
Ethereal Cries

Average office worker. Herald, who lost his parent at a young age tragically. Commited to live a better life. But, fate have a different story for him. Dying because of saving someone. "is this the end?" Herald already accepted his fate. But he got a second chance. Reincarnating as someone in a different world. "i'm not gonna waste this second chance." Herald now trying to make his second life more valuable for him. While he was trying to make his life more valuable. He soon uncover many mysteries in the new world. Where there are many secret got hidden. Herald's journey begin to make his life more valuable Author message : Im just making this book for fun hope you guys enjoy it. if you enjoyed reading this book. i hope you guys can leave a comment about this book. the flaw or anything maybe i could fix it when i make a new book. [i do not own the cover of this book.] Dc : https://discord.com/invite/qECY9UeP

Burpy · Fantasy
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16 Chs


Anthony guide them to the nearest town. While on the way, Bane called Anthony.



"Can i ask something?"


"Who made that piece of- i mean robot?"

Anthony let out a small chuckle. He then answered Bane.

"That robot was made by a famous scientist. Dimierdel."

"It was created to protect civillian from unknown danger."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. But sadly the scientist already passed away 4 years ago."

"Because of that the robot couldn't get produced anymore. So there is only a few of them left."

"Oh, thanks for answering."

"No problem."

They continue to walk toward the destination they want to reach. After a while of walking, they finally arrived.

"We finally arrived."

Anthony then turned around. Looking at Bane and Astra.

"Welcome to Rieverte."

They then entered the town. Bane looked around his surrounding area. The town was filled with many people with different look. A person that looked like horse, lion, tiger, bull and many more.

Wow there are so many people here.

They continue to walk. There were also many shop at the side of the street. They were selling food, clothes, book.

Anthony asked them.

"What do you guys want to buy?"

"Im looking for equipment like armor or clothes that is fine. Because as you can see im not wearing anything."

"I see."

"Follow me i know a shop that sell much higher quality armor and clothes than the other shop."

Anthony then guided them to a shop. Bane looked at the shop. The building looked really old. There were no people at the shop. There were only old looking clothes and armor that got displayed in the mirror.

"Are you sure this is the place ant?"

"Yeah, im sure."

Anthony then knocked on the door. A voice can be heard from the door.

"Who is this?"

"It's Anthony."

". . ."

There were no sound for a while. After a while the door suddenly opened. An old looking person came behind the door. He looked like a goat. Anthony then bowed his head. Astra then followed him. Bane still standing tall not bowing his head.

Why did they bow?

The person looked at Bane. He look annoyed with Bane.

"Who is this ignorant young man?"

The person asked Anthony.

"His name is Vorsen. We met at Cordesian village"

Cordesian village? Oh, that village.

The old man looked at Bane again.

"Is that so?"

While scratching his beard. He turned his eye and looked at Anthony.

"So, what bring you here Ant?"

"We are looking for equipment. Is there anything good that you can offer to us?"

"Follow me. You can check any equipment that i can offer you."

They followed the old man into his shop. Bane look around inside the shop. The place inside was well built not like the outside.

I suppose this is what you call don't judge a book by its cover.

The old man then took out the equipment from his storage. He took out many thing from his storage. Sword, dagger, chestplate, leggings, robe. Bane take one of the sword that he took out. He inspect it turning the item around while looking at it.

Hmmmm. This is definetly a high quality sword.

Bane knew that this is a high quality sword from his experience mining for the past 4 years. He knew what the sword was made of.

Who is this old man? I never thought someone can make a sword out of Black Vephymit.

Black Vephymit. A black stone with green pieces inside it. It usually got used to make smelter because of its high temperature.

No one have ever make a weapon from it.

Bane eyes widened. He was amazed by the sword.

"How much for this sword?"

Bane asked the old man.

"That would be 2 gold."

Bane was surprised.

2 gold?! Shit why is it so expensive. I only got paid 3 silver per month when i worked at the mine.

Bane scratched his head. Gold is really expensive. Even with 1 silver coin you can buy enough food for 2 days. But a gold, that is equivalent of 100 pound of silver.

Bane had 80 silver in his house. But the problem is he didn't bring anything when he came to this world. He didn't even got his clothes. It just dissapeared as soon he got into this world.

Shit i can't buy anything.

Bane knew that the other equipment will be as expensive as the sword. He asked the old man.

"Can you tell me what is the cheapest equipment here?"

The old man pointed his finge toward the armor inside of a display.

"That one is the cheapest. It cost 1 gold."

"1 gold?"



Bane knew that he can't buy anything in here. He tapped Anthony shoulder. Anthony turned around looking at Bane. He then whispered to Anthony.

"Let's leave. I can't buy anything here."

Both of them looked at the old man.

"It seems like there is no equipment that piqued our interest. We will take our leave."


Bane walked toward the door. He then grabbed the door handle. Just when he was gonna open it. He saw a old looking dusty robe on the corner of the shelf.


Anthony and Astra stopped. Bane then walked toward the robe. He then picked it up. He then walked toward the old man. He asked the old man.

"How much is this robe?"

The old man smiled.

"I can give you that for free."

Bane was shocked.

Free? Damn nice.



"You must fight me and win. Only then i will give you that robe."

Wait what?

"Fight you?"



"You want the robe or not?"

". . ."

"Fine. But don't be mad at me if i hurt you a little, old man."

The old man laughed.


Both of them walked outside the shop. Then they walked to a place away from the town. where there are no one there. Bane took out his materalized pickaxe.

The old man scratched his beard.

So his power is materializing object. Intresting.

Anthony placed his hand between them.


Anthony raised his hand up. Bane quickly jump toward the old man. Swinging his pickaxe. The old man dodged it by just moving his body. Not taking a single step.

He continue to swing his pickaxe multiple time. But the old man was only dodging.


He then snapped his finger. A spike rose from the ground behind the old man. The old man noticed it and dodged the spike.

What the fuck. How is this old man so agile.

He then continue to attack him with his pickaxe while combining it with his trap. The old man got cornered into a rock. Bane noticed the chance. He quickly point his hand toward the old man. Two chain rose from the rock. Binding the old man toward the rock.

"Huff! Huff! Give up old man you can't win."

The old man smirked at Bane.

"You know? I didn't attack you at all."

Suddenly the chain start to break. Bane quickly took a step back. The old man pointed his hand toward Bane. Bane noticed there is something strange behind him. He turned around while in the air. There was a portal behind him.

"Got ya."

The portal teleported him directly infront of the old man. The old man punched Bane face. He was sent flying. He got sent flying toward the ground. He then get up and wiped his wound on his cheeks.

Shit. This old man is not just agile but he is also strong as fuck. And what was that portal. His power?

Analyzing what just happened to him.

If that's the case.

Bane quickly ran toward the old man again.

"You still don't learn huh?"

The old man opened a portal again infront of him. Bane smiled at the old man. The old man was confused.

He is smiling? Even if he got a plan he can't dodge it.

Bane jumped into the portal. He materalized his surrounding body. Covering it with a sharp spike. The old man was about to punch it but noticed the sharp spike and took a step back.

"Huh? I thought you were gonna punch me old man. Hahaha!"

So he covered himself. Hmmm pretty good. But you are still too young kiddo.

The old man smiled at Bane. He quickly formed a sign with his hand. He then made a drawing with his hand.

Wait, what is he doing?

Bane got a bad feeling about that drawing. He quickly jump toward the old man to attack him. The old man finished what he was drawing. He then pushed the word he was drawing toward Bane. Suddenly, Bane felt the gravity was pulling him toward the ground.

Shit what is this!

He can't move at all. It feels like he was being crushed by the air. The spike surrounding him starting to break down.

"Ugh! I gave up!"

The pressure suddenly disappeared. The old man walked toward hin

"Hahaha! You put up a good fight kiddo. To make me use my word art. No one have ever make me used it for 10 years. But still, you are not good enough."

The old man laughed at Bane.

"Damn it. Who are you old man? You're freaking strong and agile. I never thought a shopkeeper can fight like this."

"Me? im just an experienced old man."

While scratching his beard. Bane didn't believe him. He then got up from the ground. Looking at the old man

"So im not going to get the robe right?"


"Wait what?"

"Im still gonna give it to you even if you lose. Even better im going you some clothes just so you dont walk around naked. I was just testing you Hahaha!"

"Damn you!"

The old man laughed really hard. He then gave the robe and some clothes to Bane. Bane said his thanks.

"Thanks, and i hope we never meet again."

"Sure you're welcome."

Bane quickly took his leave. Before leaving Anthony who was behind Bane talked to the old man.

"How was he?"

"He definetly got some potential to be one of the strongest being in this world. I was surprised he didn't know. He didn't know that he just fought a former conqueror."

"Can he beat him?"

". . . I don't know."

"I see. Thank you, I will take my leave now Lord Dirret."

"Stay safe Anthony."

Anthony then leave the shop. The old man look fell on his knees. He look exhausted

That young guy is definetly strong. Nobody have ever withstood my word art and still alive. Other than the other conqueror. Yet after a few second after i took it down. He can stand up again.

He then stood up and looked toward the window.

"Ant, that guy definetly can beat him but he still don't know his potentials and how dangerous his powers are. If he ever turned into the bad side."

"This world will got turned upside down."

"I hope you stay on the good side kiddo. Because if you turned like him then. . . this world might already got destroyed."