
Even If I Die, It's You| A Taekook FF

"Would you be ridiculed, If I say I want to kiss you?" It was their turn to recieve the award but Taehyung's feelings couldn't wait anymore.

Jay_94 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter Seven: Admitting to his feelings

I hear the ocean from far away

Across the dream, past the woods

I'm going to the place that's getting clearer

Take my hands now

You are the cause of my euphoria



Jungkook Pov

I woke up with a killing headache, vigorously rubbing my temples in hope that this throbbing pain would disappear. My head felt heavier than a rock and my throat hurting from stingy dryness.

'I need to drink some water.'

I got out of my bed with still half closed eyes, making my way to the kitchen. Swinging, stumbling, I finally made up to the kitchen.

"You're finally up? It's afternoon already." Jimin hyung voice echoed in my ears causing me to flinch. His voice felt infuriating to my senses because of the worst headache I was experiencing.

I ignored him in sleepiness and went for the jug of water and cup resting on the dinning table. Hastily filling the glass, I pour down the water in my throat in one shot.


'Did I ate thorns in dinner? Why it hurts so damn much?'

I sweared at myself, trying to bear the stingy pain in my throat.

"I made some hangover soup for you. Drink it you'll feel better." Jimin hyung called me once again this time gaining my attention.


I looked down at the bowl of soup, that was instantly placed in front of me like it was always there.

My stomach growled at the odour of soup now teasing my nostrils. There was no doubt that I was famished.

"Dig in." He said pointing towards the soup.

And without wasting another second, I started slurping the soup like a kid.

And in just minutes the soup disappeared in my stomach, making me feel better than before.

"Thanks hyung."I finally spoke as my senses got back to normal.

I looked around and realized there was no one other than Jimin hyung. Where was everyone on a day off?

"Where's everyone hyung?" I asked now staring at Jimin hyung who was sitting across me at the dinning table.

"Ummm Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung went for shopping for Christmas eve. And Yoongi hyung is still sleeping in his room. Hoseok hyung went to his parents. And Taehyungie... Uhh he must be in his room doing stuff." He replied in pauses, sipping his hot chocolate.

"Oh right hyung, about last night, why did I drink too much? And when did we come home? What exactly happened? I don't remember anything after V hyung and I started drinking." I asked when finally last night hit my mind.

There was one big problem with my drinking, if I drank too much, I didn't remember anything for days. I had to put so much pressure on my mind and even after that I just get to remember just pieces not everything.

"You don't remember anything? Not even Taehyung and Joy?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

'Taehyung and Joy??'

And it got me flashbacks of V hyung and Joy sitting next to each other laughing and touching playfully.

'Why it felt so annoying? Even that flashback.. Why the hell they were so close to each other?'

"No.. I don't remember anything..." I muttered rolling my eyes, with the strange feeling of anger filling in me.

"Why are you frowning then?" Jimin hyung demanded humorously smirking at me like he knew what was in my mind.

"I'm just trying to remember but I can't. That's why." I replied him trying to be reasonable so that he wouldn't see through the miserable me.

"So, you don't even remember that Joy proposed Taehyung last night, right?" He whispered leaning closer to me.

'What the fuck?'

My eyes widened and my Jaws dropped in utter shock. It felt like my heart suddenly stopped beating in my chest and I couldn't breath anymore.

'When did that happen? Why couldn't I remember it like the other scene? "

'That's mean he's gonna date her? No this can't be true.'

"What did V hyung answered to her proposal?" I blurted out unknowingly cause my inner self was dying to know his answer.

"He's gonna answer her tonight. He's getting things ready right now in his room." he disclosed happily clasping his hands together.

But in contrast to his happiness, why the hell, I was drowning in distress? Like someone was pricking my heart with thousands of needles at sametime.

"I asked what's his answer Hyung?" I yelled annoyingly punching the table in front of me.

"Why the hell are you yelling at me? Go ask him by yourself." Jimin hyung scoffed giving me a deadly glare.

"Fine." I exclaimed getting up from the chair and jogging out of the kitchen and striding to V hyung's room.

I opened his door with a thud, without even knocking and barged in like some gangster.

I was freaking out with anger, which was building up with every second.

"Jungkookie? What.."

"You're going to date her?" I nearly yelled cutting V hyung off.

"I'm going to date whom Kookie?" he asked raising his eyebrow.

"That Joy.." I scoffed shooting daggers at him with my eyes.

"Does it matter whom I going to date?" He uttered now frowning at me.

'Yes it matters a lot to me. I feel like dying right now.'

"You can't date her." I announced firmly.

"So, Can you Please enlighten me with the logical reason why can't I date her?" He asked folding his arms around his chest.

"How can you date her after kissing me?" I snapped accusing him harshly.

"Keep it down Jungkook. What if someone hears?" He shushed me with a glare, nearly rushing to his door before shutting it close.

"Then let them hear. I don't care. Just answer me right now." I uttered venom totally reaching at my edge.

"I apologised for the kiss. So there's nothing left for me to explain to you." he exclaimed rolling his eyes as he got back to his previous place.

"Apologised? You think a kiss can disappear with an apology?" I roared madly driven by my emotions.

"Have you gone crazy from drinking last night? What have I done to deserve all this from you? What exactly do you want from me?" he finally yelled out causing me to shudder back a bit.

'What exactly I want? I don't fucking know.'

"I don't know. I just know that you kissed me and now you're not allowed to kiss anyone else." I declared unaware of my own words.

"You're not making sense at all Jungkookie." He snorted.

I didn't know where I was getting at but my heart just wanted to stop him because....

'He's mine.'

My eyes widened as those words processed in my head. And that was when I finally realised, where was this madness and anger coming from.

'Am I getting jealous of Joy?'

My eyes instantly went to V hyung, who was frowning at me with a scowl. He looked totally pissed off.

I strode towards him in 3 steps and before he could react, I pecked his lips, leaving him astonished.

"Does it make sense now Hyung?" I asked staring in the eyes of perplexed V hyung standing like a statue in front of me.

"What does that mean Jungkookie?" he finally spoke coming back to his stance.

"It means you're mine. Just mine." I declared firmly.

"Okay." He replied with a smirk catching me off guard.

"What? what did you say?" I blurted out by his sudden change of behaviour.

"I said Okay. I'm yours." he said with a shrug, constantly smirking at me. Like nothing happened.

And that's when I realised what was exactly going on.

"You tricked me hyung, so I'll admit my feelings for you?" I blurted out causing him to burst into laughter.

All of sudden, I felt heat rushing towards my cheeks, causing me to turn into tomato red.

So, I got jealous of Joy and blurted out everything in anger. Oh My Lord.

I had fallen for him and I myself wasn't aware of that but V hyung knew. How did he know about my feelings?

"You didn't leave me with any other choice. So me and Jimin planned to piss you off, so you would say everything out." he admitted happily causing me to drop my mouth in shock.

"Jimin Hyung also knew? Only I was the one who didn't know.." I muttered with a pout.

"I asked him to help me cause you were becoming hard to get Jungkookie." He exclaimed now getting closer to me and palming my face in his hands.

My heart started racing in my chest and I could feel myself blushing like an IDIOT.

'Why his every touch make me go crazy?'

I gulped as he lifted up my chin with his finger, causing our eyes to meet. His beautiful doe eyes staring into mine with love and lust. I could hear his heart beat exactly racing like mine.

"You know you're so beautiful Kookie. And I would gladly be yours even in hundred lives." he whispered playfully, leaning closer to my ear.

"You know you're so beautiful Taehyungie. And I would gladly be yours even in thousand lives." I mimicked him teasingly causing him to laugh sheepily showing of his box smile.

But he was the king of expression, one second he was acting cute and other second he became Daddy.

"Shouldn't we be finishing what you started few minutes before?" He whispered huskily moving his finger over my lips playfully.

My heart skipped a beat and I gulped as he teased me with his touches. I gasped as his lips suddenly made contact with my neck.

As his lips moved sensually over my skin, my eyes fluttered close in pleasure. His tongue was trailing patterns on my neck causing my whole body to turn on in the process. A shameless moan left my mouth, as he bit my neck roughly, definitely leaving a mark on me.

"That's my first mark on you. Now you're mine." he whispered raspily touching the spot on my neck where he just left the hickey.

"I'm..aaall.. Yyyours." I replied between moans as he kept trailing kisses around my neck.

"If you kept moaning like this, I'll lose my control Kookie." He stopped suddenly now looking straight into my eyes.

His eyes were saying it all. He was trying hard to control himself. So did I. His kisses were so addicting that If he did few more times, It would surely end in something that was too early for us.

It was better for us to stop right now and right there.

So we did.

He pecked my lips, then going up to my forehead and placing a feathery kiss there and placing his forehead over mine.

"I'm so happy." he exclaimed making me to smile back.

"So do I." I replied placing a kiss on his nose and embracing him in a cuddly hug.