
Ethereal Cries

Average office worker. Herald, who lost his parent at a young age tragically. Commited to live a better life. But, fate have a different story for him. Dying because of saving someone. "is this the end?" Herald already accepted his fate. But he got a second chance. Reincarnating as someone in a different world. "i'm not gonna waste this second chance." Herald now trying to make his second life more valuable for him. While he was trying to make his life more valuable. He soon uncover many mysteries in the new world. Where there are many secret got hidden. Herald's journey begin to make his life more valuable Author message : Im just making this book for fun hope you guys enjoy it. if you enjoyed reading this book. i hope you guys can leave a comment about this book. the flaw or anything maybe i could fix it when i make a new book. [i do not own the cover of this book.] Dc : https://discord.com/invite/qECY9UeP

Burpy · Fantasy
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15 Chs


Herald after coming back from his workplace, he stretched his hand and then sit infront of his desk. He then looked at the window and watched the sky, it was so beautiful. All the star are scattering all around the place. He then got up from his seat and decided to make a hot tea.he

Heral then sat on top of his bed, while drinking his tea. He took a sip little by little.

"Ahhhh... So tasty."

His face filled with happiness and enjoyment. For once, he can enjoy something for a while.

He then took a sip again. He then go to the kitchen and prepared some egg. He crack 2 egg and put it on a bowl and then mix it. He then poured the egg on top of the pan and waited until its cooked. Herald then grabbed the egg and put it on a plate.

He grab a bottle and filled it with fresh water. He then goes to the dining room and have a dinner there. His closed his eyes while feeling the delicious taste of his food.

After finishing his food, Herald then goes to the kitchen and clean his plate. After that, he sat on a couch in his living room. He closed his eyes while imagining someone on his mind.

After a while, he got back up and jumped on his bed while crying.

"Father..... Mother.... I can't.. live like this anymore.."

"I... miss you guys."

His eyes started to turn into red and tears keep flowing down from his eyes. After a while, he held his breath trying to calm his emotion down. He wiped the tears from his eyes. He then went to sleep.

The next day, he woke up from his sleep. Opened his fridge and grabbed some chips. He then sit on the couch and turned on the television. Watching the news while eating the chips. After 2 hours, he turned off the television and went to take a bath. Hot water flowing down from the shower, making him comfortable.

He then brushed his tooth while facing toward a mirror. After that, he clean up his room and looked at the window. It was really bright outside, he then goes outside and took a walk around the park to make his mind fresh.

Walking around the park, Herald watched some kids were having fun and hanging out with each other. He then imagined when he was like them, when he was still young and still can have fun like them. Playing around together, smiling together, having fun together.

While imagining them, he stared at the kids. The kids parents noticed that herald was staring at their kid with eyes that looked like a creep. The parents decided to take the kids home.

'What a creep! How can someone like that still live?'

After that, herald woke up from his thought. He noticed a strange gaze coming toward him. He then ignored it and continued to walk around the park. He then sat on a chair near a fountain in the middle of the park. He then watched the fountain water flowing down. He then touched the water with his right hand. He felt all the flowing water, flowing through his hand.

The water reminded him when his parent are still alive. They used to bath him. He then smiled toward the fountain.

"It should have been me, not you guys....."

He remembered the incident that took his parent life. When Herald was 6 years old, his parent took him to the city to buy him present because it was his birthday. Back then the present wasn't like what Herald wanted. When they were going home. Herald complained to his parents.

"I don't like this! Why did you buy me this thing?"

"Im sorry honey, but it was the only thing we could afford right now for you."

"But i don't want it! I want a handphone like my friend!"


Herald then became silent. It was his dad that yelled at him.

"Listen, we are in a hard condition right now. We can't just buy something that you want. Your mother is thinking about our life, about our needs. Learn to be full."

Herald then proceeded to cry really loud. His dad then turned his head around and looked at Herald.

"We will buy a handphone for you when the time come. So stop crying!"

But Herald keep crying even louder. His father tried to calm Herald down but he did not looked infront while he was driving. A car was coming from opposite direction with full speed toward Herald car. Herald mom noticed it and screamed.

"Arnold! Watch out!."

Herald dad then looked infront and quickly turned the steering wheel toward left. They managed to dodge the car but...


The car went off the road and fall down making them crash into the ground. The car was upside down. And Herald fell unconscious. His parent was still conscious.

"Emma we have to take out Herald from here."


Emma tried to move her body.


Emma body feel really painful when she moves so she looked down to her stomach. Her stomach got pierced by a stick of metal coming from the car.

"I-i can't move arnold..."

Arnold then looked toward Emma stomach.

"N-no it can't be!"

Arnold tried to take out the metal stick piercing Emma stomach, but it was useless.

Emma then called Arnold.

"F-Forget about me, h-help our kid first. Take him out of this car."

"But what about you?"

"Im fine, t-this is nothing. Our kid is our top priority. Go."


Arnold then took of his seat belt. And crawled toward Herald. He then grabbed him and pull him out of the car. He then put him on the ground far away from the car. After he put him. He smelled the smell of fire.


He then ran toward the car. Looking for Emma. All the surrounding air become polluted making Emma hard to take a breath.

"Emma! Emma!"

While trying to get her out. All the engine suddenly become silent. Emma then talked to Arnold.

"Arnold.... protect our kids."

As she said that the car exploded killing Emma who is inside the car. The fire reached arnold body and he was burning alive. Arnold screamed.


While screaming in pain his body moved toward Herald. In his mind while enduring the pain.

'Atleast... Atleast! I must make Herald live.'

While screaming he then grabbed Herald while his body is burning alive. He then run toward to the city. All his body is slowly turning into ash. When he reached the hospital. All the people are scared of him. His body was burning. After reaching the hospital. He then put down Herald.

"Live a long life son...."

He then fell to his knee and all of his body turned into ash. The hospital then called the police. The police was shocked to see what happened. The corpse body all of them turned into dust not a single thing remained.

The police then asked the nurse.

"What happened here?"

"Out of nowhere a man bring a child to the hospital while he was burning alive. After he put down the child all of his body burned into dust."

The police then asked.

"Where is the child?"

The nurse then lead the police toward the patient room where the child is being treated. The police checked on the child. He was still breathing.

"When that child is awake tell him what about what happened. I have a feeling that the man who got burned alive is his father."

The nurse then nodded and the police officer left the hospital. After 6 days, Herald finally woke up. The nurse tell the doctor that the child is awake. The doctor walked toward the patient room. The child was confused about why is he in here.

"What happened to me?" While touching his head he asked.

The doctor then told Herald about what happened like the police officer said. Herald then widened his eyes. Tears came flowing down from his eyes.

"No, this must be a joke right? Ha ha ha...."

As tears flowing down from his eyes, he remembered the time when they are arguing in the car. Herald regretted his action. He know that he was the one that caused the accidents. He was the one that make his parents died. He killed his parent. That fact always came across his mind whenever he is lonely. He always dreamed of that incident everyday. He regretted that incident. He shouldn't have complained about the present that the parent gave him. He should've been more grateful. If its not for him his parent should be alive right now till this day.

He realized that it was already evening. He decided to go home. When he was about to cross a crosswalk. He saw a young girl walking on the crosswalk toward his direction while watching her phone. Suddenly, a car keep going faster moving toward the girl. The girl didn't notice the car at all. Herald noticed the car was going at her with a fast speed. When the girl noticed that the car was going toward her it was already infront of her.

"Watch out!"

Herald leaped toward the girl and pushed her forward. He managed to save the girl. But..


The car hit him. Leaving his body on the ground with blood starting to came out from his body. The girl that he managed to save started to run toward Herald while moving Herald body with her hand. But it was too late. Herald could no longer hear any voice. His head also feels dizzy.

"Is this... my end?"

Before closing his eyes Herald saw both of his parent figure looking at him while smiling toward him. Herald then smiled.

"Did.. i do well?"

Herald parent figure then started to disappear into thin air. He then closed his eyes while thinking about his parent.