
Even So, I Won't Let You Go

A short story that consists of romance that turns out from bad to good, typical isn't it? picture not mine*

KisaragiYuuta · Realistic
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2 Chs

Angel By The Balcony

"We need to break up"


She stayed silent while she was looking down. She was holding the cup of coffee firmly, and by the time she looked up, she avoid my gaze and looked at the window right beside us as the the rain poured heavily.

"What do you mean...by that...?"

I was shaking and I was infact quite confused when just a few days a go, we were talking normally and having fun.

What changed?....

The rain poured even hard as she stood up, placing down the bill for her coffee. She didn't look at me nor gave me any other explanation of the situation. She left and just forget everything, there was nothing and I felt nothing.

Few days later, I continued to live my life but everything was grey. In fact even I haven't shaved nor fixed my messy hair. I am a man who is a slave to love and now, I am just a broken person who wouldn't change because of woman.

I am what you may call, a loser.

I couldn't help myself but be this way, our relationship had gone for a year and so and yet it felt like it was nothing to her. How exactly do I move on when she ended it like that, without an explanation.

Was it because....of another guy?....

Did I not do enough?....

What did I do wrong to deserve that?.....

Questions that were unbareably painful but may have been a truth I didn't want to know and accept. I lost her, my self-esteem, my courage, and the light of my path. It was horrible and it would be a wound that may not heal up in time.

Though, all this pondering made me hungry, in fact, too hungry. I went to my kitchen and reached for the cabinet to get something to eat and going back to my room with my food. I thought that this typical rainy night would make me feel better while I eat this awesome cereal.

That wasn't the case when I heard a thud behind me. Right before my wall, all I heard was a thud. Of course, I was no coward and obviously I didn't think of anything about it. Though it continued and now, I heard a scream which made me flinch and almost spilled my meal.

What the heck was that?

I head out of my apartment to check and all I saw was a guy, tall man with a big physique going out of the other room. Obviously I thought nothing of it and went back, continued to eat my amazing cereal.

After that, I went out to smoke because I was so stressed out from everything.

Then I met this angel by the balcony.

Her she was beautiful like the moon, her hair was a reflection of snow and her eyes were sharp like a refined woman. Though, she was looking at the rainy clouds like it was tears falling above the skies. She was quite sad....

I also noticed that she had bruises, was she the person that screamed? Was that guy her boyfriend or something?


Her soft voice caught my attention as I finally snapped out of it and looked at her properly in the eyes while she pushed her hair behind her ears while tilting sideways gently.

"Did you need something from me?"


Quite speechless to be honest and all I did, was point at her bruise.

"You alright?"


"Oh....uh...yeah, I tripped-"

She seriously said a lame excuse.


Then all she did was give a slight giggle and smiled abit and I'll be quite honest, her smile was so cute, I was really flustered. (shame on me)

"You probably don't believe considering how you're just nextdoor"

"Oh...y-yeah i guess o?"

Nope, I don't really know what the hell happened, I was to busy either sleeping, eating, pooping, gaming, or honestly working. Though to put the pieces together, she seemed like she was being abused by that guy.

"Is he your uh....boyfriend?"


She gave a smile that indicated of pain and misery.

"If you are getting hurt and suffering, why not leave him?"

She didn't give an answer this time and looked away. It was weird though, if you are suffering from someone you love then how can you love that person? Ah, damn I just remembered my time with my ex-girlfriend.

"Well, you must have a reason but is your life not important too?"

This time, she looked at me with eyes with pure concentration. She was just there looking at me, shocked and confused.

Did I say something wrong?

Few days ago, I met this woman by the balcony and as what happened was that the abusive boyfriend arrived before we could continue to communicate but every now and then, we communicate once more by the balcony when we can.

The situation never changed though, I can't interfere either without understanding her and her choices. I needed her approval if I could but it was hard when she speaks so little about herself which was understandable at some point.

In my case, I managed to fix my gloomy life, well kinda?

When there were times that the woman came to my room while her boyfriend was away to have a good nice chat properly while being best of buddies doing whatever we could. She was quite shocked and unapproved of my way of living. Therefore I actually fixed myself.

I had a proper haircut and proper bath. Shaved and groomed as I came out like a normal person again.

All my coworkers were literally mesmarized by my suddent transformation and of course all they asked was.

"You got a girlfriend huh?"

And they wouldn't get off my back if I didn't answer them, although when I came back home and went to the usual balcony. She was there waiting for me.

One time, the rain was getting harder and suddenly I heard nothing, which was unusal. I went out of the balcony and saw no one. That was even more odd. I went outside to see that the boyfriend had left the room so after a few minutes, knowing that he left quite far.

I quickly went for the door of her apartment and though it was lock, I decided to knock but no answer. Perhaps she was sleeping? I knocked harder. No answer again.

What happened exactly?

I saw something on Interest that you could kick the door successfully by moving back your right foot while making sure I wouldn't slide off when I kick the door. I did so and tried to charge up my kick so I could brutally force the door open and


Nothing happened and I ended up hurting my foot. FUCKING INTEREST!

I went back inside my apartment and tried for the balcony. Obviously I would die if I make one mistake but that was alright....kinda.

I quickly hopped on the other side while trying to get into the balcony and what I saw made me terrified. Rather, It gave me the chills because everything was a mess. Broken furnitures, dish plates, and ruined picture frames. I quickly looked for her and finally, entering her bedroom.

It was horrible.

She was chained up like an animal, full of wounds and bruises. I was terrfied and shaking. What kind of monster was that guy?!

I went closely to her and checked if she was breathing but luckily she was still okay. I went looking for those keys to unlcok these padlocks connected to the chains that was binding her. I then noticed that it was no where to be found.

I looked everywhere and saw nothing once more but a vase, a brown snaked-patterend vase was seen right behind the picture frame which showed a key.

What the hell is that?.....

I didn't hesitate and quickly went for it when all of a sudden, I felt a piercing pain through my hands. It was painful and it was so bad because it felt like I was bitten by a snake. It hurts a lot but I couldn't pull out either. I was stuck.

Whatever that was piercing me, it was sticking deeply through my skin and it was all over my hands to my wrist.

I was in pain and I couldn't move but I felt something, I felt something metallic and I knew it was those keys. Though even if I try to get it, how will I get my hand out?

And it dropped me, I had to do what I need to do....

Quickly, I pulled my hand out forcibly when my hand to arm's skin was getting ripped brutally while my blood drained. I couldn't scream properly but it was so damn painful that I dropped the keys. I kneeled down in pain and teared up but I need to quickly hurry and free her.

And so I did, I carried her with the best of my abilities but the pain was throbbing. I was fainting from fatigue and pain at the same time. I even tripped and fell with her. I couldn't move anymore.

Something.....was in that fucking needle....

Then suddenly, the door opened and big black shadow appeared. I knew it was too late but I had to go. I stood up and carried her. I sprinted while slamming him with all of my strength while making a run for it.

I kept running and running while I head for the security guard, with people by the lobby. Finally we were saved.


I looked down and saw her lips moving while her eyes were in shock and tears were shedding. She kept saying something but I couldn't hear her...

What....did she say?

Eh? Blood is covering my left eye....

So, I fainted.

Weeks later, the man from the balcony was still in bed, injured and asleep. They said that the blunt hit from the head did some damage to his brain. All because of me, I harmed a person.

I couldn't bare this.

I continued to care for him during his recovery even though he didn't wake up. After my treatment, all I did was take care of him.

What happened to my boyfriend was that he got arrested, but despite that the memory of the constant abuse was always with me and that trauma may heal in time. Though I wish that this person wakes up and let me thank him wholeheartedly.

"Why coudn't I just leave huh?" I don't know either because I was just all alone and I didn't know where to go. I just thought that person cared for me.

I just have one wish

Please wake up..

Few days later, I received a call that the man from the balcony was awake now. I quickly rushed towards the hospital and just to see him sitting there, reading a book so innocently. I approached him and looked at him.

Tears shed from my eyes as I smiled softly.

The man from the balcony looked at me in return and only gave me a smile while giving his response.

"Sorry, who are you?"