




*Ryuga felt really happy after riding the roller coaster, since it's his first time coming to a theme park. His smile is so bright that no one can see his eyes. Then, he heard a sigh right beside him and he turn to look.*

RYUGA : Urm, are you okay Yui? Your face looked really pale.. *hold Yui's hand because she looks like she is gonna fall anytime soon.*

YUI : Haihh, I'm sorry Ryu.. It's just that I can't handle extreme activities like that..

RYUGA : *look at Yui that shows an exhausted face.* Hahaha, I'm sorry Yui. It's my first time riding it. So, I wish to ride it again and again. I'm so sorry for not considering your situation.

YUI : No, no, it's okay… And I think you are really awesome for being able to ride the roller coaster for 5th time in a row. I can only handle 3 at most.

RYUGA : Hey, don't flatter me hahahaha but actually I don't think I will get enough of it though.. hahahah

~3 time in a row.. That was the best I can do though.. How can he even think for more… sob*sob*sob*~

RYUGA : Oh yeah, you wait for me a minute here, *help Yui sit properly on a bench* I'll go get you a mineral water.

YUI : Oh yeah, thank you. And sorry for troubling you to go get me water.

*Yui is watching Ryuga go away to get water and she smile happily because she never felt like this before. Then, it suddenly come to her mind that she has been alone with Ryuga for some time already.*

~Wait a minute, isn't this basically a date? Oh my god… H-how-how can I not noticed this earlier…. Wait, Ryuga seems like he's fine with it and he's not feeling awkward at all. Maybe it's just me imagining things. Calm down Yui, calm down, we're just hanging out. Yup, we are just hanging out.~

*Yui can feel her face is getting hotter, she hold her face to cover it up since Ryuga had finished buying water and he is getting closer and closer.*

RYUGA : What happened, Yui? When I left you just now, you looked so pale but now you look a little bit red.. * look at Yui with a curious face.*

YUI : Don't look at me right now, please.. * try to cover her whole face with her palm.*

RYUGA : hurmm?? Okay, okay.. *handing her a bottle of water.* Here's your water, drink it up and let's try getting into that thing later. *pointing at something.* I've been eyeing that one since I got into this place.

YUI : *Try to find where Ryuga is pointing at.* Ouh that thing, it's called Ferris Wheel. Sure, I also want to get into that since we're here.

RYUGA : Right?? That thing you called flower wheel is a must from what I can see.

YUI : emm *chuckles* it's not "flower" but "ferris".. and what you just said is true. That thing is a must when you come to any amusement park.

*suddenly, there is a phone ringing. Ryuga took out his phone and check, it wasn't his phone that was ringing. He look at Yui and she shows him it's her phone that is ringing. And the name on the phone's screen showed "Mom".*

YUI's MOM : Yui, are you still outside?

YUI : Yeah mom, why?

YUI's MOM : I'm sorry for disturbing you honey. I know it's been so long since you go out to spend some time outside, so I don't really know if you can get back home a little bit earlier than what you told me yesterday.

YUI : What happened, mom? Are you working overtime again? *look at Ryuga with a sad look*

YUI's MOM : Yeah.. sorry honey… Your sister and brother..

*Ryuga is giving Yui a thumbs up and say "It's okay, your siblings are more important." with a low voice. Then, he smile at her. Yui feels happy that Ryuga understands her and she smile at him too.*

YUI : It's okay mom. I'll go back right now.

YUI's MOM : Thank you, Yui. I promise you that I will take a whole day off the next time you are going out. I'm so happy that you are finally getting a b...

*Yui quickly hang up on her mother because Ryuga is right beside her and he can hear everything that they just talk about.*

RYUGA : Eh, why did your mother hang up?

YUI : *try to talk without panicking and avoid Ryuga's eyes.* I-I don't know.. Maybe it's because there's no signal here.. *turn to Ryuga.* oh yeah, I'm really sorry Ryu, I have to go back already. After what I promised you, I'm sorry that I cannot accompany you to try all of the games and activities here today.

RYUGA : It's fine, we can still come here next time right?

YUI : Of course!!! I need compensate you hahahahah

RYUGA : Hahahaha Oh yeah, what's up with your siblings?

YUI : They are home alone, my mom said that she won't have to work overtime today but it turned out that she have to. So I have to take care of my siblings since they are still little, they couldn't manage themselves.

RYUGA : I understand. Let me accompany you home.

YUI : It's fine, after knowing where you live, I found that we live quite far away from each other. So just go home directly after this, okay? Oh yeah, take this. *hand something that she has been holding to Ryuga.*

RYUGA : Teddy Bear? Is it for me?

YUI : Noo, give this to Aiko. *giving a teddy bear that she hardly won in one of the games.* Why? Do you want it too? *chuckles*

RYUGA : Erm.. I thought you gave this to me as the "first time hanging out" gift. Well, anything that you give me will make me happy even if it's something girly.

YUI : Cheh, what a sweet talker you are. *chuckles again*

RYUGA : Anyway, thanks. Be careful on your way back, okay?

YUI : Yeah, you too. Thanks for inviting me…

*Wave at Yui while she is walking away.*

~Oh sh*t, talking about Aiko just now, I totally forgot about her.. Where's she right now???~

*Ryuga quickly check his phone*


Aiko : Ask her how she feels today, after that try to take her to ....

Aiko : Hey, hey, don't play that one, I don't know what is the name of it.. Just don't play that, it's hard to win the game because they kind of modified it so it's gonna be hard to win that game.. Instead, try to play...

Aiko : Just get something that is easy to eat like…

Aiko : Why you did you do it like that? Do it like this….

Aiko : My phone battery is gonna run out soon, so I'll write all the tips here. Oh yeah, don't forget the thing I put in your left pocket, it's…..


* After reading all of the messages, it's all about the tips but none of them is telling him where Aiko is right now.*

~She must be nearby, how can she observe me if she is nowhere near me. Oh yeah, I remember that she's wearing a bear costume. But there are so many bear costumes here.. It's impossible to find her unless she reveal herself..~

*Ryuga walk towards one of the bear costumes there and stand right in front of it.*

RYUGA : Are you in there Aiko?

….….. : Yes, are you looking for someone sir? *the person in the bear costume is taking off the bear costume's head.*

RYUGA : Sorry, I'm looking for my friend, a girl wearing a bear costume like yours.

….….. : Ouh what unit is she in?

RYUGA : What do you mean?

…..... : Like me, I'm handing flyers, what is her task?

RYUGA : Ouh she holds balloons.

…....… : If it's balloons, then there are only 5 person who were assigned to handle balloons here.

RYUGA : Thanks a lot, I'll take one of these.

…... : Thank you. Here.

*After knowing all of the positions of the units, Ryuga walk around the park to search for Aiko. He's running around to look for every bear costumes with balloons. At last, he finally found the last bear costume that stand right in the middle of a lot of children.*

RYUGA : Aiko, I finally found you.. I'm so sorry that I didn't saw your messages earlier.

…... : .....

RYUGA : You are so quiet.. Are you mad? Haih.. Of course you are… What a stupid question I just asked. I'm really sorry…

…... : ...…

RYUGA : Hey, come on, say something please… *hold the bear's shoulder.*

…....… : Are you talking to me boy? *take off the bear costume's head.*

RYUGA : *remember the guy Aiko point at when they just came into the park. He quickly release his hand from that man's shoulder.* Old mannnn??? Where's the girl that wear your costume before?

…....… : Isn't she by your side all the time? * point at someone behind Ryuga.*

* Ryuga turn around and see Aiko just standing there eating an icecream.*

RYUGA : Awwhhhh come on Aiko, you should have told me that you're here. I was searching for you everywhere..

AIKO : I know. *keep eating her icecream.*

RYUGA : So why don't you say a word?

AIKO : Isn't it obvious that I'm upset? *still eating the ice cream and glare at Ryuga.*

RYUGA : ...… ~ I was just having too much fun.~

AIKO : Now, take me to play that living dragon… (she meant the roller coaster)

RYUGA : *he remember he said the same thing to Yui before* That's a roller coaster you know.. *chuckles*

AIKO : *embarrassed, she look at away to avoid looking at Ryuga. * Of course I know that. Do you think I'm stupid?

RYUGA : ~that's cute~ Hahaha, let's go.. I'm gonna take you to play all the games here.

AIKO : Really? That's a promise, okay? Let's go, let's go…. *jumping around happily like a little kid.*

~She must have been wanting to play these all the time. How can I forgot, she's just as stupid as me.. ~

RYUGA : sure…

*They ride the roller coaster many times, playing most of the games there, eating almost every food there. They were there until the park is almost at the closing time.*

AIKO : Ryu one last time, I want that.. *pulling Ryuga's hand and point at one of the rides.*

RYUGA : *saw a lot of people lined up to play it.*Oh, the Ferris Wheel. But it's gonna close soon. Better play other things while we still have time left.. We're not gonna make it, it's too many people.

AIKO : But, but, but I want to ride that one… *showing a cute face while begging Ryuga.*

*seeing her face like that, Ryuga made up his mind to do something crazy, he told Aiko to wait there. He smirk at Aiko, then go to the waiting line. She felt really weird by how Ryuga is acting. She can feel the hair at the back of her neck standing up, as if something is about to happen. Then, suddenly Ryuga shout to the people that lined up at there*…


AIKO : Eh? Why is he pointing at me? *Aiko felt weird but she can't hear what Ryuga just said. She stand too far away that she can't hear anything he just said.*

*No one responded to him.*


*Everyone is surprised by how serious Ryuga is begging them. Some feel touched, some are amazed by his braveness. And some can't help but felt funny and still cheer for him. But his action moved they heart. Suddenly, someone pat on Ryuga's shoulder and he turn around. *

A COUPLE : Here mate, take our tickets. We've already ride this a few days ago.

RYUGA : ~Yesss, it works.~ Thanks friends. Can we speak for a moment. Just the two of us.

*the man tell his girl to wait for him and he walk away with Ryuga. He then come back to where his girl is standing and said*

….….. : Thank you friend, this worth more than the seat ticket.

RYUGA : Maybe for you, but your seat ticket means a lot to me rather than that little coin.

*everyone that heard their conversation are really curious about what kind of coin they are talking about. Ryuga then call for Aiko to come. And everyone cheers for them when they get in line*

AIKO : Why are they cheering?

RYUGA : I won't tell you.

AIKO : Aww, come on Ryu. It just made me more curious if you say something like that.

RYUGA : Fine but not here, let's get in there first….

* They finally got into the passengers car, Aiko is so hype up and very happy. Ryuga smile a lot and even laugh when he saw Aiko doing silly things. Then, they watch the view from up there.*

AIKO : It is so beautiful looking the city from up here… I kinda want it to stop right here..

RYUGA : That will be a chaos if they make it stop it here.. but somehow I also want that to happen.

*Aiko is happily watching the view and suddenly it came to her mind.*

AIKO : Oh yeah, how did you get us a seat? And why did everyone look at us while cheering so happily as if someone is getting married?

RYUGA : Pfft.. I actually make up a story that I want to propose to my girlfriend. There's a couple who fall for it and gave up their seats.

AIKO : Hey, that's a bad way to take something okay? You shouldn't have done that.

RYUGA : I know, and of course I'm not taking it for free. I actually gave him 1 BTC from my wallet.

AIKO : what the….. That expensive little thing for a seat like this? Is it necessary?

RYUGA : Heh, don't worry I still have hundreds of those coins. Besides, I want to get in here too. I've been wanting to ride this since the first time I saw it on the tickets a few days ago.

AIKO : Well, as long as you're not going to regret it. And I won't apologize even though I feel bad right now.

RYUGA : Don't be… I did it for myself too.

AIKO : *turn around and look outside.* Hey, look! It's our apartment.

RYUGA : *Stand right beside Aiko and look outside.* That's not our apartment, stu- *kissed by Aiko on his cheek* -pid.. *turn to look at Aiko.*

AIKO : *blushed, cough to avoid the awkwardness.* Well, don't think too much about it, it's just a thank you kiss. I know you have a girlfriend now, so this might the last time for us to go out together. Oh yeah, I won't stay over at your house from now on.

RYUGA : What girlfriend? She has not accepted me yet…

AIKO : Did she rejected you? Seriously???? A person with a face like you are getting rejected?

RYUGA : No no no, it's just that we never talk about anything related to relationship.

AIKO : Are you a f…..g dumb*ss? You guys went on a date the whole day and never talk about it?!

RYUGA : Wait- Th-That's a date??!! *shocked by how stupid he is for not realizing anything until the end of their date.*

AIKO : I knew it. Arghhh What the hell were you doing when there was just the two of you??

*Recalling everything that he did when Yui was just right beside him. All he did was playing all the games until he was satisfied and eating everything that was sold there. He was so happy playing all of those games and forgot that "going out alone with a girl that he like" is called a date.

RYUGA : Damn it, DAMN IT! How can I forgot??!

AIKO : You're beyond help. You literally just go out all day with her and never talk to her about relationship or even ask for her confirmation… *placing her hand on her forehead to massage it and sigh.*

RYUGA : Huhuhu, I can't believe how stupid I am when it comes to relationship… Why don't anyone teach us about love or relationship at our school??? That's the only thing that I'm bad at now.

AIKO : There's nothing we can do about it. *sigh again*

RYUGA : And one more thing, the thing that you said just now about when I have a girlfriend, we don't need to stay away from each other or cut our ties. I still want to hang out with you for like a lot of times or like forever.

AIKO : You're too selfish, you know… You even want to have more than one girl to keep pampering you all day?? Yui isn't enough?

RYUGA : Who is pampering who, huh?? *pinch both sides of Aiko's cheeks*

AIKO : Hey, stop it!! *try to push Ryuga's hands away from her face.* I'm not a kid anymore, okay… *talk with teary eyes.*

RYUGA : *let go of Aiko's face.* Have I always pinched your cheek like this too in the past??

AIKO : I don't know, maybe. *hold her cheek because it's hurt and felt like it is going to fall like a bulldog's face.*

RYUGA : hahaha maybe it was because you look really cute when you were still a kid.

AIKO : Hey, that's rude.. I'm still cute until now, okay. Even after I got older, I will still look cute. *blushed while saying those words and cross her arms.*

RYUGA : hahahaha, of course...

AIKO : I will stay with you for a little bit longer then, until you found someone else that can cook for you.

RYUGA : Like I said..

AIKO : Nah, I've made up my mind already.

RYUGA : Me too, and like what I said earlier, I don't want to part with you. If becoming Yui's boyfriend means I'm gonna part with you, I would rather stay single forever. It has been you who stayed by my side since the beginning, so I don't want to lose you. *turn around to look outside to watch the view.*

AIKO : ouh… *look down and smile.* ~ me too ~

*they exit the seat after completing a round, the guard and the people who are still waiting for their turn to ride look at Ryuga with a curious face.*

RYUGA : EVERYONE.... I'M SORRY… *making a sad face.*

*everyone feels sorry for Ryuga and try to cheer him up. Some of them even give him some advices.*

AIKO : Sorry everyone, I just don't want to get into any relationship right now..

*some girls seem like they understand Aiko's feeling and they don't hate Aiko for her decision. Then, everyone left the park.*

- on the way back home-

AIKO : *turn to Ryuga.* Don't lie to others like that again, okay???

RYUGA : I won't. I just can't believe that they will take it seriously.

AIKO : Of course they will. Humans are bound to get involved with each other after all. Oh yeah, tomorrow we will have an exam. I am wondering if I will be okay.

RYUGA : Do you need my help with study?

AIKO : No thanks, a computer brain like yours can't teach me the way I want to be taught. But please do check my answer sheets later, I want to know which subject I'm weak at answering.

RYUGA : Is that all?

AIKO : For now yeah.. *look at a place on their right and stop walking, then turn to Ryuga.* Wanna stop here for a moment?

RYUGA : What a gorgeous shrine..

AIKO : Hey, come here.. *pull Ryuga's hand and walk closer to the shrine.*

RYUGA : Do I really need to??

*Aiko tell Ryuga to stand right beside her and she pray for Ryuga at the shrine, she look at him and continue praying*

RYUGA : Why were you looking at me while praying? Did you just prayed for me?

AIKO : Well, yep I did. I'm just hoping that you will live a happy life whether I'm by your side or not.

RYUGA : Do you wish that I will have my memories back? *looking at Aiko intensely and wait for her reply.*

AIKO : *look at Ryuga and turn back to look at the shrine.* Your memories, whether you will have it back or not, it doesn't really matter to me. You will always be the Ryuga I know even after you have your memories back.

~She is really weird. Like what I always said, this girl here, her personality is really complicated. It is really hard to guess what she's feeling or what she's thinking. It's really weird because there will be time when she's acting more matured than me, and there will also be time when she's really childish. And, the weirdest moment is when she's acting like a psycho. What a unique friend I have here.~

*Ryuga keep looking at Aiko and just smile.*

First of all, I want to apologize for making you guys wait for so long for a new chapter. We're back in action, and we swear to finish this story till the end, as long there's nothing happened bad to me and my mate.

I hope you guys enjoys reading and stay tune for more update this weak. Thank youu !!!

Yuzri_Affancreators' thoughts