
Eternity's Evolution In An Unknown World

The novel will be on hold for a while

Ri_Kinken · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 4: System and New World

Nity realized she has arrived but her mind was too calm as if something was missing like she was feeling empty. Nity couldn't shake the feeling and tried to forget about it. This place should be in a forest, she should smell the scent of the forest and the feeling of the grass brushing her fur but she couldn't move, her body was numb from traveling for so long nonetheless, she can still open her to see a screen in front of her.

[System: Back on Track]


Condition: Normal [No Abnormality]

Level: 1/25, Rank: E (1)


(1) has evolved


Spices: Ice Mana Bunny

HP: 50/50, MP: 100/100

Strength: 10

Agility: 16

Toughness: 10

[]New Function Lists[]


[Mission: Reward].

[Skills Point: Special Skill Orb]

[Stats Point: Stat Boost Orb]



[Shop] [Gacha]

[Beginner Rewards ]

[Beginner Special Training]

Skills: Hearing: Lv2, Smell: Lv3, Sight: Lv2

Mana Sense: Lv3, Mana Control: Lv1,

Mana Body: Lv2, Inspect: Lv2

She read as if nothing special but calmly analyzing the information.

"...Who are you System? in THAT place why was my emotion all messed up?

Do you have purposes?"

[] Answer: I Don't have a name My original purpose was to make a stronger being... until someone rewrote my code. You are made by [???] your full name Eternity, for why your emotion messed up because there was a bug while installing basic memory of [???] [] In a robotic voice.

Nity was excited by [???]

"Why can't you answer, who made me?"

[If you want to know... hehe! get stronger you will know when the time comes!]

She knew that wasn't the System's or [???] she knew because her instinct told her but it might be the one who made the System, the voice that replied to her was a sweet youthful voice.

Nity was stunned but didn't think too much."I need to grow stronger to know the truth, well there is nothing to lose by getting stronger" Nity started looking around her new surrounding it was dark, she could hear the sound of wolves howling under the moon with her enhanced ears and she could smell the strong scent of predators in her area her bunny instinct told her to run and hide. Nity suppressed her instinct and anyhow she didn't go into a panic state like other rabbits. Nity stayed calm thinking of what she should do next, it's good to stay calm but if takes too long, there will be dangers, Dangerous predators that can use magic and physical strength that are much higher than herself lurking around inside the forest, those who have high intelligence are everywhere in

[Mystic Forest], especially in the wild. Her instinct ringing danger she could hear the footsteps stepping on dried leaves mixed with tree branches

the sound of a sneaky wolf not so far away from her. She used her all and dashed away from the wolf that was behind her but the wolf didn't seem to be interested in her as he let her escape. until her instinct stops ringing danger and safe enough she stopped. "Well, that was thrilling!" Nity was excited and thrilled to run away from the big bad wolf and wanted to mess with the wolf if she had the chance, to her it was fun. It hadn't been too long since the moon rise. "Hmmm, Where should I sleep!"

she thought about where she could sleep and started digging a small hole. the hole was straight down.... it was shallow not too deep then she dug forward to make more space for her bedroom. She lies down in a comfy posture and began to think about how to train her stamina and her attack power. As if the System heard her thoughts.


[Beginner Special Training]

[Daily Quest]

Running: [0/200km]

Mana Control: [0/100]

Push Ups: [0/100]

Max all Skills: [0/10]


[Warning!: Failed to complete the daily tasks. Reward: PUNISHMENT!

R: Rise in the East and Set in the West]

[Tip: Rest Once a While]

Nity thought of something "System! you don't have a name right...? How about I give you a name?" [Granted!]

"Emo! that will be your name"

[System Changed to Emo]

Nity was happy to have someone to talk with for so long…. "yawn!" she grew too drowsy to stay awake and started to relax, she closed her eye... and took a naped. The night sky is full of stars... many hours have passed the Sun started to rise.

[Beep!... Beep!!, Daily quest Begins]

Nity yawned.....and opened up her eyes, she stretched her body by extending her body and stretching out her back legs while pointing her front paws forward. her long ears grew on the soil, scanning the surrounding surface she did pick up something but it was too faint to hear.

[ Hearing Skill has increased to Lv3 ], then her head pops up to detect the area around her using her sight and smells

[ Sight Skill Has increased to Lv3 ]

[ Smell Skill has increased to Lv4 ]

She didn't see anything but there was a faint smell, it wasn't coming for her it was like he was catching other prey that comes closer to her as her skill increased she could smell farther, than before, two different smells to be precise, she wanted to see the source of the smell and the faint sound she heard. focused on mana control, using the mana from the surrounding her four senses including her mana sense but it was difficult to focus all at once, so she use only mana sense and sigh, she concentrates all her mana on her eyes and mana sense to detect the source of large mana

[ Mana Sense has increased to Lv2 ]

[ Sight Has increased to Lv4 ]

[ Mana Control Has increased to Lv3 ]

it was a large snake the same size as a normal python. it has two black lines on its head to its tail. The one in front of the snake was a rat the size of an adult rabbit, she is now a bunny much smaller. Nity was scared of their size, especially the snake, She used inspection skills on both of them


Level: 20/25, Rank: E+ (0= hasn't evolved)

Spies: Black Lines Poison Snake

HP:????, MP: ???

Strength: ??

Agility: ??


[Skill:???] [Required: Inspection Skill Lv4]


[Beasts divided into different Ranks]

[ F ][ E ][ D ][ C ][ B ][ A ][ S ][ L ] [???]

Each letter divided into three stage

[F-] Poor, [F] Average, [F+] superior
