
Eternity of Dragon God

A man who was hit by a truck because of his own drunkenness reincarnated as a God in the Universe. Without any knowledge and only speculation and a cheat like authority. Will he become a great elder brother to his siblings? Will he discover the ultimate truth the Cosmos has to offer? Creating a world, creating the strongest species and seeing the world change from civilizations and kingdoms. Meeting other gods and venturing the Cosmos. The Cosmos may change but he will never. He was the Watcher and also the Seeker. The one who will End things but also the one who Created it. It is the story of the Dragon God.

18Limitless · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 11- Sermon and Four Dragon Kings

"None of us, Ragnarok. Living with mortals will become a hindrance for us to progress. We created the world for us to have believers and not to waste our time with them." Lormond said, even the other gods nodded in agreement. Mortals can be said to be created from the image God wanted, they themselves are the image of Mortals. And by having Mortal to worship them, they see their true selves faster.

But Mortals who have no great power and Gods who have the providence of the Universe itself have emotions and something dubbed by Ragnarok as "the path" or the "truth." Finding it is like finding a needle in a planet of a haystack. When one finally finds them, they will meet their true selves. In other words, finding a purpose to live.

Mortals who live shorter have a higher chance of finding themselves rather than Gods who live with infinite life because Mortals live with a purpose rather than live until time itself collapses.

"Hm, that is the reason why you have no believers. Adenth, what image did you use when you created those beasts and abominations." Ragnarok asks as his eyes lit up with knowledge and wisdom.

"Um, I imagine myself stronger with full of confidence." Adenth replied, it was short but gods have a glimpse on what went awry.

"Believers are not only believers. It was what your image created that they become themselves. You are mistaking them as "mere species of mortals" but if they have great powers such as yourselves, I am sure that they have the same though also different personality as you all.

The world we created is not only a farm for faith energy but also our creation. I don't need a world without growth so I give the world the ability to grow. I have given them the ability to transcend their mortality. I have offered them that the world is theirs, not us. I have it so that we can come down there wherever we want, walking the mortal realm with mortals, learning the culture that they have created. Our only job is to ensure that the world will never end by some idiocy. And by learning their culture, you can learn about yourselves, and by learning about yourselves, you can help the species you have created.

And by helping them grow up as a whole, in return they will give you all the highest honor possible." Ragnarok gave a speech that woke them up.

Mortals will never understand the thinking of a God, yes. But God can understand Mortals better than themselves because they are the image of that said creation. Gods have a prideful nature so talking to mortals, their "mere creation" is unacceptable towards them but if they somehow socialize, understand their culture, and know what they could do to make them grow, they can understand themselves better and have a bundle of faith energy. They can even see followers who can ascend to godhood and also to kill time, which are the first beings that they have created and blessed. Too many birds with one stone.

The Gods have realized what is lacking. They thought that by creating "mortals" an endless bundle of energy will be given to them. Now, they personally need to come down and know the current trend to which they can help.

"Hmm, but don't take away their free will to choose. Don't take away the talent you have given to them. Bless them in moderation and let their civilization grow on its own. You are there as a god, not an advisor." Ragnarok added.

"But how did Dragons never need your help and just do what they wanted and then a civilization flourishes in them." Dinestes asks, her eyes thinking of many possibilities.

"That is their problem, not mine. If they grow up, they will. But if they abuse all the authority I have given them, only self destruction awaits them." Ragnarok said, his eyes also saw how the Dragons became self-sufficient in their own rights. They become so self-sufficient that Ragnarok becomes even shocked.

"And I will tell the Dragon Kings that they lower the help they are giving so you can do what you want." He added.

"Thank you for your guidance, Ragnarok." Lormond thanked him, it was a wake up call and a different path a god should take. A path that even gods in immemorial times find hard to believe.

"No worries. Gods have a fair share of trouble." He shrugged it off.

They all then have pleasantries on what he misses on them from the 3,000 years he was asleep and they all went to their own quarters in the Divine Realm.

Moldok, who heard everything and left as early as possible because he wanted a sip on his wine, tasted it very differently. It was strong to begin with but now, it has become stronger and the taste also becomes complex. The one he uses are the herbs and plants he saw on the Divine Realm and so it will be full of flavor and undeniable effects for mortals. Now, the wine he was drinking had too much of an effect.

'Wait, when I was blasted by Ragnarok. It looks like because I am not disrespecting him but it was not. He woke up because of the wine and his anger is directed to the wine I am drinking.' Moldok deduces the truth. He may be an idiot but he can use his brain if necessary.

'But there are unknown causes and effects that created this wonderful flavor. In summary, if I angered him with wine, it will become much of a desired and priceless state.' He thought as if a plan was etched on his heart and a funny consequence later on.


"Where am I?" A blue serpentine dragon asks, her eyes wondering. What she saw were plants and trees as far as her eyes could see and a grand temple in the middle.

"Oh, Old Meluja, are you also here?" A red dragon asks, his body had cracks all over and magma has been coursing through them.

"Huh, why are you here Old Harlter?" The blue dragon asks, her whole body becomes on guard. This fellow is his mortal enemy. Their ideologies differ from each other such as Dragons should have a progress on their bloodline to become closer to their god and Flame Dragon said that a strong physique is needed to become closer to their god.

"Heh, I don't have a reason to fight you, have I? We are in an unknown land without anything for us." He said, shrugging his shoulders.

"And we are not alone. Bermarl and Marduk are here." He added. There, a Sky Blue Dragon with Serpentine body and wings floated trying to grasp information and also a brown dragon with an enlarged body. He looks like a small mountain for now because of this weird restriction but back in their homeworld, he was a walking husk of a mountain. And he was actually sleeping.

"We also have a little Green Dragon here." He then indicated that after the Four Dragon Kings, a little dragon is also here. She has two wings from her side. She had no horns and comparing her presence to the Dragon Kings is comparing a wisp to a sun.

"But surely, where are we?" Harlter asks, scratching the cracks in his body.

"In the Divine Realm where the God who created the World resided. Welcome, my creation." A mighty and royal voice welcomed them. All the four Dragon Kings kneel, even the sleeping Marduk have been awoken by this voice. And the Green Dragon has been shivering even more.

When she realized that she was here, with the four dragon kings, she then started kneeling without saying any word. She has complete trust in them that they will come out here alive and safe. They rule the Dragons in the absence of their Creator without any form of strict law. But of course, a tribe of Dragons have a sense of rivalry towards each other but they are united in the presence of the four. She was named by the Wind Dragon King. In traditions, Dragons will be named by these four as they come into their age by the power of Dragon God bestowed upon them. By doing so, it is like the Dragon God named them.

And now, she had seen a bigger bigshot. The Dragon Emperor God, he who created all the Dragons, he who named the Eight Great Beings and the Four Dragon Kings. And one of the Nine Creators.

"We greet the Dragon Emperor God." They all shouted with reverence and worship. If all the species have forgotten the grace of their Creators, Dragons didn't forget it. It may be because they have a long lifespan to begin with.

"Oh, rise. You don't need to kneel." Ragnarok said. His carefree voice lowered the tension and nervousness they are having.

"We don't dare, oh Dragon Emperor God." They all shouted again.

"I never repeat myself or are you defying my order?" He said, ordering them to rise. His royal and majestic aura unconsciously leaking out.

The Four Dragon Kings and the Green Dragon's body intentionally become nervous again but against their will, they all stood up. The order of Dragon God is infallible.

"Hm, nice. You don't really need to bow every single time." Ragnarok said. For him, a simple bow and greetings is alright. He doesn't need someone kneeling every single time.

"We don't dare Dragon God." They bowed their heads and said. They don't really dare to face him upfront.

"Hm, before we talk. Shall we be seated first?" A long table then manifested around them. A throne of highest grade is erected in the middle and four simple adorned thrones are side by side.

"You little girl can transform into your usual form and serve us tea. All what you needed is over there." Ragnarok added that a short round table with a tea set is all seated there.

The Green Dragon is stupefied at what she was seeing and hearing. 'How did the… no he was our creator so he will know what it is.' She thought to herself.

She then transformed into a long green haired woman with an innocent look and a dress that complimented her hair. Hemisha is an older matured type of woman but the Green Dragon was younger and more innocent. But instead she has long ears.

"Hm, Arcia is it? You don't need to be anxious that someone saw your secret and they are like the sun or moon in your eyes. You can just become yourself and never hide that you are secretly transforming into species known as Elves. If they hurt your feelings, they will know my wrath. Am I right, Four Dragon Kings?" Ragnarok said, and the Four Dragon Kings can only nod their head.

The Dragons are proud of their body as they saw in their memory how the Dragon God can flex his body without any discrimination to his siblings. Because he was the strongest. It doesn't mean that he had that form, he was the strongest. He was the strongest because he was the Dragon God, they thought. In their memory, after only a short 30,000, he battled a ferocious god and won. Many respected him because of choice and not because he gave terror to the creation.

And with that, Arcia, the Saintess of the Dragon God became known. The reason why she was picked, only Ragnarok knows it. And Ragnarok picking a Saintess will become a trend for Gods.