
Eventful life of a divination elder

[Warning! Graphic depictions of violence] During his life on Earth, meteorologist Wang Feng was a well-respected member of the scientific community. Especially his papers on chaos theory managed to push people's understanding of the subject further than ever. At the age of 85, he died surrounded by loved ones. However, death was not an end for him. Here comes the thrilling tale of Wang Feng the diviner! What to expect: -Factions -Political struggles -A cultivation world that's economically active -Multiple points of view.

Divinationelder · Eastern
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166 Chs

21.Emotional struggles of a Venerable

Shi Hong got up from the sea of naked bodies he was sleeping within. There was no comfort for his heart, even in beauty's embrace, there was no respite. He was the owner of the tallest pagoda Shoushan Sect leader, Thousand Puppets Venerable Shi Hong. He opened the door to his balcony. Looked down at the scenery. He understood things about this scenery no one would ever dream of. All the things he did to get this place up and running, every now and then, crept into his dreams.

Among his myriad puppets, there were puppets modeled after the undead. An undead appears when a cultivator's body and soul (the spark) are gone but his cultivation base still walks the earth, seeking to accomplish its former owner's last wish. That might be protecting somebody, killing somebody, building something, finishing a project, or destroying a thing. Whatever its purpose is, to encounter one was considered bad luck.