
Eventful life of a divination elder

[Warning! Graphic depictions of violence] During his life on Earth, meteorologist Wang Feng was a well-respected member of the scientific community. Especially his papers on chaos theory managed to push people's understanding of the subject further than ever. At the age of 85, he died surrounded by loved ones. However, death was not an end for him. Here comes the thrilling tale of Wang Feng the diviner! What to expect: -Factions -Political struggles -A cultivation world that's economically active -Multiple points of view.

Divinationelder · Eastern
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166 Chs

150. Divorce

Wang Feng's biggest asset in finding other universes was his own spark. His own soul was the only one he knew for sure to come from another universe. He was a bit reluctant to mess with his own soul. 

Through a spree of bandit killings, he hoped to find out how and where their souls went. The research bore no fruit. The only thing Wang Feng could figure out was that the sparks affected every cell in the body simultaneously while having no mass and occupying no space. It was really bizarre. What's more, the effect of the sparks on the body was zero-sum, meaning that if the spark affected a certain point by one unit of measure, it affected another point by minus one unit of measure, making detection of the sparks really hard.