
Ethan's Celestial Symphony

In the captivating novel "Ethan's Celestial Symphony" we embark on a thrilling journey alongside Ethan Reynolds, an ordinary man who finds himself chosen to wield the extraordinary power of a lone god. Set in a world where the gods have long been forgotten, Ethan's life takes an unimaginable turn as he becomes the sole recipient of a deity's immense power. Ethan, an unassuming individual living an ordinary life, is unexpectedly selected by an ancient god to be the vessel of its extraordinary might. As the divine essence merges with his mortal being, Ethan's existence transforms into an exhilarating odyssey of unparalleled strength and self-discovery. With each passing second, his power grows exponentially, defying the limitations of mere mortals. Initially overwhelmed by the enormity of his newfound abilities, Ethan grapples with the immense responsibility thrust upon him. He embarks on a quest to comprehend the nature of his divine role and navigate the profound implications of his godlike power. As his physical, mental, and spiritual capacities ascend to unfathomable heights, he must confront the consequences that come with his unparalleled might. As Ethan delves deeper into his transformation, he becomes increasingly aware of the ripple effects of his power. His presence disrupts the delicate equilibrium between mortal and divine realms, drawing the attention of those who seek to either control or eradicate him. The world around him becomes a battleground as factions vie for dominance over the source of his godly strength.

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80 Chs


Chapter 39: Tournament?

The resounding cheers of the crowd reached a crescendo as the announcer's voice boomed through the colosseum, marking the beginning of the tournament. Ethan, with a cool demeanor, observed the warriors around him, each displaying impressive levels of power. Some moved with such speed that they broke the sound barrier, while others caused explosive eruptions with their attacks. It was a sight to behold, a testament to the extraordinary capabilities of the competitors.

Lost in his thoughts, Ethan found himself suddenly accosted by two warriors, their punches aimed at him. However, their efforts proved futile, as Ethan remained completely unfazed. With a casual flick of his hand, he sent the warriors crashing to the ground, barely registering their feeble attempts to harm him. In that moment, Ethan contemplated his next move. Should he obliterate them all effortlessly, or should he savor the spectacle of their battles? But he had decided—he would not repeat the mistake of wasting his time as he had in his previous world. This time, he sought a more entertaining experience.

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Ethan stomped his foot upon the ground, unleashing a shockwave that sent everyone, including the viewers, soaring into the air. As they floated helplessly, Ethan couldn't contain his laughter. "Oh, you guys are way too funny! The way you all just float—I can't, ahahaha!" Even the goddess herself felt the impact of his powerful blow, her divine form jolted by the tremor.

Regaining his composure, Ethan stood tall, a smirk gracing his face. "I will not waste my time like in the last world. This better be good," he declared, his words tinged with a hint of challenge. The winner of last year's Battle Royale, now incensed by Ethan's cockiness and disregard for convention, launched a direct attack at him. Yet, with ease, Ethan caught the punch, his grip unyielding. "This is way too boring. Die," he uttered before swiftly cleaving the warrior in two—a display that, surprisingly, aligned with the rules of the tournament.

The arena fell into a stunned silence as the spectators witnessed Ethan's merciless act. It was a stark contrast to the battles they had grown accustomed to, and it ignited a sense of both awe and apprehension. In the distance, the goddess's siblings, the guardians of her daughter, could not help but smile. Finally, they had encountered a true challenger, someone who could bring out the full extent of their power.

Warriors and mages alike surged forward, their combined powers converging on Ethan in an attempt to overwhelm him. However, it proved to be an exercise in futility, as Ethan stood firm, untouched by their assault. Without hesitation, he swiftly dispatched each opponent, his movements swift and precise, leaving no exceptions. The arena became a graveyard of fallen warriors, a testament to Ethan's unrivaled strength.

Returning to his normal attire and stature, Ethan's playful facade dissipated. "The joke is over," he declared, his voice carrying a tone of finality. Turning his gaze to the goddess, he posed a daring question. "Goddess, are you the strongest in this world? If not, I will kill you right now." The words hung in the air, daring and audacious.

In response, the goddess teleported near Ethan, her expression a mixture of curiosity and indignation. "What did you say, child?" she retorted, her voice laced with a hint of authority. Sensing the challenge, her siblings materialized beside her, their presence imposing and formidable. Ethan's smile never wavered. "I want tofight you all at the same time," Ethan replied confidently, his gaze unwavering. "That includes you, goddess."

The atmosphere in the colosseum shifted as the goddess and her siblings exchanged glances, assessing the audacious challenger standing before them. Ethan's boldness, his unwavering confidence, sparked a sense of intrigue among the divine beings. The goddess, with her long, flowing light blue hair and eyes as white as snow, stepped forward, her otherworldly aura emanating a sense of power and grace.

"You are bold, mortal," she spoke, her voice carrying a mixture of fascination and curiosity. "No one has ever dared to challenge us all at once." Her siblings, each radiating their own unique energy, stood ready for the impending battle. Their names, imbued with divine resonance, echoed through the arena—Aetherius, the Arbiter of Time; Seraphina, the Celestial Flame; Zephyrus, the Stormbringer; Astraea, the Eternal Light; Nereus, the Ocean's Fury; Erebus, the Shadow of Night; and the daughter, Elysia, the Blossom of Hope.

Ethan's eyes glinted with anticipation as he assessed his opponents, a twinge of excitement coursing through his veins. This was the moment he had been waiting for—a true test of his power against beings of godlike stature. In this world, he would not hold back. He would embrace the challenge wholeheartedly.