
Ethereal Depths; Chronicles Of The Unknown

For thousands of years since the beginning of time people have been living safely on the surface. This all changed with the arrival of an Elder God who brought the Song to this life in this dull and tuneless world with his arrival the Song became joyous and loud once more. Through thousands of years of mutation due to the presence of the Song being found in every inch and crevice of this world, People, animals and environment alike all changed, mutated and adapted alongside the Song in order to survive. Throughout these uncountablle and untracable years multiple races emerged with no true knowledge left behind as to how they came to be, simply that they emerged with mutations. These races later on became normal and the people before them were slowly driven out and near extinct. During this Era of Song chanting and attuning multiple Godlike beings emerged and alongside them, the world itself changed, cults and religions were made, people started to master the Song. This Era however did not last forever, after an unknown amount of time the Gods, Elder Gods, Celestials, Monsters and other Authoritive powers went to war. What exactly transpired during this time is unknown to us, it is only known that during these times all of the higher beings had made their homes in different dimensions. After the war between the Gods, the Song had finally reached its climax and it begun to sink, the pressure of the surface world began to become heavier and heavier, until even the lands cracked, islands and mountains split apart, and the great city of Celdor which had become the worlds center. Sunk into the bottom of the sea along with most of the Song singing techniques. It is now present day and we can see what seems to be a humanoid figure wearing a mask with horns protruding out of his head. There were weird stripes and symbols adorning the mask, in a strange, mystical and weirdly captivating way. This boy is one of the rare direct bloodline descendants of one of the Ancient Gods, follow along his journey of finding out about the story of his ancestors, uncovering the truth of what happened to the great city of Celtor and why his parents were taken as sacrifices. ------- DISCLAIMER!!: This novel is HEAVILY inspired by Deepwoken so make sure to check out the actual game! Also the picture for the cover is not made by me but by Thiamine on Pinterest.

NoobAuthor_1 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Volume: 1 | 1 | The Surface│ MurrMurring (Chapter 1)

It all sounds still, the crashing of the sea wave against a bunch of rocks, the quiet late night chirpings of a bird, the grey moonshine which shone upon the shore, the forest and mountains in between, the ocassional scene of passion during the night.

The surface on which most life live upon, during the quiet night no visible lifes are seen, only the grey-whiteish moonlight shining in between the tall trees leaves, showing footsteps into the ground, not made by a man, but a beasts.

The grey and dull athmospheres peace was broken by a sudden buzz sound being made, it was made by a boy.

He could be seen chasing something, something large.


Step-!, Step-! 



A wooden spear was sent flying, blending inbetween the dry and dull grey skies shadows and lights, then re appearing right in front of the giant Shark looking monster.



The spear went right through the monsters head, blastering its brains and eyes away by a few couple meters, spreading even more blood upon trees that night. The monster fell down forwards collapsing onto the crooked forest ground.


The boy lands nearby, walking in slow and steady steps, trying to gather his breathing whilst being cautious "Huf, puff, I told you..huff, that I'd got ya!" The boy celebrated.

The boy started to butcher the shark looking monster, he was no more than 8 years old, this was however his first time hunting such a beast, not encountering it.

He had infact fled from them on multiple ocassions, but today he was the hunter "I finally..adapted to the way you fight...huff..you nasty freak!" the boy yelled out.

He collapsed and fell on top of the shark looking monster "Puff! I'm so tired, I have been chasing this thing for hours" sweat was dripping from all of the bodys body parts.

Even his face which was hidden behind a mask with 2 horns, the horns seemed a tad bit long, and the horns were curved backwards.

The boys horns had strange strypes, symbols and other such writings and drawing addorning his horns in circles, or the mask in which it seemed to drip around the eye area.

The mask was a black-greyish mask and the glowing scribbles were a tint of white-blueish light. It seemed eerie and yet strangely captivating.

The boy however during this still moment of peace after his hunt and butchering session, began to start a fire.

"I gotta make sure that I'm warm today, can't freeze like I did last season" The boy murmured to himself. He then proceeded to get seated around the fire in a lotus position.

"Can't let my hunt go to waste" The boy said and pulled out a small disfigured and almost see through looking crystal, inside the crystal was a very small and barely red coloured ball.

He brought the crystal closer to his face, and with a sudden twitch of his wrist.


The crystal and the ball inside were both instantly vaporated and turned into ash, which then turned into small, very small white flame like particles and proceeding to disappear into thin air.

[Experience Achieved]

[Strength Can Be Trained With The Right Equipment]

"I always feel happy when I see this, finally I'll become stronger" The boy said before standing up and going over to small boulder.

He slowly bent his legs until his hands were underneath the boulder and had a good grip, he then started to count down.

"Okay..3..2..1..UHMFFGH!" He was struggling to push the boulder up, but slowly and surely he was lifting it up, and just when it passed his chest area.

[Strength increased]

{Power Up!}

[Talents x3] [Mantras x1] [Trait(s) x1]

"Seems like my cards are changing up even more"

[Talents │ [Evasive Expert] , [Warriors Respite] , [Bloodiron Spirit] ]

[Mantra │ [Strong Left] ]

The boy simply nodded his head "Good, this should help out a lot going forward" The boy said before packing away the rest of the sharks corpse, now he was getting ready to set off.

"I best find a shelter to stay in" The boy said before hurrying away in a random direction in search of a cave or something similair to stay in.

"Huff puff, I have been running all day and yet its still hard to tell whether it is night or day, damn it! anyways seems like I found a cave for the night" the boy said outside the entrance of a large cave.

He slowly entered the cave, it was eerily quiet. Not any noise was aduible besides the slow and quiet steps coming from the boy, there was barely any light visible inside the cave.

Old and rotten grass smell could be felt throughout the cave "Seems like someone was here a long time ago".

He kept walking until he finally stumbled upon a rather wide area inside the cave, there was also a small hole in the ceiling of the rocks, so a bit of grey-whiteish moonshine managed to creek in, dimly lighting up the small living area.

"I guess this will have to do for tonight" The boy started a campfire once more, and proceeded to lay down on the cold stone floor, the ground was uneven, prompting the boy to move around a lot.

The Boy with a weird mask and horns with weird glowing symbols laid on his back, slowly settling in to the little cave.

He made a small fire and just laid there completely motionless next to it, the night was quiet without any disturbances, outside the cave all one could see was a immense forest, a mountain split apart, and within this mountain slide there were a few small cave entrances.

Inside the cave there was little to no difference compared to the outside, only the small light made by the fire was illuminating the small cave room, besides the dim moonlight.

It was completely quiet inside the cave, the only noises being made, were the crackling sound being made from the campfire, and the slow and steady breathing of a boy wearing a weird looking mask.

As he was laying down he brought up his "System" It was grey, black and white as well, with a few more detailed symbols addorning the System, making it look more ancient and mysterious.


Vitality: 1

Erudition: 0

Proficiency: 0

Songchant: 0 ]

'Hmm, I'm not sure, but I guess more vitality can't hurt'.

[Vitality: 1 ▲ ] --> [Vitality: 2]

[Trait Succesfully Evolved]

'Good' The boy nodded to himself as he felt a cooling and refreshing amount of energy enter into his body, starting from his skin and slowly digging deeper into him, rejuvinating all of him completely.

He slowly squeezed his fists in acknowledgement and pride, he was happy to finally hunt down one of those shark looking monsters.

"Sharko, I can't believe I actually managed to kill a Sharko by myself" The boy started to mumble to himself, reality had finally settled in for the young boy.

The fact that someone like him, a little kid was able to hunt one down on his own still felt surreal just to think about.

"And it will continue just like this, I plan on killing them, as many of them as it takes to increase my strength" He said before slowly turning away from the crackling and comfortable campfire.