
Even So, I Won't Let You Go

A short story that consists of romance that turns out from bad to good, typical isn't it? picture not mine*

KisaragiYuuta · Realistic
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2 Chs

Childhood Friends

Having someone by your side isn't so bad, someone from your family, your sister perhaps, your friends? Though who was the first person aside from your family that had always been there for you?

It was a snowy day and Arata just got back from work. Although as twenty-five year old virgin who works at corporate company. Arata who entered the key into the slot and opened the door. Entering his abode, had collapsed on the entrance.

His eyes slowly closing, it was a hard day at work not to mention, it was quite lonely.

Although it was like that, that isn't quite true. In fact there is someone that would wait for him as he would come home, late and tired. Even though he closed his eyes, supposedly he should have seen darkness and yet there was a blink of light.

Foot steps that were closing in on him, and a gentle voice reaching out to him. So gentle, it felt like it was an angel taking him to heaven.

"Welcome home, Arata-kun~"

Slowly he opened his eyes and smiled a bit. Seeing his beloved childhood friend by his side, just made forget the bad stuff that happened through out his day.

"I'm home, Yuki-chan"

Yuki and Arata have always been together, to being playmates to roommates. Though during their graduation, Yuki left to study abroad not because it was her choice but the family found a job in a different country. By then, Arata lost contact with Yuki and it became a lonely year for him.

Few years later, Arata worked at a successful corporate company and managed to get a good salary, it was all working well though he was completely empty. Even though there are drinking parties or any other kind of events, he doesn't go to any.

It was troublesome for him.

Though there was one time, when he got dragged by his co-workers and forcibly made him drink to the point he got so drunk, he couldn't remember what happened. All he could remember were bits and pieces. When he got home from that party, he saw someone sitting by the front door of his room.

A woman with silky red hair, beauty unparalleled by any other. The moon would shine so bright but she shone brighter. It was someone that made his heart empty and filled all together. Yuki stood up as soon as she saw the drunk man, as he came close. He was about to collapse but Yuki held him on.

The two reunited in a most cliché way possible.

"By the way, are you going back to the Sydney?"

"Ah, yes. I came here to visit a relative and knowing that I still had a few days, I went to your house but Auntie told me that you lived in an apartment. I was surprised, therefore I asked for the address and came to visit you"


He knew that she wouldn't stay for long, well he didn't. He expected it, it was a fear that he gained. Few years ago, after Yuki left he was quite empty for a while but managed to get back up and live his daily life.

Though, it didn't end well since his friends also switched schools and some where far away. He gained the feeling of abandonment. It was something he wasn't proud of it. He thought he was overreacting but it was painful.

"don't worry much about it. Anyways, I made some beef stew so, I hope you enjoy it."

She gave a smile as she placed down the hot pot and opened the lid, letting the steam out. Not to mention the aroma that it gave. It was the scent of meat and vegetables that roamed around the room. The tender meat that was being cooked continuously by the rich flavored sauce.

"Thank you for the food."

Two more days and Yuki would be leaving, Arata wanted to savor his time with her as much as possible. Therefore he asked her on a date. Just a normal date between them. Thankfully, his boss allowed him to take a day off for the next three days.

It was sunny afternoon, not to mention. It was crowded, the festival that was being held up was full of people. Obviously, both Yuki and Arata was lost. In a crowded, noisy place where fun and games are compiled together. Two people who got lost and reunited got lost once more.

Though in the contrary, something caught the attention of the young man. Meanwhile, the young lady was looking around for the young man while actually buying confections and drinks.

As they managed to find each other from the amazing crowd that was passing through, it felt like time slowed down as they both stared at each other. Both gave a smile as they walked forward.


Arata reached out to her as he offered his hand.

Yuki looked at his hand and held it firmly. While Arata smiled and stood by her side as he whispered to her ears.

"I'm never letting you go again..."

Yuki's face got beet red as she heard his soft whisper. His words sounded so sincere and so daring. She couldn't stop thinking about it. While the two walked through out the festival. They decided to try every food, games, and performances there was, until the sun sets.

The sun indeed set as the tangerine sky gave the feeling, it was a good and wonderful end for their date. Though, they decided to not end it there, so they went to somewhere that could suit the ending for their wonderful date.

"The sunset is beautiful isn't it?"

As Arata heard those words, he looked at her and he knew but he didn't utter any words and just silently stared at the sea while the sun goes down.

"I really had fun, thanks to you"


"I'll be returning home tomorrow..."


Though she kept talking about how wonderful what had happened for the past few weeks, the short time they had been together. She had fun, Arata knew that things like this wouldn't be forever even though he knew, he couldn't accept it.

But that is reality. People will always be on their way and they won't always be there. He knew that, yet he couldn't accept it.

"it's getting late, we shou-?!"

Yuki was about to go when Arata, held her firmly from behind. He held her as if his life depends on it. Though Yuki was shocked by his actions, she knew what he felt. She faced him properly and held his cheeks, caressing them gently.


Arata knew that things wouldn't end this way so he wanted to do something, something that would at least last forever in his memories.

"It's fine....Don't hold back"

She gave a sweet smile as she looked at him.

Though the night was young and sweet, the morning was bitter. As soon as Arata woke up, Yuki had left.

Upon realizing it, he smiled sadly and did his daily routine. Though it wasn't as joyful as before, no one to wait for you once you come home. No one to make delicious meals. No one to be with. It was always like that and he got used to it, so he better get used to this again.

He was always alone.

Though he didn't accept it, he couldn't. He won't.

He stared at the small black box that he bought during the time he got lost. He was sure to change something. He decided to end something like this. He decided to fight for once. Therefore, he booked a flight, wore his clothes and rushed to the airport like there's no tomorrow.

Arriving at night time, he looked for her address which he managed to ask in the nick of time when she stayed with him. He ran and looked, until his destination was reached.

He looked at the door of her apartment. He was so nervous that he felt like he wanted to just go home and sleep. Though he was dead set on this, his finger reach out to her doorbell. He swallowed his spit as he strengthen his resolved and pushed the button.

The door opened as he saw the same beautiful red-haired girl he knew from way back, looking at him with shock and amazement. Before she could even say anything, the young man kneeled down and looked at her as he showed the black box right in front of her.

He then said "Will you marry me?"