
Ethereal Fantasy Online

Our hero a former highschool soccer player falls from grace following a botch match costing him the love of his family, his friend and even his life. In his recluse he comes across Ethereal Fantasy Online an MMORPG that he finds himself in following an expansion update.

Plactus · Fantasy
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23 Chs


"Marsche has seen better days it seems, not like there are many houses to burn anyway."

There's that and also the smell of death , feeling something like this right infront me and to see the many people lying down the dirt roads almost like they're willing to join the departed sends a shiver up my spine.

Now to find someone who at least looks alive.

Oh speaking of the living

"Hey kid , you over there!!."

I spot a kid playing tic-tac-toe with himself, a perfectly normal serene thing considering the background its a welcome sight.

"Uh, me Sir. Adventurer?." Said the boy looking at me with his curious adorable eleven blue eyes.

"Yes, would you mind telling me what happened here."

"A dragon passed by sir , he swooped to Marsche and set it a blaze my mum ,dad and sister all burned infront of me I... I ahhhhhh mum!!." The boy almost as if woken up from a trance yelled frantically looking to chase after someone after I stopped him in his tracks he yelled 'dead' in a monotone voice.

"Woah , what happened?.".

"You there , dragonkin what do you think you're doing. It took me hours to put that child's mind in a tranquil dream and you've woken him up by mentioning this tragic event."

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." I looked at the man flustered and apologized vehemntly but he's having none of that. Last thing I want is to give a kid ptsd.

"Huh, ofcourse you didn't mean to you moronic adventurers are all the same. What brings you here anyway."

The young Doctor introduced himself as Tyrel the number 1 and only physician/mayor of Marsche, and from the looks of his face I'd say he's overwhelmed wearing a typical doctor's coat, round spectacles, his silver hair tied in a pony tail and his eyes as blue as azure. I'd say he looked like shite, if this is what elves look like at their worst I'd hate to see their best. I should have reincarnated as my elf sub.

"You've come here for a reason didn't you, you don't make a convincing tourist."

"Indeed I did."

"I'm done treating the child, we shouldn't talk about such matters in his presence come to my abode."

-Mayor's House-

"I'm looking for a dragon, about this tall'describing witnesses claims' red skin, stout black wings."

"Seen it?, why I was mere inches away from that horrendous monster."

Jeez opened up anothers trauma way to go me

"That dragon came to our town from that the cliffs above he soared and flew circles around the village before he breathed fire that led our lives and properties to ruin. I was frantically racing through the town healing the needy when suddenly the dragon came mere inches away before the dragon spoke to me."

"What did he say?." I questioned

"Sorry. Is all he said as he spared my life." Tyrel said as he exasperated a sigh recalling the event must have put a toll on his mental wellbeing.

"Well you don't have to worry no more, I will deal with your dragon for the princess have sent for me Zephyr."

"Hahaha, you? , Zephyr? Well everyone knew him as Elven. You're a good jest Mr. Dragonkin." I guess i lightened this ones mood , but i don't like how he brushed me off like that.

"I'm wearing the same set Zephyr wore before the calamity, shouldn't this mean something."

"Look, I'm not going to disparage you anymore however you should know I met Zephy before the calamity and he was infact Elven."

"Did you mistook the Elven for Zephyr?."

"No I'm 100% sure it was him, I've even had a lengthy tutorial on elixirs with him."

"Well you've come a day late, the dragon wreaked enough havoc the day before. He arrives when the suns set and lays to waste anything in his way."

"In the meantime , you shall make yourself useful for the remainder of the day."

"You mean help you with the patients?."

"No you'll help me tilt the land."

"I see what you did there, another dose of sarcasm eh." He stole my whole flow agghhh.

"Here, you're carrying my potions."

"At it already."

"We'll be at it while the sun still shines Mr. Adventurer."

And we're off to patients homes.

"Our first patient is Winfred Tamarra's husband he suffered 3rd degree burns on his torso the dragon crisped his flesh good."

"And he's still alive?."

"It takes more to kill us elves haha." Said Tyrel

"Ah , Ms. Truffle good to see you're still here. I take it

"Oh dear Tyrel its my husband his burn wound drove him to madness."


Watching him work firsthand, I can't help but admire his ethic, one thing I can't stand is his insulting attitude I don't think he means anything malicious going by his tone but God he irks the shit out of me.

"Mr. Truffle, this anesthetic potion here will help you sleep right away. The pain will be gone by tomorrow and if it persists you should take a drop of this elixir, do not drink the whole bottle for I will not be held liable for you overdosing."


"Dr. Tyrel and Sir. Adventurer I baked you some cookies."

"Those are great, oh my god some freaking chocolate chip cookies. Ahhhh I can die happy now." Not that I'm alive in the real world, probably?

"Apologies for my employee's behaviour Mrs. Truffles."

"Oh dear no, I quite like the enthusiasm he's shown the kids that lived next door once had the same expression." Melancholic look draped Mrs. Truffles as she recalled.

"Ah, Mrs can I have some more." I steered her away from that mood. I'm not really good with sob stories I admit.

"You're more than welcome to have our entire stock haha." Said Mrs Truffles smiling.

"Dr. Tyrel this is all the coin I have to thank you for your troubles."

"Good, now Mrs. Truffle you know as your mayor and no.1 physician I don't require any payments your taxes do that job, and one more thing you're exempt from taxation for the next 3 months."

"I'm impressed by your work ethic Doc, I can't say I'd ever be like you..."

Anymore, everything about the Dr. reminds me of my old self. How I strived to please everyone around me , how i shed blood and tears to achieve my dreams I can't even say why but a part of me is jealous he kept himself going when I'd simply given up and shut myself seeking the delusional comfort of my room.

"Now onto other patients Mr. Adventurer."

"This is Lady Kayla's mansion or half of what remained. Her mansion collapsed with her attempt of accept we had to amputate her arms severe facial burns ontop of limb loss a lady who had all the bachelor men at her heels is no more what remained is a husk. I'm warning you her current physical appearance is something you need to keep in mind lest you do something that you'd sorely regret."

"Greetings Dr. Tyrel and??."

"Oh he's my assistant Mr. Adventurer."

"The name's Zephyr."

"The good Lady expects you, take to the stairs her rooms is down the corridor to the right. Now if you'll excuse me." The Maid presents half a bow and proceeds to continue her work cleaning the hallway.

"damn, that's a big mansion." I said out loud

"Lady Kayla's ancestors were the lords of Marsche 2 centuries ago they were deposed by my late father who took over as mayor. Just like how Kayla inherited her house's legacy, I was uhh.. obligated to inherit mine." Dr. Tyrel wanted to become a physician and nothing more , I don't want to admit this but in alot of ways we're similar him and I.

"We're here, mind your manners Mr. Adventurer."

"Lady Kayla, its Dr. Tyrel ah I also brought an assistant."

"Dr and uhh Dragonkin."

My eyes oogled at was once a beauty or so they say, the shock I had when I saw her face made me want to bawl my eyes out what stood before me was half a face burned beyond facial recognition the other on the verge of falling off. If you'd have told me this was a horror flick I'd have totally believed it.

"Uh, its Zephyr."

"A familiar name , welcome Mr. Zephyr."

"Uhmm, Lady Kayla I brought the 2nd dose of the healing elixir. I'm going to leave it to the maydh, as of now I can't say you'd recover for sure but I'll do my utmost best to brew a glamour potion. I'm sorry for bringing your hopes down."

"Its fine Dr. You don't have to apologize for anything for I was the one who'd decided to put myself in harms way."

"Harms way?."

"Lady Kayla, may I."

"I'll tell him myself Dr."

"Ah, Mr. Zephyr umm. I-I put my self in harms way to save a child, he stood dazed infront of his parents corpse from shock it seemed the Dragon noticed him and when turned around to breathe fire. I-I took flight and yanked him away burning half of my face in the process."

"So you see it was all my fault that I ended up in such a pathetic state, unfortunate as it is I'm glad that in the end I'd saved a live." Half a smile grazed her face when she recalled her deed.

"You say you're brewing a glamour potion for Lady Kayla right?." I turn to Dr. Tyrel this time putting on a serious expression.

"yes, I made significant progress I think I could get it done within a month and a half."

"There's no need for that Tyrel, I got something better."

"Mr. Adventurer I don't think this is the right for jesture." Dr. Tyrel hissed

"Whats better than a glamour potion Mr. Zephyr?." Lady Kayla cocked her head adorably.

"Its a transformation potion."

"Oh, a t-transformation p-p-potion!!!!." Said Lady Kayla stuttering from my revelation

"T-THIS IS AN ANCIENT LOST MAGIC, don't you dare make light of the Lady...." I'm giving you the satisfaction to look down on me anymore Doc.

"Hold your horses Tyrel, I got one on me right now." I reach out for my spacial pouch and imagine a white translucent liquid potion.

"You , you're really. " yeah I'm him.

"There, now my Lady, just picture what sort of person you want to look like and the potion will work on its on."

"Y-you're sure you want to give this to me." Lady Kayla's stiffles a tear in disbelief in an attempt to deny my boon.

"I wouldn't mention I had this potion if I weren't going to give it to you , so here."

"T-thank you, Mr Zephyr!." Said Lady Kayla vigorously.

Lady Kayla yanked the potion's cap and gulped the liquid down with gusto, just as she gulped the last drop a white bright ray of light seeped from her eyes blinding myself and Dr. Tyrel, 10 seconds later the light flickered and dimmed with our sight restored we stared at a marvel of a beauty, Lady Kayla in all her glory. The trademark porcelain skin elves are known for pales in comparison to hers possibly matching the Elven princess, her lustrous blonde hair glissened like gold in the little lighting illumination the room had to offer, she stared at me with her sea blue eyes threatning to sink me deep, averting my gaze from her elegant features shying away I turned my eyes down and found a bountiful mound awaiting me in a flustered gesture I turned back to her face, as I stared tears trickled from her eyes and her lips arched giving me an absolute angelic smile.

"Mr. Zephyr, you've saved me from a hopeless fate for that I thank you." Said the beautiful Elf Kayla in all her elegance blushingly.

"Y-you don't have to mention it." Damn it I'm blushing, it seems I couldn't contain mine too

"So you really were the legendary adventurer." Said Dr. Tyrel in awe.

"like I said before I'm the real..."


Just as I was about to lay it on him, a roar rang through the cliffs of a hill and from there soared a Dragon not one of those lesser Wyverns but a real ancient Dragon. I couldn't help but think of Lithea the crystal dragon. While she was glistening a radiant light this ones body is hued with fire, getting close would have posed a problem for a regular adventurer however I'm not any regular old adventurer for Iam....
