

Hal is a knight with great decorations from his kingdom, but he dies mysteriously in a battle for his kingdom. He had a wife for whom he would give everything in the few moments of life he had left, he just wanted to see her smile one more time, just one more time, and remember all the good and bad they spent together. The knight died, but he heard a voice coming from deep in the darkness this voice said "I will give you the chance to see your wife one more time, but you will have to be my soldier" A hand appeared in the deep darkness waiting for my answer I accepted without hesitation or thought. But Hal didn't know that the dark lord had tricked him, it had been 6 years since his death. A story inspired by spawn.

therock · Fantasy
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4 Chs


In a heavy rain, a tall man in a large black armor with a helmet covering his entire face and a sweeping cape that billowed in all directions was climbing between the houses of peasants with agility, heading towards something or someone. He climbed up to a rooftop to observe where his target possibly settled.

A fortress in a strategic position between the borders of the kingdom, guarded by constantly patrolling guards, moving tirelessly in the cold, rainy, and lonely weather.

Eternum was tired and disappointed. He had realized that the information provided by the child fit perfectly where a nobleman he respected lived, a nobleman who had helped him in his darkest moment. It seemed that the kingdom had become corrupt, or was it always like this? He didn't know; he doubted the kingdom he had protected for decades.

He approached the fortress with stealth and speed, but as he got closer, he saw a vertical pole stuck in the ground. He approached it, momentarily forgetting his objective. The closer he got, the more details were revealed. There was a body completely in bones, and the pole was worn out and poorly cared for, yet it had fresh flowers full of life. What interested him most was the name of this man, still being remembered. He got closer to the skeleton.

Time seemed to stand still for Eternum. There was a small note to honor the skeleton that read as follows:

"Oliver Andrew, the last symbol of hope in this kingdom withered by the evil and destruction of the malevolence. He suffered for days, tortured relentlessly until he collapsed for an eternal rest."

Hal knelt down, completely devastated by how much the kingdom he had protected had fallen. It hurt him deeply, and only one question crossed his mind, "What happened...?" How much had the kingdom changed? What would have happened if he hadn't died? These were only thoughts that were rooted in the past. He wanted answers, but they were elusive. The only thing that comforted him was knowing that his wife was safe.

Eternum moved away from the lifeless skeleton, offering a prayer for it to rest in peace in the afterlife.

The large shadow amidst the raindrops moved away from the inert skeleton and headed toward the grand fortress in search of answers.

this was the hardest chapter to write, I don't understand why but here it is, sorry for the delay.

therockcreators' thoughts