
Eternum Online

I was transmigrated into a game that I played when I was a child. Unlike the other transmigrators, I actually forgot most of the things about this world due to the fact that it's been a long time since I've last played it. So I was just planning to play it safe in the first village. Unfortunately, some unforeseen circumstances caused me to have an untimely death. It was then that a notice popped up saying that I died. When I thought that everything was finally over, wasting my second life. There were two choices below the notice: "Wait for 60 seconds to respawn" on the left, and a "Respawn in the previous city" on the right. After dying a few more times, I found out that I actually became an immortal. I know that being unable to die is both a blessing and a curse, however, in order to counter the impending boredom that's about to befall upon me, I ventured into the world of Eternum hoping to find companions along the way, and start my journey to live the most of my life. Disclaimer: Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Senzai · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


"Ugh.. What just happened?" I groaned while holding my head due to a headache.

If I remember it correctly, I was about to play this old game on my console when the screen, no, everything around me became so bright that even until now my vision is a bit blurry.

When I regained most of my sight, I scanned my surroundings in hopes to figure out what kind of situation did I get myself into.

As I did, I saw that I was in a field of grasslands. It's been a long time since I've last inhaled such fresh air as a consequence of living in the city wherein there are more skyscrapers than trees, or any plants that purify the air.

Seeing this scenery, I began to wonder if I was abducted during the time that I was unconscious but I relinquished the idea quickly since if that was the case, I'd be in a warehouse right now or somewhere inside a dark container.

Unless they threw me out for whatever reason or I fell out while in the middle of transportation, that conclusion will not seem plausible.

After trying to gather some of my thoughts, to lessen the confusion that I was experiencing, I try to stand up from the ground to get a better view of the things around me.

Having stood up, I once again scanned my surroundings. Just like as what I have seen from earlier, there really is nothing but grass around me.

For starters, I decided to advance forward in the direction of going towards the sun with the aim of finding a nearby settlement or finding someone that could tell me where am I right now.




After walking for about an hour or so, I was starting to get tired. Fortunately, I was starting to see of what seems like a village, so I decided to go there with my newly acquired enthusiasm as well as hope and excitement.

Without considering the villagers' potential reactions, I felt optimistic and held naïve expectations as I get closer and closer to my destination.

The village's state was neither good or bad. It is what you would just expect from a remote village. There are wooden houses, with the surroundings and path cleared off of the grass for most likely a better ground to work on.

Being just a foot away from inside the village, I started to imagine the scenarios of what will happen when I finally meet someone. I mean, it is quite easy to predict the reaction of a person who suddenly sees a random guy inside their home or village.

So, I made a decision to just wait outside the entrance until someone sees me standing here.




After a while, I saw a little boy and girl playing inside the village. Thankfully, they noticed me and probably called an elder to alarm them of the situation.

Finally, a group of adults came and walked towards me.

"Hello, is there something you need from our village?" A burly guy approached me and asked as he was trying to be polite and not to sound too intimidating as well.

"Hi, I was actually wandering the area for quite a while now and I currently don't know where am I. Could I ask someone to tell me the directions on how to get to the nearest city? And if possible, may I also spend the night here? Anywhere is fine as long as there is a little warmth so I don't freeze to death." I replied.

The group of people took glances and started whispering to each other.

.. I am aware that I was sounding like someone suspicious, but I can't really help it since I'm desperate right now.

After they finished discussing of maybe what to do with my request, the burly guy once again approached me.

"We can provide you with a shelter and some food at least for the night, but it will probably be the best for you to talk with my father, the village chief, first. You can explain your situation to him, and he'll be the one to decide on what to do."

"I understand, thank you for listening to my selfish request." I replied as I bow my head to thank them.

While walking to go to the village chief's house, I looked around the village since it's the first time that I have actually seen in one in real life aside from anime and games.

The houses were constructed primarily from wood. Beside them were what appears to be crop plots, with a well in the middle of the village. The village is surrounded with wooden fences that, though present, did not inspire a strong sense of security.

After a few minutes of walking, we finally arrived to the village chief's dwelling.