
Ethereal Fantasy Online

Our hero a former highschool soccer player falls from grace following a botch match costing him the love of his family, his friend and even his life. In his recluse he comes across Ethereal Fantasy Online an MMORPG that he finds himself in following an expansion update.

Plactus · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

New Beginning


-somewhere in the Alpine mountains-

A group of Bloodhaven soldiers surround 2 masked individuals, the first has an ambiguous air around themselves. The other is a woman of icy demeanor, her long blonde hair flows with the wind directions her pale blue eyes shine an ethereal mystic blue.

"We've come in peace, let us through the border." Says the icy maiden

"Huh?, why would we negotiate with you Elven scum."

"Elven?, neither of us are Elven." The icy maiden replies in confusion

"Oh, I casted an illusion, our trip needed some thrill." Said the ambiguous figure

"Get them!." Yells a lieutenant

It didn't take long for the Ice Maiden to produce a chilling breeze freezing the guards in their place as she walks towards the guard who's half frozen.

"Who are you people?." Said the lieutenant

"Sleep in eternal bliss for knowledge brings you naught but misery." Said the Ice Maiden as the Ice encased itself on the lieutenant

The Ice Maiden's partner laugh to themselves when suddenly a glowing sphere appears and slams itself on the figures chest

"What's wrong III, it better not be one of your mind games." The Maiden Looks at her companion in an aloof manner

"Hahahaha It's back and things will be fun again." Said III deliriously

"don't get distracted , we are here to look for Calamity."

"not a fun one are you VII or shall I call you Ice Maiden hahaha."

- The Qal'aa-

We convened in the throne room , air is tense all around. All eyes are on Sara , Ruen and Otto. Under the Sultan's gaze they stood frozen an unbearable amount of aura directed solely at his retainers

"I won't ask you why you let something as petty as revenge get the best of you, you'd set on that path and failed is a true testament of my undoubted failure in judging a character, what have you to say in your defense."

"I don't have an excuse my Lord, my actions were solely driven by emotions. It clouded my rationale and brought about the disastrous event."

"Oi? Sara, don't go blaming yourself for this!." Says Otto in Sara's defense

"Otto, let her be. Sometimes emotions lead us astray. " Says Ruen looking sympathetically

"Otto, Ruen." Says the Sultan addressing the leopard and tiger "you've done well and for that. You Ruen shall take Sara's place as the new reigning champion and as for you Otto a new set piece of armor from my treasury."

"..." Sara looks down biting her lips as the Sultan finally gazes upon her

"Sara, you are to be dismissed and banished from Raul. We have no place for people like you."

The Sultan body glows and he speaks again

"I hereby, renounce all the blessings bestowed upon you. You are no longer the dual swords mistress." He says with vitriol behind his words

"Y-yes sir."

"Hold it!." It took nearly my everything to withstand his aura giving what had transpired today but I must say my piece and it appears that Reifa also shares my thoughts

"Really now?, one slip up and you abandon your strongest. Just how many times has she bled for you in the name of loyalty and now just like that you cast her aside." Just like me..

"Princess I hope you control that welp of yours, before I do it myself." The Sultan not taking a liking to my approach spits at my attempt of rebuttal

"Zephyr is right and I have no intention of stopping him, would you really abandon a wonderful retainer like Sara. Just because she could feel!." Said Reifa

"Wavering feelings killed Ivana and for my case almost plunged my Oasis into a war unprepared." He refutes

"You like to bring my mother when it's convenient, it is true that you have taught me it is a sovereign duty to put citizens above his being but retainers are citizens too!." She says to the Sultan

"Reifa... why."

"That's what friends Do, sometimes you have to accept help." I reply to Sara

The Sultan smiles to himself as a bulb lit in his head

" right you are girl, in that case. Sara you are hereby exiled from the R'aul, take your luggage and leave posthaste." The Sultan turns around signifying the end of this meeting

"Reifa, Zephyr its fine. I knew full well the consequences of my actions. I shall.."

"Stop it right there Sara, whatever happens here know that you don't have to explain yourself to no one."

She'd let a royal walk over her however I'm never letting this slide , not one bit.

"One day Sultan, you will come to regret your decision. Sara isn't useless, she will stand on her own and when she does I'd call you over to see how much of a royal shit you are at judging people." I bite at the Sultan

"... Don't count those decades." He says with apparent amusement before leaving the throneroom

"Sara, young lass. Take this chance to free yourself from what shackle you." Ruen putting a hand on Sara's shoulder

"Do I even have the right to breathe. My family was taken away from me, blood must be paid by blood this is our decree." She looks down in frustration, she'd chose revenge and it remained unfulfilled..

"You have the right to do whatever the he'll you want if its revenge and no matter how wrong it seems, go ahead and work towards it. When you fall, and feel put down remember that no one has the right to validate your actions but you." I'm talking about myself here , I've fallen at the first stint I won't let her retreat into her bubble "lets go you and me, you wanna get stronger right and I wanna level up myself." I say to Sara as I think about calamity's champion ever since I saw that prophecy I feel him getting stronger day by day.

"Huh?, Zephyr where are you going?." Reifa asks

"To Bloodhaven, we're going to the mountainous wilds together!." I say with my chest out

"Wait, aren't you supposed to be Reifa's knight why are you leaving your post for someone as irrelevant as me?." Sara says confused

"I'm a big fan." Of her in the game Ofcourse I can't say "seeing someone I admire get put down infuriates me, lets keep it at that and besides a friend of Reifa is a friend of mine right." I look at Reifa

"He's not obligated to remain in Oraia all the time besides my friend needs him more than me." Reifa says smiling to Sara

"Count me in on your quest. I hate how that peasant trampled on me , next time I shall see that he is put on the ground." A battered up Hubert makes his presence known, next to him is Kayla who isn't in top condition

"I-I want to go too." Kayla says "I'm frustrated by my weakness and I'd rather be useful to you and her highness!." She says determined

"You guys?, I guess we got a party eh Sara" I turn to her smirking

"I'm a failure, and to think you admire me. I know nothing about this admiration of yours but please Zephyr help me get stronger" She looks at me eyes full of tears. Revenge is still a goal she sets on

"I'm doing this for me as much as its for you. Without Lithea I as her champion am not nearly as tough as the XIII." I say sympathetically before turning to Reifa "you coming too Reifa?."

"I shall weave a few favors owed by the Bloodhaven Empire, facilitating your journey into their borders is a job in of itself" she says sighing

"Great so the operations a go , Sara I won't let you back down from this." I say address Sara

-a week later-

We were back at Oraia though only for a day, we are already at the airgates of Oraia , Reifa had booked us 4 a flight to the capital through the airfreight aka airships.

"Is this our mode of transportation?." Sara says in awe.

The flying ship had anchored and landed in airgate strip , Sara looked enthusiastically at the spectacle while airships are a rarity in R'aul I didn't think it would warrant that kind of reaction. I guess all the time I spent playing those JRPGs have numbed me.

"The Van Alpus liner had docked at Oraia's Greenfort airstrip, i ask all passengers heading to Bloodhaven's Icefalls to board the flight.

I repeat, all intended passengers may board the Van Alpus."

"That's our sue." Says Hubert moving past me

"Mr Zephyr, should we go." Kayla asked

"After you and Sara, I know it's an overwhelming sight but we got a flight to catch." Sara had strayed from my our gate and proceeded to stroll back toward us.

"I'm sorry haha, I guess I was intrigued by the airgates." She says shuffling an embarassed grin.

We boarded the airship and were guided to our seats by an attendant. Sara was seated next to Hubert and as for me I was seated next to Kayla , however for some reason. We were seated 3 seats behind the other pair, I could be overthinking.

"Hmm?, is something wrong Mr. Zephyr." Kayla asked cocking her head cutely

"Nothing ,I just thought you looked cute today . What not with the leather gear you're wearing." I scratch my cheek in embarassment

"O-oh, you think I look cute." She turns away blushing , I turn to my left to see her grinning

"Mr Zephyr, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you." She turns back to me and with a determined she speaks

"Thank me for what?."

"For everything, the chance to live beyond the scope of Marsche, for giving me a 2nd chance of life by healing me and for taking me along your journey. I truly , truly appreciate and lo-." Just as I waited for her to continue an argument broke out

"I'm a member of her highness council and I'm privy to her everyday life. What makes you think that I'm less of a friend here if I know nothing about her childhood!."

"Do not insult our bond with your frivolous admiration , you claim her favorite dessert is pudding and I corrected you by saying she liked Soufflé!."

"Frivolous, a dual sword mistress you might be however I shan't take this slander lying on my sweet behind. I challenge you to a duel!."

"A duel?, in a closed environment?."

"No you silly sword lady, I meant a game of cards!." Hubert brings out playing cards from his pouch thus challenging Sara

"I'm a daughter of a bartender, don't you underestimate me Hubert." Sara gladly takes the challenge.

"J-just what are they doing?, I expected shenanigans from Hubert and he got Sara roped in his schtick too." I sigh and facepalm

"Hehe, that's just Mr Hubert's way. He's consoling Sara."

"I see no consolation rather a heated card battle." I heave another sigh before remembering "what were about to say Kayla?."

"O-oh I was about to tell you about how I-." Yet another thing distracts Kayla , a fierce gale followed by a hailstorm.

"Dear passengers, we apologize for the inconvenience our Van Alpus have been hit by a fierce wind turbulent followed by a strong hailstorm. Please follow the instructions on our guidance book fasten your belts and if you seek air , you may take the masks from the hidden compartments. Again we apologize for the inconvenience remain ad we ask that you remain patient for the duration of the flight ETA 2 hours for Icefalls."

"Mr. Zephyr look!." I follow Kayla's sight and see wyverns flying past our airship

"Wyverns, something must have transpired to have them this close." said Sara intrigued

"No, Weyverns are a common sight in Bloodhaven however I never seen this type before, could be a mutation?." Hubert added

"I feel like I seen them before." Just trust my memory to feel me when I need it "well nevermind this for now. We came here for a single purpose and that's to train."

"Where are we going after we land?." Asks Kayla

"I'm going to see Lithea." I reply

"How ,when she is no longer of this world." Kayla asked confused

"Not her persay, I'm going to her lair." I clarify

"And what about us, do we accompany you Mr. Zephyr?." Said Kayla

"Well... no, you're going somewhere else. I need to do this alone after all." I scratch my cheek when Hubert explains

"You Ms. Kayla , myself and Sara are going to the forests. There we will meet the one that trained Zephyr all his techniques... Master Agatha."

"Agatha the wreath spear?, that Agatha is your master Zephyr?." Sara in absolute shock looks back at Zephyr

"Was, and I don't know if she lived after all I didn't see her in years since she moved back to Bloodhaven." Agatha was one of the class masters assigned to the new adventurers designed to show the ropes to begginers after she'd fulfilled her role, I was given a quest to escort her back to Bloodhaven which served as a goodbye for the both of us. Haven't heard from her since, while she excels at being Dragoon she'd picked up other jobs such as black mage, cleric/white mage and warrior.

"The one and only, though I'd scale back the excitement if I were you." I shudder at the thought of meeting her, luckily we are going our separate ways when we arrive to Icefalls.

"What do you mean by this?." Asks Kayla

"N-nothing , rather not think about her." I say deflecting

3 hours later we arrive at Icefalls, I drop by the gate alongside Sara, Kayla and Hubert greeting us in the arrivals gate was a human woman of lean built, her long red hair flows with the wind and her grey eyes stare at a clock on the gates wall, she wears a black leather armor and a spear on her back. The woman looks away from the clock as she notices us close by.

"ZEPHYR!." she leaps in the air and lands right in from me

"Master!." I blink 3 times in astonishment while yes she looked familiar I didn't expect her to know about my arrival

"3 years , you haven't visited me for all that time I t-thought you forgot about your old master!." She tearfully clings to me as she hugs I feel air squeezed out of me.

"Master I can't breathe!." I yell out suffocated

"No , you will accept this punishment of mine." She says pouting not letting go.

"Umm, Agatha the wrath spear its an honor." Sara moves forward giving Agatha a slight bow

"Well this is quite something." Says Hubert mused

"Z-Zephyr he's he's dying!." Kayla panics at the sight

"Oh who might they be , Zephyr? Zephyr?." She says holding my unconscious self

- to be continued-