
Ethan's Celestial Symphony

In the captivating novel "Ethan's Celestial Symphony" we embark on a thrilling journey alongside Ethan Reynolds, an ordinary man who finds himself chosen to wield the extraordinary power of a lone god. Set in a world where the gods have long been forgotten, Ethan's life takes an unimaginable turn as he becomes the sole recipient of a deity's immense power. Ethan, an unassuming individual living an ordinary life, is unexpectedly selected by an ancient god to be the vessel of its extraordinary might. As the divine essence merges with his mortal being, Ethan's existence transforms into an exhilarating odyssey of unparalleled strength and self-discovery. With each passing second, his power grows exponentially, defying the limitations of mere mortals. Initially overwhelmed by the enormity of his newfound abilities, Ethan grapples with the immense responsibility thrust upon him. He embarks on a quest to comprehend the nature of his divine role and navigate the profound implications of his godlike power. As his physical, mental, and spiritual capacities ascend to unfathomable heights, he must confront the consequences that come with his unparalleled might. As Ethan delves deeper into his transformation, he becomes increasingly aware of the ripple effects of his power. His presence disrupts the delicate equilibrium between mortal and divine realms, drawing the attention of those who seek to either control or eradicate him. The world around him becomes a battleground as factions vie for dominance over the source of his godly strength.

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80 Chs

The Battle Unleashed

Chapter 40: The Battle Unleashed

The remaining siblings channeled their immense powers, their eyes gleaming with divine wrath. Even the weakest among them was still stronger than Arc, the previous adversary Ethan had faced. They vowed to make Ethan pay for his audacity, for daring to challenge beings of their caliber.

Suddenly, one of the brothers stepped forward, his presence emanating an overwhelming aura of holiness. He raised his hands in prayer, divine lightning crackling around him. His voice resonated with the words of the New Testament, invoking a power that surpassed mortal comprehension.

The heavens trembled as a colossal golden beam of pure energy erupted from the brother's hands, hurtling towards Ethan with the force of a supernova. The impact created an explosion so vast, its brilliance consumed the surrounding cosmos. For a fleeting moment, it seemed as though the very fabric of existence would be torn asunder.

Yet, to everyone's astonishment, as the blinding light dissipated, Ethan emerged unscathed. His body remained intact, untouched by the devastating assault. A sly smile played on his lips, betraying his amusement at the brother's futile attempt to bring him down.

"Well, you're somewhat strong," Ethan remarked, his voice dripping with confidence. "But still not close enough."

In a flash of movement, Ethan darted towards Aetherius, his blade poised to strike once again. The brother's eyes widened with realization, but it was too late. Ethan's blade cleaved through his neck, severing his head from his body. As the lifeless form of Aetherius crumbled to the ground, Ethan's gaze shifted to the remaining brothers who watched in horror.

"What would happen," Ethan mused, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "if there were a being that never stops growing in power?"

His question hung in the air, carrying an air of enigma and provocation. Without waiting for an answer, Ethan unleashed his full might, striking the air with a force so immense that it distorted the very fabric of reality. Planets trembled, celestial bodies were thrown off their orbits, and even the colossal island beneath them quivered under the magnitude of his power.

The goddess, sensing the cataclysmic chaos unfolding, teleported to Ethan's side. Her divine presence radiated authority and command, her voice cutting through the tempestuous turmoil.

"Stop," she demanded, her tone firm and resolute. "Your battle is with me."

And so, the chapter concluded with the goddess and Ethan standing face to face.