
Eve & Not

After “Arthur ‘Art’ Holmes” gets reincarnated to another world, he embarks on a journey that will lead him to the ends of of the Eve. What do human limits mean if you aren’t human? Follow Art and his journey through Eve & Not!

Ecraig_23 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

A New Start

After giving her my response she stated "my name is Lydia freeman, leader of Myriad City's Guard corps, if you remember your name then I would be happy to hear it." she said with a smile. "My name is Arthur Holmes but I don't know much after that. Just the language I'm speaking." careful not to reveal my other worldly knowledge I gave her an outright lie as a response. "You're not speaking the whole truth but I don't sense malice so I'll ignore it. I'll lead you to the barracks so follow me."

Once we arrived to the southwest part of town, which wasn't far due to the gate I entered being the South Gate, Lydia showed me a sign that said "Guard barracks" and gestured me to go in after opening the door. Once inside I realized how well organized the guards were, it wasn't like the military in the U.S. where I'm from but it was still a well disciplined and clean area. "You will be staying in the dormitory section with George, a D rank guard, he should show you the ropes and get you acclimated to your new environment." I gave her my thanks and headed off for my dorm which consisted of 2 beds, 2 lockers, and 2 bookshelves.

"Hey there, the name's George it's nice to meetcha!" He said with a big bright smile. George was a D rank guard with the rankings going from F-S, F being the weakest and S being the strongest. George explained that every profession and every adventurer had a rank on the scale. In order to break through to a guard captain you needed to reach S rank guard for the promotion. Same with adventurer guilds, you would have to reach rank S to be given the opportunity at Guild master. A change in guild masters is said to be a very rare occurrence, 'probably shouldn't get on their bad side' I thought.

After I gave George my name and a formal greeting he escorted me to the cafeteria which was next to the main hall. "You're food is free as a guard so you're salary takes a little hit because of it. That along with a place to sleep makes the wages less than average. At least you don't have to worry about food or sleep though." He told me with a smile. After eating my meal George showed me the training area where I would spend most of my time as a guard apprentice. The field was deceptively large and had many dummies and round targets. I looked at the scene with excitement as guards were polishing their skills which included magic, combat, and reinforcements techniques. Reinforcement techniques allowed a person or beast to completely reinforcement their body to deal more damage. Anyone who didn't have a good skill in magic pursued the reinforcement techniques as they were a skill you could polish rather than luckily obtain.

After a long day I decided to head to sleep after I thanked Lydia again for her kind decision to let me in the guards. My days ahead would be long and I would experience a life much different than I had previously lived. The excitement caused me to toss and turn in my sleep, eventually having to count sheep to be able to calm down. 'I can't wait to see what this world has to offer' I thought as I silently slept with mental and physical exhaustion fading away.