
CHAPTER 3: Living Nigthmare

As the cold cinch of wind and rays of sunlight meets Felisse's vision. She meandered her eyes around the compartment then discovered that everyone is still taking a rest, she instantly stood up and packed her belongings. Felisse left the house preventing herself from making a disturbance that'll wake her parents up, she immediately took a bus without any idea where she's heading to. For the first time in 0

life, she smiled while thinking about the new beginning she'll face after escaping from the misery she had been through.

Felisse stayed in a big city alone, she tried to get a job for her to survive without having any support from anyone. She experienced being scammed by others wanting her to give them money just to process Felisse's documents, she even starved to death just because her salary isn't enough for her to buy some food after paying her bills. As time went by, Felisse started her new life, everything was perfect until she began feeling nauseous most time of the day. She often feels dizzy and has random cravings. At first, she thought that it just has something to do with her menstrual period so she has decided to shrug it off. Two months passed, yet her period didn't come. Even though she felt unwell sometimes, she resisted ongoing work just to earn enough money for her everyday expenses. Whenever she feels tired she reminisces about all of the sufferings and the hard work she had just to be this free.

"Felisse, can you get me a cup of coffee?" Her co-worker asked her, she smiled at him then nodded her head. As she went towards the kitchen, someone placed its hand over her shoulder, Felisse's hand starts to tremble as she felt that her whole body shivered. She faced the man and was about to fight back but then she suddenly felt dizzy again. Her eyes started to blur as she felt that she was about to faint but then someone grabbed her to prevent her from falling to the ground. "H-hey! Elise! oh God, help!" are the only words she can hear before her vision turned into a pitch black.

Felisse woke up in a hospital, she roamed her eyes around the place and saw a doctor entered the room, smiling warmly at her. The doctor sat on the chair next to her then uttered "Good day, Ms. Villarreal. I have a piece of good news." Felisse frowned as she nodded her head waiting for the doctor to speak again. "Your result came out and, it turns out that you are 3 months pregnant. Congratulations Ms." Her eyes widened as she blinked in disbelief before letting out a word "I -I'm pregnant!?" the doctor nodded then showed her the results as she kept on congratulating the poor woman. The doctor left the room leaving the lab test results in Felisse's hand, Felisse immediately took the papers and checked them one by one to ensure the results. Her hands are shivering by reading those records, she immediately ripped it into pieces while shouting, she started pulling the dextrose off of her hand then stood up even though her body is still weak. She then gazed at the table where she saw a scissor, Felisse pointed the scissor on her wrist and pressed the edge of the scissor against her skin until it started to bleed "I cannot let you ruin my life, you'll just remind me the hell I've been through over and over again if you live. I'll end you while it's not too late for me to do it!" She pointed the scissor on her tummy while saying those words. Her co-worker Vmiel entered the room, his eyes widened as he saw the blood dripping on the floor from Felisse's wrist. He hurriedly ran towards Felisse as he saw her holding scissors, planning to stab her stomach. Vmiel grabbed the weapon and threw it as he hugged Felisse tightly, "I-I hate you!!!!! Arghh! Let go of me!" Felisse kept on crying out, screaming as her tears are oozing from her eyes "This baby deserves to die!" she cried. An unexpected chapter of her life bloomed created by the past. The time of her life that she despises all along will be forever close to her.

Hi, darlings. It has been a week since I updated a new chapter, sorry for the long wait. Enjoy Reading. <//3

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