
Ever after by Emmelina Clotilde

A mature female lead who knows what she wants and the story of her struggles, success, growth and healing. Its not just about love, its about family, career, society, system and the biggest question of all to be or to not to be? Avril is a half-French and half-Indian girl who is trying to navigate life without her parents' guidance while fending off herself from her petrifying enemies. She is a military-affiliated doctor in India, who has finally connected to her other side of ethnicity after 18 years. Aimé is an orphan who lost his parents in a strange accident when he was just a child. He lives with his only close family- his grandfather on the outskirts of town in Valencia, Spain. He is half-Spanish and half-French and meets Avril in his last summer of high school in France. He is a business major and plans to expand his business globally in pharmaceuticals and insurance. This story has everything the tags promise however it would take some time to really understand and some development in the story to show. You would see it in the upcoming chapters so stay tuned.

Emmelina_Clotilde · Urban
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18 Chs


Aime: No no please don't do this to me. I can't, I can't live without you

Avril: Oh please don't be dramatic. I can live very well without you and so can you. You would forget about me in a month or two…I mean we only knew each other for a few months 

He came closer and closer until our foreheads met. We both had tear-streaked cheeks and red noses. I couldn't look away from him nor could I push him away. How was I supposed to walk away for our own good then? 

Aime: Please, please, pretty please Avril?

His lips were soaked with his tears and his eyes- his deep blue eyes looked so melancholic and chaotic at the same time.

I kissed him. For a long, long time we were both out of breath. My tongue intertwined with his while he kept biting my lips. He then wrapped his arms around me and put his face on my head. He held me tightly and just wouldn't let me go.

Avril: It's been half an hour we are just sitting like this. Just because you hold me like this won't mean I won't leave…you can't hold me like that for eternity anyway.

Aime: I would if that meant you wouldn't leave….. How did you get hurt anyway?

Avril: Why did you say my parents murdered yours?

Aime: The last call I remember my mom frantically making before she and dad tried to get us out of France was to Francoise….

Avril: There are at least a hundred if not tens of Francoises in the city?

Aime: My dad said that the Duhamels obviously won't pick up now. After you left I went to the study and saw a file of Anaëlle Yáñez.

My mom was Anaëlle Yáñez.

You need to tell me who tried to hurt you now.

Avril: hahaha…I'm gonna get you killed just like my parents might've killed your family. You NEED TO LEAVE NOW Aime. Please I beg of you. Please just leave. I promise life would be much better without an ominous presence like mine in your life again.

Aime: I'd rather die than live without you….I'm afraid of losing any more people in my life…What if someone tries to kill you when I am away? How would I be able to live knowing that?

Avril: If I need your help, I will call you. But you need to leave for college anyway, right? I have applied for a college in India. I'll be safe there but you need to go far far away from here. I'm stopping all of this now. I don't care about what happened to them. I just don't want to lose any more people now…

I was trying my best to convince him to leave when he suddenly started unbuttoning my shirt. I was perplexed at first but then he said-


Avril: It's nothing …it was just a ruffle with some girls from my previous school.

Aime: What kind of ruffle gives you such dark bruises all over your body? It's more like someone was unilaterally hitting you with a rod. The Avril I know would've broken that into pieces or at least hit them back so they wouldn't look up at you again. Tell me it's okay...tell me what happened?

Avril: It was the Inspector, he told his assistant to hit me after he locked me up in a cell for half a day… It was cause I probed him too much about my parents…

Aime: Wait, what but why? Who is he? What's his name? I will find a way to get him fired or at least suspended. How could he do that to someone innocent? This could be taken to the media too but first, we should-

Avril: You need to leave, If not for yourself at least for me. This is not a fight we can fight alone especially not as aimless college students. As it is it seems my parents had dragged yours enough in this to get them killed and I don't want to repeat the same mistake, it's not going to bring them back it might just end up hurting or even killing more innocent people I care about and you definitely can't be one of them, Aime. I won't be able to live without you.

And it's not like you won't get to see me at all. we can call, text, and even Skype whenever you want. You can come to visit me in India too, we can explore that beautiful, rich and diverse country of mine together in the holidays as well. H*ll, I can catch a flight to wherever you plan to study whenever you want. It is going to be fine. Everything is gonna be okay but first, we both need to get out of France as fast as possible and not leave a trace behind. I'll talk to my aunt about this but I won't tell her where I am going or when and you should do the same except you have to talk with your grandfather about it though.

Aime: You promise me you won't fall for another guy right? You will always love me, right?

Avril: I won't even talk to other guys if not extremely necessary and I can never stop loving you even if you tried killing me so don't worry and just go in peace.

He kissed me on the forehead and left to pack his back. I was only holding back tears because for some reason I thought this was the end. It is not like any girl won't hit on a guy like him even if he declares to the whole world that he is in a relationship. It is not necessary that someone he loved in his teens for one summer should be his wife too. We may both change and become completely different in our late twenties what then? How long is just texting and calling going to suffice for him? What if he wants more and I can't give it to him until after marriage? What if we don't have any sexual chemistry and then everything else fades away? And what if most importantly I am the danger to his life and my parents were actually the m*rderers?

We soon left for the train station. In the taxi, none of us spoke a word and there was anxiety and uncertainty in the air around us. I walked him to his coach and hugged him goodbye but I couldn't let him go let alone walk away.

Aime: It's time Av, the train is gonna depart soon if you don't go now. This is what you wanted…

Avril: whispers If- (I choked again) If- If you find someone else you want to be with… could you, could you just at least text me that- that you don't love me anymore? I promise I won't be mad but you have to, have to tell me the moment it happens okay? I really won't be mad at you but please just-

He kissed me and didn't let me finish my sentence. I was embarrassed because there were people around and he was not letting go of my lips, my hands, my body.

Aime: I shall rip out my heart with my own hands if it dares fall in love with someone that isn't you. My heart belongs to you but more importantly does my brain and my body and my soul. If there is such a thing as an afterlife, I promise I shall be with you in every one of them and always find you no matter if you are a girl or a boy, pretty or ugly, rich or poor, old or young. Even if in those lives I can't possibly be with you romantically I'll still be ecstatic as long as I can be around you, as long as you talk to me, and as long as I can at least see you. So don't worry my love I'll be there, always.

Avril: Te amo, Te amo más que nada en el mundo!

I had to leave quickly now because the train had started to run. I had ran soaking in tears as always but I was happy this time.