
Ethereal Ascension: The Boy with 800 Billion Points

Ethan, an 18-year-old in a world where coming of age means receiving life-defining stat points, expects a typical ceremony. Instead, he is granted an unfathomable 800 billion points, setting him apart from everyone else. Forced to conceal his extraordinary gift, Ethan grapples with the immense responsibility and danger that come with it. As he navigates love, loss, and the harsh reality of a world thrown into chaos, Ethan must learn to harness his powers and face relentless enemies, all while striving to rebuild and protect the fragile remnants of humanity.

2Wonky · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

Certainly. I'll expand the chapter, adding more detail and filling in some additional information. Here's an extended version:

"Ugh." Ethan groaned, peeling his eyes open as sunlight streamed through the curtains. Despite the early hour, a newfound determination coursed through his veins, mingling with the lingering grief and confusion of the past few days. He dressed hastily, nearly tripping over his own feet in his rush to get downstairs, his mind already racing with plans and possibilities.

The aroma of fried eggs and bacon wafted up the stairs, a comforting smell that reminded him of lazy weekend mornings from what felt like a lifetime ago. He found Mrs. Thompson already bustling about the kitchen, her movements practiced and efficient. She beamed at him, her weathered face crinkling with warmth, eyes twinkling behind her wire-rimmed glasses.

"Well, look who's up with the sun," she chuckled, sliding a plate across the worn wooden table. The china clinked softly against the surface, a sound so normal it almost made Ethan forget the bizarre turn his life had taken. "Sleep well, dear? You were tossing and turning something fierce last night."

Ethan nodded absently, his mind already racing with plans. "Yeah, I... Thanks, Mrs. Thompson. For... you know. Everything." The words felt inadequate, but he didn't know how else to express his gratitude for her unwavering support.

She waved off his gratitude with a flourish of her spatula, sending droplets of egg flying. "Oh, hush. You're family, plain and simple. Have been since you were knee-high to a grasshopper. Now eat before it gets cold. You'll need your strength for... whatever it is you're planning."

Her perceptiveness caught Ethan off guard. He sometimes forgot how observant Mrs. Thompson could be, hidden behind her grandmotherly demeanor. As he wolfed down breakfast, savoring the perfectly crispy bacon, he pondered how much to tell her. In the end, he decided that some things were better left unsaid, at least for now.

After helping to clear the dishes, ignoring Mrs. Thompson's protests, Ethan set out towards the old field on the edge of town. The grass whispered against his legs as he walked, memories of childhood adventures flitting through his mind. How many times had he and his friends played heroes and monsters in this very field? The irony wasn't lost on him.

I need to understand what I can do, he thought, a mixture of excitement and trepidation building in his chest. These powers... they're both a gift and a curse. I have to learn to control them, to use them responsibly.

The field stretched before him, a sea of green punctuated by the occasional wildflower. Perfect for some discreet power testing. With a deep breath, he summoned his status screen, the familiar blue glow materializing before his eyes. The numbers still shocked him, a stark reminder of how much had changed.

Stats Updated:

Strength: 200

Constitution: 200

Intelligence: 100

Control: 100

Agility: 2

"Right," he muttered, flexing his fingers. "Let's see what this body can do." The words of the clerk echoed in his mind. "I can't believe there are people out there who'd go that far, just to gain points." What kind of world had he stumbled into?

He started simple, hefting a nearby boulder. The rock, easily weighing several hundred pounds, felt no heavier than a pillow in his grasp. Slowly, he increased his grip, watching in fascination as cracks spider-webbed across its surface. The stone's rough texture pressed against his palm, but he felt no discomfort.

"Whoa," he breathed as the boulder crumbled to dust, trickling between his fingers. "Guess those control points are earning their keep. Without them, I'd probably have torn Mrs. Thompson's front door clean off its hinges by now." The thought sent a shiver down his spine. How easy it would be to cause accidental destruction if he wasn't careful.

Next came speed. Ethan took off across the field, the world blurring around him. The wind whipped at his face, exhilaration bubbling up in his chest. He dodged between trees that appeared in his path like green blurs, marveling at how his body seemed to react before his mind could process the obstacles. He leapt, soaring impossibly high, landing with a grace that belied his newfound strength. The ground barely registered the impact, his legs absorbing the force effortlessly.

As the sun began to dip towards the horizon, painting the sky in vibrant oranges and pinks, a new idea niggled at the back of his mind. What if control meant more than just... well, control? The clerk had hinted at the existence of other abilities. What if his powers extended beyond the purely physical?

Furrowing his brow, Ethan focused on a small stone lying innocently in the grass. Come on, he willed, picturing the rock lifting into the air. Nothing happened. The pebble lay stubbornly still, mocking his efforts.

He tried again, concentration etching deep lines across his forehead. Sweat beaded on his brow as he poured every ounce of his will into moving the stone. For a moment, nothing happened. Then, almost imperceptibly, the stone trembled. It rose a scant inch before dropping back to earth with a soft thud.

"Holy shi-" Ethan cut himself off, staring wide-eyed at the pebble. "Did I just...? With my mind?" He looked around, half-expecting someone to jump out and yell "Gotcha!" But the field remained empty, the only sound the gentle rustling of leaves in the evening breeze.

The possibilities made his head spin. Telekinesis? What other hidden talents might be lurking beneath the surface? And more importantly, how could he develop these abilities? The thought of distributing more points crossed his mind, but fear held him back. What if he lost control entirely? The memory of the attack, of the destruction he'd inadvertently caused, was still fresh in his mind.

As darkness fell, casting long shadows across the field, Ethan trudged back to Mrs. Thompson's. His body ached from the day's exertions, muscles he didn't even know he had protesting with each step, but his spirit soared. There was still so much to learn, so many questions left unanswered, but for the first time since the attack, he felt a glimmer of hope.

"How was your day?" Mrs. Thompson called from the living room as he entered. The familiar scent of her lavender perfume mingled with the aroma of freshly baked cookies. "Discover anything earth-shattering?"

Ethan chuckled, collapsing onto the worn floral-patterned couch beside her. "You could say that. I think... I think I might have superpowers." The words felt ridiculous coming out of his mouth, but after what he'd experienced, how else could he describe it?

Mrs. Thompson raised an eyebrow, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Is that so? And here I thought you were just working on your summer fitness routine." She patted his hand gently. "Whatever's going on with you, Ethan, know that I'm here. You don't have to face it alone."

As laughter filled the room, mingling with the ticking of the old grandfather clock in the corner, Ethan felt a warmth spread through his chest. Whatever challenges lay ahead, whatever secrets his newfound abilities held, he knew he wouldn't have to face them alone. Mrs. Thompson's unwavering support, combined with his growing mastery over his powers, gave him hope for the future.

That night, as he lay in bed, Ethan's mind raced with possibilities. He needed to learn more about this points system, about the limits of his abilities. Tomorrow, he decided, he would visit the library, see if he could find any information about others like him. And perhaps, just perhaps, he would experiment with redistributing a few more points.

With that thought, he drifted off to sleep, dreams of soaring through the sky and moving mountains with his mind filling his head. Whatever the future held, Ethan was determined to face it head-on, armed with his newfound powers and the support of those who cared for him.

This chapter is a little short but I promise chapter 5 will make up for it.

I'm also experimenting with my writing style

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