
Ethereal Fantasy Online

Our hero a former highschool soccer player falls from grace following a botch match costing him the love of his family, his friend and even his life. In his recluse he comes across Ethereal Fantasy Online an MMORPG that he finds himself in following an expansion update.

Plactus · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Semi Finals- Sara and Hubert

Leaping from one building to another consumed by dread over my Kayla, Hubert and more than anything I'm driven to move my unmovable body the spurts of energy or rather the adrenaline keeps me from falling.

"I can make it." Before long the towering red pillar comes into view

Jumping off the last building on the street leading to the arena i land on the path towards my destination , it was not long until I got surrounded by a group of undead.

"Move out of my way, before i kill you again!." Exhausted from all the fighting and trecking i snapped at the unalived group.

"Do not waste your time here!." A confident voice echoed as a gale of wind sliced through a dozen, it wasn't long before a beastman silhouette snuck up behind me revealing..

"Ruen, you're here too and you're also hurt?." Just how vicious is this tournament

"Worry not young man, leave the dead to me and rescue her highness and his majesty.

"I intend to." Smirking at him I strike at a few undead moving on.

Ruen fights on the hordes, cutting a single undead only to be replaced by another and the former repairing themselves.

"Reaper's blade!." He unleashes his powerful gale strikes vanishing for a moment before reappearing within that frame of a second he'd severed the heads of a handful.

Ruen turns his back holding his right hand holding onto his sword whilst his left covering his open wounds. He prepares to strike again before a flail smashes through a pair of undead.

"All in a day's work eh, Ruen." Says the beastman

"thats the life of a champion, Otto." Says Ruen as a rare smile graces his stern face

-sometime ago-

"Ladies and Gentlemen it looks like we've reached the semi-finals or as I'd prefer the prelude of whats to come. Who among the 4 would make it to the final round and count himself lucky to win his lordship's favor!."

"Now without further ado , lets introduce 9ur contestants!."

"Not much is known about him except his nomadic nature , he who's taken the tournament by a storm. Give it up for our mysterious Dragonkin Rostoff!."

"From the deserts of the Oasis , a man that left behind his nation to seek battles. I leave you to cheer or boo for he is here. I present George the beastman!."

"In place of the hero he takes to fight in the name of his sovereign and beloved Queen a round of applause for Hubert Oraia's noble councilman!."

"And last but not least , our very favorite the diva of the oasis and the champion of R'ual Oasis city it is none other than Sara the dual blade mistress. Give her your loudest cheers!."

'Now onto the pairings' as the announcer queued a screen shows up to project the pairings

Sara vs George

Rostoff vs Hubert

The pairs look onto one another each determined to further their own goals , for only one should emerge the victor.

The first match to kickoff the semi finals involves Sara and George, they both moved into the stage. The announcer looked at both of the opponents terrifying auras gulping from their intensity , he soon however regained composure before speaking.

"This is the beginning to an end for one of you and the end for the other. Sara our champion or George the unaligned , who among them will win the match."

The announcer again looks at both contests to make sure they are ready before giving the go ahead for the match to start.


"I have no need for talks, show me what yer made of Diva." George says as he brandishes his axe

"...." Sara unsheathing her swords choosing not to entertain her opponent

George an impulseive warrior by nature chose a direct approach opting to rush towards Sara. He swings his axe meeting him headon were her signature pair of swords. Sparks fly as the two move synchronized with one another, Sara parrying every strike as she counters leaving cuts on George.

"This is nothing." He says "I get stronger the more I'm hurt." He indeed did for a frenzied bear is dangerous when he's cornered.

"W-what's this monstrous aura." She spoke in shock.

As George swings his heavy axe to which Sara blocks , the powerful impact sends her flying across.


George leaps from the ground lunging at her again in mid-air which she blocks again and ending up back on the arena she fixes her posture landing on her feet.

Sara struggles with George brute energy, as he unleashes vicious attacks aimed at neutralizing her from where she stood. There's a clear power difference as he cut through her protective clothing, alas power was never Sara's specialty she is a nimble feline and she intends to finish her opponent off postehaste.

"Whats wrong why are you running?." Asks George as Sara leaps away from him

"I'm not." She says coolly, gathering her energy for one straight forward attack.

"Then show me , what you're made of." George smiles as he licks the blood off his axe

Sara surrounds herselt with lightning before leaping in the air she shoots herself towards her opponents.

It took alot of George to dodge the impact of her fall, he looks at her with a renewed sense of vigor and prepares his axe for the round's victor will be decided at this focal point.

Her dual blades and maneuverability proved advantageous over the brought's single handed weapons , she strikes aided by the lightning she'd summoned. Her speed leaves George panting as he barely dodges, parries and block the multiple strikes. Slowly but surely depleting his energy.

It only took a few minutes for the match conclude as George starts panting heavily his aura eventually fading , Sara taking this chance delivers a final blow a slash to the abdomen thus making the beastman fall.


"Pathetic, to let rage consume her. I regret making her retainer."The Sultan says spiting ire

"You don't get it do you, Sultan." Reifa says interjecting

"Elaborate." He says raising an eyebrow

"Losing family especially when you're not present to hear of their death from messenger or a retainer. I expreienced it myself and it still scarred me to this day, 'why did she die and leave me after nagging at me all these years?' 'would things have turned differently had I been around?' I'll keep asking those questions for the rest of my life . Did you not have this feeling after your fathers death."

"I had no strong feelings since I'd usurped him his weakness cost us the precious farmland. For rulers such as ourselves feelings is something we can do without. Love has no place not in trade nor politics nor warfare. Fleeting feelings like rage and the like , do you think I rule this vast oasis by such commoners perception. As sovereigns we were born to lead , and to lead you shed the feelings of bias love and empathy, bask in your peoples adoration and wish for their prosperity. This is how you ought to be silly girl and this is how I want my top retainers to become." He says going on a tanjent as Reifa listens

"There's more to life than power and money!, how can you proclaim yourself a ruler when y-you've discarded your own feelings!."

"As I told you before, your mother and I are the same we didn't see eye to eye on politics but in matters of the heart she's always put her realm over everything." He says giving Reifa a challenging look.

Reifa gets a headache as pieces of memories she'd not known was within slightly awakens.

"My lord I've succeeded , the vessel to calamity." A man carries a hypnotized Reifa as he addresses this sovereign

"I sent you to wed her and you've succeeded Lothar." Emperor George looks delighted by his servant political savviness , he'd not only created a fortune in the underworld as a bandit leader his Duke retainer, he worked with the bandits he'd recruited to sow chaos in Oraia and had successfully been given her hand. The war was ofcourse an excuse for his goals were to get the Duke and Reifa together not in marriage but as a vessel to Calamity like XII had instructed.

"With this Etherea shall be ours." Lothar snickers at the prospect of ruling the vast land of his Empire's rival nations

"We'll take her to the tower's altar, you'll come with me." the emperor orders as he moves away from his chamber.

"Yes my lord!." He replies scurrying off behind his sovereign

The memory fades as Reifa holds her head from the pain. It didn't take long for the invasive vision to leave.

"Your highness !, are you alright??." Asks Kayla worried

"I'm fine Kayla." Reifa replies before speaking to the Sultan

"does this mean you're abandoning Sara after all the years she'd served as your retainer." She asks anger oozing of her tone

"That is none of your concern , Princess Reifa. Ah it looks like it is your retainers turn." He says looking back to the arena signaling that the conversation is over.

"No extravagant entrance today Hubert." Rostoff smirks spitting his ire on his opponent

"Look up." He says

"Now look down." He adds

As rain flows down the field , and giant plants begin sprouting in the ground. He waves his wand again as they bloom revealing glitter all around him. His visage becoming more handsome.

The crowd attracted by his presentation awe in admiration , however it didn't effect Rostoff as he cut all the plants in the vicinity with a single swing of his special sword 'Enthal's Tail'

"For your kind I have no mercy." There's madness in his eyes as he spoke to Hubert , this is no mere match he intends to murder.

"This energy and that sword is familiar, i have a bad feeling about this." Reifa's hidden memories warn her of this person's danger , urging her to save her friend from that man's wrath "FORFEIT THIS ONCE!." she orders Hubert.

"No, your highness I chose to enter tournament for your sake and for our realm I shall face this brute and win you a favor , that I owe." He proclaims an oath as he addresses the announcer "give out the queue."

"Y-you don't understand, he's dangerou!, you the announcer i order you to stop this match!."

"Uh." The announcer unsure of whether to follow hers or the contestants orders gives the Sultan a look of plea.

"Silence!, you don't have the authority to stop a match once it starts." The Sultan interjects giving the announcer a nod

"No." Reifa falls onto her seat demoralized as Kaila speaks to her.

"What is the matter your highness, you've been acting strange for the past hour."

"I don't know Kayla, something came to my mind." 'Could this perhaps be related to those memories' she wonders

"A-ahem, apologies for the delay." The announcer addresses the Sultan before giving the starting queue.


As they both give their nod of confirmation he shouts the word that everyone was waiting for "FIGHT!."

"This is the end of line for you, holding back against your kind is never an option." A red aura surrounds him covering him with an otherworldly silver armor with red mana hues

"Fancy lights, for a mere traveller however it means nothing to me as a mage!." He summons more plantlife followed by three golems

"Give me your best, I'll give you a lifetime's worth of thrashing." Rostoff replies musing the thought

Hubert gulps internally at the sight of his opponents, however he has no intention to back down without a proper fight for his honor wouldn't allow such cowardice.

He orders the animated to move in unison as he drops a few enhancement spells to increase his summons durability , followed by subtly moving the vines to surround and wrap themselves around him.

Rostoff advances towards his opponent's position as he wrestles with 3 golems, he swings his other worldy sword crushing one of the golems, before leaping and cutting the arm of another.

The 3rd golem catches him off guard attempts to crush him alas his armors defenses proves to difficult this crushes jts foot.

"This is the end for you."

He leaps in the air as multiple rifts appear from them swords materialize as hailing projectiles crushing the 3 amputee golems upon impact.

" My golems!." Hubert yells in disbelief

It is not the end as another set of swords hail on Huber .

He orders the vines to surround him as he readies his most powerful spells multicasting elementing.

"If you're planning something, do it now or choose to save me the trouble by allowing me to end you." Rostoff smiles as he orders more hails

The swords cut through the vines quickly depleting the many plant life.

"Fire, Lightning, Earth,Wind." " Elemental burst!" He queues a spell as heat appears melting a part of the hail, lighting falls decimating another, Wind repelling a many and earth crushing the remaining.

Hubert channels the four elements this time assured of his victory.

"D-don't you dare look down on her highness councilman!."

"Always the high and mighty elven, I shall shatter your pride her and now." Rostoff laughs as he swings Enthal's tail

The red energy slash produced by the sword cuts through all his spells , and the emergy projectile continues cutting through Hubert clothing leaving him bloodied

"Aaaaah!!." He screams in agony as he falls

Rostoff haven't had enough orders another hail before someone strikes him from behind , resulting in his fall.

He laid on his back, smiling at the intruder, now standing between him and Hubert.

"Hubert!, you lost don't sacrifice yourself for me or the realm you've done enough so please!."

"B-but your majesty i c-can still fight."

"You can't!, listen to your sovereign. If you die she'd miss a good retainer." Sara interjects backing Reifa

"Haha, I'm sorry your highness i thought i'd make you proud but i've acted stubborn haven't I."

"No Hubert you've made us proud." Kayla adds

"As Kayla have said , I'm proud to call you my friend."

"F-friend." He clicks his tongue in frustration as he thinks of Zephyr 'he's won her heart, hasn't he.' Resigining to his position he speaks "I suppose Iam a friend, so as your friend and retainer I shall listen to your quest."

He says before passing out.

"You bothersome wench!." Rostoff looks at Sara like a hungry wolf,as she'd cost him an Ekven prey

"Bothersome hah, I care naught about how a murderer percieve me." She says as she takes out an elixir and downs it in one gulp

"Ozwald's piece?." A look of surprise appeared on Rostoff face as he stares at his comrade's elixir before shaking his friend " i suppose i'll have to kill you as i did your father."

Thus we've reached the finals

To be continued

emperor george isn't george the bastman

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