
Eventful life of a divination elder

[Warning! Graphic depictions of violence] During his life on Earth, meteorologist Wang Feng was a well-respected member of the scientific community. Especially his papers on chaos theory managed to push people's understanding of the subject further than ever. At the age of 85, he died surrounded by loved ones. However, death was not an end for him. Here comes the thrilling tale of Wang Feng the diviner! What to expect: -Factions -Political struggles -A cultivation world that's economically active -Multiple points of view.

Divinationelder · Eastern
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166 Chs

121. A kidnapping

Soon after the beast tide ended, the Yakash horde showed up to divide the spoils. They didn't even have any stains on their armor or swords. It was apparent that they didn't participate in the subjugation. As they loaded the meat that somebody else had worked so hard for, they were smiling. They and their Khan were going to eat well today.

It was like a festival for the Yakash Horde soldiers. If Jamoka was there, he would've told them that there are some things that you just don't mess with. Unfortunately, Jamoka wasn't there, and they saw a pretty woman sharpening an axe. They thought that she would make a great addition to Khan's wives. They would curry favor with Yesugei Khan and get further privileges from him.