
Chapter 19

Killua was back in his room, upset that Eva so obviously didn't want them to know her power. *She doesn't trust us.* He didn't why that was so up setting though. *It's not like I trust her.* Since when did he become so fickle? He flopped over to his back. It didn't hurt at all. It was healed perfectly. *No wonder those wanted her back.* It was though that her gang hadn't made a single move to take her back till now. *Have they given up?* He didn't know how powerful her gang was. He and Gon had assumed that moving locations would be enough but an organization powerful enough to protect such a commodity wouldn't be so . *So why hadn't they made a move?*

He thought back to the he'd seen her. She obviously hadn't ed. *She must of been coming back from a job.* That call must've been from a superior then. Something the whole situation was off, but Killua couldn't put his finger on it. He and Gon hadn't been able to separate any lies from her either. That didn't make him either. *But she wants to them.* he thought consoling himself. He bristled, why did that thought make him so ? *Well, I don't like used.*

He was sure that with her power if she stayed she would remain a tool for the rest of her life. *Her power is reason enough to lie. Tons of would be it if they knew.* He footsteps in the hallway. *It must be her.* He the door open. *Wait! Was she leaving?* He sprang to his feet, *Baka!* She'd been seen with them. She was a target now. Going outside was like telling them to kill her. This was their territory all. He slammed the door open "'Eva!" He took a breath as he locked his eyes on her back. " the hell do your going baka!? Do you wanna die!?" He ed as she turned around. *What the heck, why does she look worse than ?* He saw the rucksack in her hand. "You can't go idiot, the Ravens will kill you." He moved to grab her bag but she evaded him. "They won't kill me." Her delicate face looking away from him. "Besides, your the one that wants me gone the most. You shouldn't stop me."

Killua grabbed her bag forcefully. "That doesn't mean I want you to run to your death."

She looked up at Killua, glaring at him. Killua just smirked, *Does she that's going to get me to back down?* He turned back the rooms, "Wait till you get your nen back. Then you can go."

Eva looked the door. She could just . *He wouldn't hold me here, ?* She took a step the door. Killua stopped walking at the noisew. She took a second. He turned around, "Eva.."

She crossed her arms defensively. Her back to him. "What?"

He sighed to himself. *Is it so bad to just stay here with me?* He brushed the thought away. "Your weak. You should at least wait a couple days till you recover your stamina."

"I don't need too. I'm fine."

Killua could see that he was not going to convince her. "Then do you plan on going?"

"..." Eva took another step.

"Don't you want to say goodbye to Gon at least?"

Eva's feet stopped. She pictured Gon's face. How he'd done thing he could to help her. *Yes*

"No," she said, "Gon will ." She knew she should stay . She could figure out their plans better that way. *Well, it won't be to late to come back I get my nen back.* She hoped not anyway. *If I stay next to them for much longer I don't I'll be able to stop myself getting attached.* She just wanted some space to breathe. If only for a few hours.

Killua's fingers crackled. Should he? *She'd be safe. And Gon would be .* But that would mean she would hate him . He hesitated.

" Killua." she said, gently tugging her bag from his loose hands. He ed her walking out the door. *I could have made it an accident.* He pictured telling Gon how she'd grabbed her bag as his electricity spiked. *Well, he'd see through that.* They both would. She was at the stail rail. Disappearing from his sight.

And then she was in of him . Outside on the stair rail. Wait. *Did I just follow her out?*

Eva turned back around. *He isn't letting this go.* She arched an eyebrow at him.

He was looking up at the sky. "I it's going to rain."

Eva scoffed turning back around.

*Eh? What did I just say?* The sky was dusky but . He looked at Eva's back.

"Its Mimbo not the damn jungle." she snapped. She ed back down the stairs. She could hear Killua's feet her. *Is he going to this?* She picked up her pace slightly. "Don't be a Killua, go away."

"Can't do that Eva. Gon gives the worst lectures."

She wanted to roll her eyes. "So your just going to follow me around? How uncreative."

Killua shrugged, "Its ive."

Eva stopped to catch her breath for a , giving Killua a dirty look. *I must've used up more blood healing him than I realized.* She took a breath. *I'm only at the bottom of the stairs.* Their was no way she was going to be able to evade him.

"Its dumb. You following me around." Eva could feel her resolve fading.

Killua could hear her breathing. *She shouldn't be pushing herself this hard.* "Well, we've decided that you're dumb."

Eva felt her face turn red. She knew he was . That she was weak now. But she knew how to get around this town. it was safe. Were it wasn't. *It's more dangerous to have him with me.* He wouldn't be able to recognize the Raven's scouts. *He's the dumb one.* She thought spitefully, *And he definitely doesn't get to call me that.*

She brushed back her hair. "Okay then, lets just head to the market stalls."

It was Killua's turn to raise an eyebrow. "Physical therapy exercises?"

She let out a snort. "More like getting edible food."

"Hey! Gon's a good cook." he said crossing his arms. "'s nothing with his cooking."

"I know that. But that dosen't mean he cooks night."

Killua gave her a puzzled look. She guessed that Gon did infact cook .

Cracking a grin she tugged Killua's arm, "Come on, market stalls are that way"