
Eunomenian textbook

this book is contain some artifact and myths from Eunome Religion. it's fiction and pls enjoy

Dadube_12 · Book&Literature
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The Golden Scar.

It looks like a normal gold but when you turn it into a sword and try to stab or slash it leaves a itchy golden scar that if you try to scratch the scar will get more worst until you turn into a gold.

There was story about a king who ruled the poor kingdom that turn it into a rich kingdom the reason is he use this gold and make a sword of it and he began making a tradition every generations he will choose the 20 volunteers to stab and slash those volunteers

will turn into a gold and use that gold to make their kingdom more powerful.The time was pass the king died and more generations pass

the sword was came into a wrong hand,he did not satisfied on the volunteers he starts killing

the weak people to the children and children to the baby and this is that reason why the population is loosing and one day he began to his wife so he did not satisfied on that and he try that to his own and he starts to scratch and he became a gold.

For now the map of the on this gold was ban

on this book the map was written in Christopher Johnson's Dairy that later on he burn the diary after the Liedra Going to kill him.