
Ethereal Equilibrium : The Dungeon Masters & The Heroes

A recent cosmic event split the world into two primary faction the Hero and The Dungeon Master maintain a delicate balance between two sides. "Ethereal Equilibrium: The Dungeon Masters & The Heroes" invites readers into a world shaped by the intricate dance between two powerful forces. In this realm, a rare cosmic occurrence has bestowed a unique Power upon 10% of the population, dividing them equally into two extraordinary beings—the Dungeon Masters and the Heroes, while the rest 90% have their own path to follow, However, in "Ethereal Equilibrium," the lines between darkness and light, good and evil, are not as clear-cut as they seem. As the story unfolds, readers witness the intricate complexities of the Dungeon Masters and the Heroes. Some Dungeon Masters exhibit unexpected compassion, while some Heroes are tempted by the allure of power. The webnovel delves deep into the personal struggles of these extraordinary beings, exploring the boundaries of power, morality, and the essence of humanity. It challenges conventional notions of heroism and villainy, delving into the shades of gray that color the decisions they make through the eyes of the MC himself. Author note: Pls do read my note before reading my first chapter - from your beloved author =>

Empyream · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Alliances and Confrontations

"Raiya I'm ready let's go meet the with the guest."

Entering the prison cellar guarded by a few patrolling wraiths and ghosts, we finally arrive in front of a cell that houses Magnus's uncle

"What about Magnus and his party?, what did you to them?"

"They're already dead. There's no need for them to exist since they intended to kill me, and they have no value that makes me want to keep them."

Looking at me, he starts to ask, "So, what do you want from me?" After stating that, he goes silent, waiting for my response.

"I want you to work for me and become my voice in the human city. Of course, if you don't agree, I will let you go."

"Before I make my decision what do I get from following you."

"Power and protection from me, as well a chance to spread your influence."

"Hahahaha, what other choice do I have? Even if you let me go, there's no way you'd let me live."

After hearing his words of agreement, we sign a soul contract, and he introduces himself as Mark.

"Then, Auriel, send Valtho a message to send bodyguards for Mark after he leaves," I say while opening the dungeon cell. "Mark, follow me to my office for now."

While walking out of the dungeon, he sees a scenery of an undead city. The structures are built neatly, allowing for development and growth. After a moment of walking, they arrive at a mansion surrounded by graves. Both of them enter the mansion and move towards my workroom.

"Now, I want you to gather information on other cities with your connections, and recruit other people who have the potential to join us. Don't use coercive means; just offer them favorable conditions. Also, take these five vials of potion; they can help people heal some incurable diseases and curses. You can use this as a bargaining chip. Oh, and create a company to sell this potion for gold."

"Ok boss, how much should we sell this potion?."

"Why do we need to set a price? Just auction it and let the people judge. Of course, we will sell it with a limited amount each month. Twenty percent of the profit will be for you, 30% for the company funds, and the rest will be sent back to me."

"How about the name of the company?"

"Just name it Eternal."

After further discussing the company's role and responsibilities, I invite Mark to have dinner.

"Well, Mark, you don't need to call me boss, and I hope you handle it well."

"Then, sir, should I send some wine and spices to you?" hinting that I lack some ingredeants.

"Okay, send me enough for a month regularly. It's about time you leave before some of your people start to get suspicious." after that I send a signal for Valtho.

"Mr.mark please follow me i will send you back as well sent 2 wraith and 2 ghost, don't worry they will be invisible but i assure you they will sacrifice their life in order to protect you."

"Thank you, Sir Valtho, for your generous words."

"No, no, it is the order of my master. In the future, I will send a more powerful guard to protect Master's property from those greedy fools who try to touch it."

After a few more conversations, they both leave, and Valtho puts a blindfold on Mark. Even though we have a corporation, I still won't trust someone so easily. Countermeasures are a must, and keeping the location of my dungeon core a secret is basic for every dungeon master.

"Auriel, is there any update on the dungeon that Valtho discovered?"

"Yes, they seem to have a very traditional dungeon. They use a huge number of forces as obstacles to defend their dungeon core, while humans are used as laborers for them. But the conditions are not very good. So, what should we do, Raiya?"

"We will save them. After all, the company needs people to work for us, and saving them will show that not all dungeon masters are cruel and evil. Normally, I would let those who challenge the dungeon leave after they are beaten."

"Hmmm, I believe Raiya is not a cruel person." She smiles widely after hearing my words. "Even though Raiya tries to hide his feelings, I know you just want to save them, even if you don't need them or hire them."

I just keep silent and try not to say anything, as it would only lead to more misunderstandings.

"So, Auriel, we better prepare for the dungeon dive next. Can you help me guard the dungeon when I'm away?"

"Sure, Raiya. Leave it to me, your trusted assistant."

After saying that, she leaves the room to take care of her own unfinished tasks.

In the room, I check the rewards I've gained from killing Magnus.

In the inventory, two new items have been added:


Battle Type Hero Token

Advanced Resource Package *3

The user can choose the type of resource they want and will be given 100k of the selected resource.


Seeing the hero token, I decide to use it immediately. Just like with Valtho, the token starts to shine, and a figure wearing a black robe with a hood covering its head emerges. The only thing visible is a pale blue fire, the signature of the undead race.

"Farian greets the master."

"Okay, Farian, we are currently understaffed. I hope you will focus on enhancing your strength, and from now on, you will be the one guarding the throne room on the second floor of the dungeon."

"as you order, sir."

"You can visit Valtho and ask him to tell you where you can train. For now, your accommodation is one of the shallow graves outside. Soon, we will upgrade it to a soulbound tomb."

"Thank you for the concern, sir."

Before letting him go to find Valtho, I check his status:


Name : Farian Therman

Tier 1 Class 2

Job : Deathlord


Soul scythe

Soul Scythe is a dark and deadly skill wielded. The enchanted scythe will bypass any defend and deal direct injury to the souls.

Soul Chain

Soul Chain is a sinister ability to bind the souls of their enemies to their will and locking as well marking them, the marked person will receive a extra soul fire damage overtime, slowly infecting them with death energy.

Corspe Explosion

Corpse Explosion is a gruesome skill. By channeling dark energy into a lifeless body, they can cause it to violently detonate, unleashing a deadly explosion of necrotic energy and shrapnel.

Soul Reap

Soul Reap: A trump card of the Deathlord, where their victim's corpse will be transformed into a skeletonling that will fight for the Deathlord for a period of time, making the Deathlord fearsome in a fight where their numbers will be their downfall.


Seeing his skills, I'm shocked by how terrifying and deadly they are. As expected of the undead race, a race that boasts the ability to overwhelm others with numbers.

After sending him away and notifying him not to kill adventurers beside the hero, I send him to do his job. I return to my room and end my day.