
Eve & Not

After “Arthur ‘Art’ Holmes” gets reincarnated to another world, he embarks on a journey that will lead him to the ends of of the Eve. What do human limits mean if you aren’t human? Follow Art and his journey through Eve & Not!

Ecraig_23 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

How It Started

I woke up in an abyss, though the best way to describe it is nothing at all, with sudden memories of death fresh in my mind. My current train of thought was how I ended up here and how long I've been here. Not too long I started referring to this depressing ass place as "Limbo", the reason, I had no idea if I had gone to heaven or hell.

Shortly after I arrived in Limbo I sensed a presence to which I had no words to describe, for every word seemed to describe this presence. I had one instinct, to approach this being. "Moving" myself closer to the presence I could feel thoughts running through my brain. In an instant, me and this being had a conversation that could have lasted lifetimes to a human on earth. It is too much to describe in words just what I had learnt, my curiosity leading me off the rails. In short I learned that I had died and entered what I referred to as "Limbo".

On Earth I died of a car accident, with me being the only casualty. I remember driving in the dark before seeing a cow in the middle of the road. That's the last thing I remembered, a cow. If I was Hindu I would probably feel some irony, however I didn't really believe in anything in particular. I lived a very average life, reading and watching any tv shows or movies I found interesting. When I was younger I had a thing for this "isekai" scenario I'm finding myself in.

I had asked the being for it's name during our telepathic conversation and found out the closest word to describe him was "God", yes God. God gave me two options, which is more than I expected in the afterlife, one was to become an "astral" and make up the universe. The other to nobody's surprise, was to be reincarnated.

Seeing as how I probably didn't have the chance to "live" again if I became an astral, I decided to go with the reincarnation option to live more of a life for whatever it was even worth. I had no option to pick where I was reincarnated to, I did however get my favorite isekai ability from my younger anime days, the "leveling system."

After thanking god for his mercy and second chance, he disappeared in an instant. I felt nervousness and excitement at the same time. Even though I was past my youthful days of wanting to be transferred to another world, I couldn't help but wonder what kind of world I would level up in.

After wondering how long it would take to be reincarnated, I realized I had no concept of time wherever I was at. Even the conversation with God that should've taken centuries to end was over in what felt like an instant. Soon enough my thoughts would blank as I focused on the light emanating from a space in Limbo. I started approaching and heard a sound through my head, it was robotic like, but not quite anything I've ever heard before.

[Welcome to "Eve" Arthur Holmes]