
Chapter 21

Widge watched as the trio walked through the stands. Slowly following from behind. The two in front of her seemed chatty and amiable. Eva's aura gently mingling with theirs. It was how he knew that the black haired boy had been around Eva quite recently. Since Eva couldn't control her aura it tended to rub off on others.

Widge was positive that they were both foreign to the island. He didn't know what was going on. He knew the Bloody Raven had issued searches since Eva's disappearance - he should be reporting right now that she was back. But he couldn't bare to see her caged up again. Michaels death had hurt her badly. Hurt them both. He thought the two were destined for each other. He'd never seen his friend look so happy than when he was with her.

Eva looked over her shoulder. Trying to figure out where Widge was located. He was well hidden though and she couldn't figure out where he was. Turning back around she began to think over her options. She really wanted to tell them the truth but she felt more like an outsider than ever. The fact that they were after her family had drawn a clear line between her and them. She didn't want them any more involved with her dealings than possible. On the other hand, sneaking away would be difficult if not impossible. She'd tried that earlier and Killua had quickly outwit her. She knew her only option then. She made her way to a stall. Lagging behind the two who paused momentarily to check on her. Seeing she was only making another purchase they turned back.

Eva, leaning into the stall was met by a pleasant face ready to do business. The man rubbed his hands together as he greeted her but his smile faltered at her request. "You want Ameris? Pure Ameris ma'm?" She nodded her head. The man tried to persuade her, "If your having trouble sleeping we have some excellent brews with Ameris in them. They will be much more effective."

Eva didn't have time for this. The man was beginning to piss her off so she cut off his attempt to persuade her. "I am the Bloody Raven. You will give it to me." The man immediately lost all persistence. His face a picture of fright. "Right away ma'am." He was only an herb merchant. He wasn't willing to lose his business over a few ounces of Ameris. Besides, Ameris was the least deadliest of herbs they stalked. Though it was unusual to come to a tea stall for it...but Mimbo was known for its foliage and skilled brewists that went far beyond basic tea preparation. He shoved the small bag into her hands, wishing to see her off as quickly as possible. A brewist of the Bloody Raven was undoubtedly skilled but he wasn't afraid of her. He'd done as she'd asked afterall. He looked over his shoulder as she left wondering what it was for.

Eva quickened her pace to catch up to the other two. It wasn't long before the three returned to the apartment having looped through the main square. Eva knew that Widge was still following them even though she couldn't see him. It was his best feature. His patience. He would wait for her till she came out on her own. She only hoped that her best friend was wearing a coat. It was cold out and it would be hours before the moon rose.

Inside the apartment Gon and Killua took turns in the shower. The apartment steaming up till Eva opened one of the windows. She'd taken out the ameris and brewed it straight up careful not to overdoses the amount. She didn't take a sip herself but she knew from experience that the sweet spiced taste was addicting. She handed the first cup to Gon watching as he drank the elixir. She gauged that it would take about an hour or so for it to take effect.

As she made Killua's she hesitated. Wondering if she should add more but she didn't dare chance it. Ameris wasn't a herb to play around with. A few milligrams off and he'd never wake up.

Soon after Killua stepped out and she repeated the action, handing him a freshly made cup. He took it casually. He even seemed a little happy about it but she was to focused on what to do after they'd fallen asleep to notice.

Killua sipped it gladly. The night out had been good he thought. *Calming.* The affection he looked at Eva with was obvious. It'd been a long time since he had felt this content. Since before Alluka's death. The thought sobered him and he paused mid thought.

Eva shifted her feet, glancing up at him. *He couldn't have realized, right?*

Killua laughed to himself. *I'm thinking to much.* He finished his drink and went to the sink to wash it. "You should get some sleep Eva. You look worn out." He watched her, grinning slightly, as her face turned bright red and she swiftly made her way to her room. He made his way over to his room. Gon pulling on a clean pj shirt.

Inside her room Eva clenched her teeth. She could feel her heart beat faster. The guilt that seemed to courses through her veins made her want to curse herself. All she could do now was wait in the darkness of her room.

By the time the market chatter had begun to die down the lights inside the apartment had darkened merging with the somber night. It was then that Eva finally moved from her sunken spot on the floor. Her tears long dried and a sense of purpose filling her gait as she stealthy moved out along the hallway towards the door. The cold air that greeted her face brought tears to her eyes. She would soon have her wings back. Her freedom would be complete. Quietly closing the door behind her she made her way down the stairs onto the path below. She began to walk along the alleys hidden behind the market stalls, winding her way between the tall buildings. Her shadow cast along the payment as she moved. She met a few people but those she did bowed their heads low. Not daring to glance at these unknown people who roamed the night. The night was for the Bloody Raven to pilfer and beguile those who opposed them. What few citizens were left quickly made their way home.

Some minutes later, when Eva had gone round round for some time, a small quick figure appeared in her view. She knew exactly who it was.


He only looked at her though, forgetting in the silence to kneel as was the custom.

"Eva, I'm so glad your safe. I, I..." He could feel his throat closing as searched for the words to express himself. The gap she had left as she'd stolen away so suddenly from the island. "Where have you been?" The emotional guard he normally put up dissolving upon seeing her face. "Why did you disappear? Why did Miachel have to die?"

At the mention of Miahels name Eva's face hardened slightly. So many things that she had shoved into the back of her memory surfaced as she tried to find a way to save herself from the guilt of Miachel's death.

Widge looked at her, crestfallen, as he recalled the events leading up to his best friends death. "I know why Eva. It was all because your parents didn't approve." He kicked his foot into a nearby wall. He and Miachel had been absolutely loyal to the Bloody Raven. And look where that had gotten him. "Then you left days after. They were furious. Your brothers nearly killed half they're group. Fred and Ralph wouldn't set foot in base for days. I had to go in and do all the work."

Silence one again filled the air as Eva organized her thoughts. The havoc she'd left behind was just one more measure of guilt she would never be able to shake. "Widge, you know why he died. You know why I left."

"And now your back."

Eva recoiled, "I am not back. I'm here for one reason" she said, lifting her hand.

Widge's eyes pierced hers, begging her not to ask him. Not ask him to betray the Raven. "Eva...Miachchel is dead now but I do not seek revenge. His sole wish was to see you safe. Go back home. Go back to your brothers."

"How can you say that Widge! They killed him." She paused, "My parents killed him. How can I just accept that when he was the one person I wanted. The only one who held my heart?"

"I know you loved him. I loved him too. He was my only family after I'd been adopted by the Raven. But who in Mimbo dares raise their hand against them? Its suicidal. Even if you regain your nen its been years since you've harnessed it. Forget him Eva. You can lead a happier life that way. A life he wanted you to lead."

"Did he say that? Or you? He wanted me to be happy. To be free."

"And are you happy now?"

Eva took a step back. "I thought I could trust you. Did Miachel mean that little to you?"

"Of course not! But he's dead. Your not. I want you safe and happy. With your family you can have that. They have never treated you wrongly."

"Never mistreated me? What do you call the last ten years?"

"We all have our duties. With them you live in luxury. Your brothers not only value you but treasure you. As you do them. Will you continue to see them suffer your absence?

"My brothers are strong. We started the Raven together. It won't always be in my parents hands."

"And after? Will you return to their side?"

Eva paused, "No. I won't. I no longer want to work in the Raven. In any role." She could see Widge weighing the options. Her safety vs her freedom, her happiness.

"Are you sure this is what you want?"

Eva nodded her head "Its the only thing I want."

Widge let out a deep sigh, "Then I will honor it. Lets go find Yu Feng. She'll know where Yi XianXia is."

Thought I'd also let you guys know that Hisoka will also play a role in this but its a while yet.

taro2190creators' thoughts