it was again about the entire arguing about boyfriend... I am gonna have to take action...it always happens because of some stupid Reasons... But for now we have a class to teach. Let's go.

Imperios head to the forest while Genji followed him. Chiyo followed with Aoi but both stayed silent due to what they did. After there arrival the rest of the class arrived in many different hero suits. Hisashi was styled to an ancient Japanese samurai while Kyo's looked like a rockstar. Chin-Sun tho.. had a beautiful white ninja outfit with a mask and a sword . She looked at Imperios as he and the others arrived. He then spoke:

- Alright class. I am very proud of your costumes. But know this. The costume doesn't make a hero. A hero makes his own costume. And the costume is only to help you it isn't required for a real hero. But most importantly this training will be a lot different then what you could expect.

Genji went next to Ayaka who had a beautiful kitsune outfit. He knew most of the people here are Inspired by Japanese culture. He looked towards Imperios who spoke:

- But now to the serious topic the training. We are right now at the ground Zeta. A gianormous forest filled with many abandoned buildings made for exam purposes. The most important region we gonna use is Zeta 01. This sector contains a small set of buildings with one massive white concrete building. The sector is made for the team fights. Or as we call them. Elimination matches.

Imperios using his power teleported everyone near the ground Zeta 01. The students were amazed while Genji looked around already taking some notes of the terrain. Imperios then continued:

- The Elimination matches are made for a simple purpose. To show the difference in your skills. I know most of you don't know eachother that's why. This training will bring some of you closer and will allow you to coordinate better. Any questions before I start explaining the objective?

Katashi raised his hand and quickly spoke:

- What about the teams? How we gonna choose them?

Genji quickly spoke with a very relaxed tone:

- I say we do it Randomly. In the real fight or action or mission you will be working with heroes from different agencies, corporation's or even smaller groups and even orders. Because of that working with random people could help us in developing such required skills and awareness.

Chiyo was very surprised as she commented:

- Exactly what Genji said! Such TeamWork and teams will be a lot more beneficial for your growth to become heroes.

Ayaka quickly asked the as well with also a big question:

- Is there any reward if we win?

Aoi and Chiyo almost snapped and yelled but Imperios stopped them and answer with very happy voice:

- Of course. I am pretty sure your teachers could take you to a restaurant or something after this. Or maybe in the future?

He looked at Aoi and Chiyo who were dumfounded and angry but couldn't really argue. Then another student spoke and asked:

- What if someone has enough power to kill someone even by accident?

Everyone looked at the guy as Imperios quickly asked:

- What is your name If I may ask?

The student respond by taking off his helmet revealing his white and black hair and pure red eyes and spoke:

- Kenzo Imai. I am from the Family of the Secret Selver class heroes. To be exact. Hero Exuliar.

Imperios Looked at the student suddenly with piercing death stare and asked:

- Why are you saying you abilities are enought to kill?

Genji looked at Kenzo as he spoke:

- My ability is the same as my mother's. In short words I can cause harm to others with single strikes. Internal bleeding, organ rupture. And many others.

Genji quickly looked at Him and asked:

- What is your ability exactly?

Kenzo looked at Genji and responded in a sarcastic way:

- It's called Biological Internal Razor. It's just one of my many. But beside that. It allows me to cause critical harm inside of the bodies of the enemies. In the case of humans it's hard to control what exactly I do.

Aoi walked up and quickly grabbed Kenzo's arm and spoke:

- You should know that speaking about Selver class is prohibited... It's not only a secret but also a big crime to say about it without permission!

As she was about to spoke something Genji immediately walked up and grabbed Kenzo by his shoulder and spoke:

-You said it to make others jealous. But also you even though your higher status would give you an advantage in this class.

Everyone was shocked and Aoi immediately asked:

- H..how did you know that?!

Genji pointed at his hand on Kenzo's shoulder that generated black like veins on the hand and he answered:

- It's one of my abilities. I won't spoil what I can do when I touch you with it. But trust me it can be bad. But if you are here only to show off. I would suggest changing your Carrer.

He took his hand off Kenzo who immediately punched Genji in the gut causing a rupture of his Heart. Genji vomited blood which caused Chiyo to yell in panic. Kenzo commented:

- Know your place . Not worth of being in this school tras-

Genji suddenly stood up holding the place where he had his heart and commented drolling with blood

Through his mask:

- You know that was a dick move.. not only that you think that will stop me?

Everyone was dumbfounded seeing Genji literally unfazed. He Imperios then proceeded to walk up and put his hand on Genji's shoulder and ask:

- Are you alright Genji?

Aoi tackled Kenzo down and and holded him down and yelled:

- You broke a schools rule of attacking other students! Are you out of your mind?! I knew I shouldn't have gave you the good start. This class needs discipline. Although I need to compliment Genji for telling me that you are one corrupt piece of shit!!!

Genji commented and spoke while holding his mouth:

- It's fine. I am gonna be ok. But expect it. I want Kenzo to participate either way.

Everyone looked at Aoi and Imperios and Chiyo used her healing magic on Genji. Aoi gritted teeth and released Kenzo saying:

- If I see another move like that it will end badly..got it brat?

Kenzo spoke nothing as he stood up and just listened in. Imperios quickly responded:

- Ehm! Either way. We have to do the training. So the training are be simple. Two teams of four Gonna have to face eachother. But only that. The Red team which will be the Monsters or villains will have to manage and capture this.

He lifted up a small fluffy creature that pour. Every girl immediately yelled:

- SO CUTE!!!

The guys were confused. As Imperios explained:

- This is Silva. Or as we call them "Aqua Belios". They are small yet friendly monster or a species of them. They are our allies and allows us to track down higher level monsters. Or even find ancient artifacts related to them. That's why the monster team will try to capture Silva. But the Heroes or strikers will have to defend it and take down the villains at the same time. I remind you all again the Monster team wins if the grab Silva or touch her with both hands or eliminate the heroes. The heroes win by defending Silva and defeating the monsters. Now. Is everyone ready for the Training!

Every student immediately yelled:


Imperios then lifted up his hand and clenched it and yelled as the sun showed:

- The I officially announce the training has begun!