

The next day, he redeemed again. Again with the environment factor, again having 12 balance.

This time, he received the 'lowest tier cultivation technique' along with the words [Congratulation, you might be able to leave the island if you cultivate without break for 900 years. Rejoice.].

Char gritted his teeth and didn't say anything. Being asked if he wanted to use 1 point to apply the technique, he affirmed.

A rush of information entered his mind... or not. His nephew had bragged about the complexity of techniques in those stories, yet what Char received was quite... tame.

In fact, the technique only had 2 requirements; sense qi and breathe a certain way.

This time, Char's eyes bolted and he almost could not hold him himself. He was being taken as a fool! This is a scam!

Indeed, Char had, to some extent, already practiced this technique while meditating. It was just that the breathing was slightly different.

Still fuming, Char sat down in a meditating posture and tried to practice the technique. However, his mind was still jumbled in anger and thus half a day was wasted.

Only then did he collect himself and finally make an actual start.

In fact, it was quite easy. Even though the technique was extremely slow, it was also equally simple. So simple that he did not have to even meditate.

After discovering this, he started practicing whenever he wasn't sleeping, eating, or interacting with the system.

The only problem was his concentration. Although it had increased to 1 hour, it was still only 1 hour.

Whenever he could not concentrate, he could not practice the technique. Thus, most of the days were wasted.

Luckily, he would feel his hunger slightly sated after absorbing a milky drop. This would happen roughly once an hour and cause a pleasant feeling to course through his body, however slight.

After absorbing his first drop, the system had presented him with information on the first realm. There were 10 stages within and, according to the system, each stage would increase the physical abilities of the practitioner.

Additionally, Char was also informed that, at his current speed, he would need 1 month to enter the first stage.

Upon asking when he would no longer require food, the system only told him not to concern himself with things so far into the future.

Thus Char continued his days, practicing whenever his mind would allow.

The island was perfectly quiet, as it always had been, only 1 figure disturbing this natural paradise. The occasional white dot on the figure would disappear and be replaced soon after, the occasional wave washing ashore. Apart from this, nothing moved but the sun slowly sinking into the horizon.