
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Eastern
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150 Chs

(Chapter 94)Brings You Despair

Long Yu's fist was powerful as its force exploded forth and collided directly with Su Huanxue's fist. 


First, the air blast echoed throughout the heavens and earth. Then, a "crack" sounded as bones shattered.

Despite their fists smashing together, neither of them moved.

As she stared at Lin Chen's unruffled demeanor, Su Huanxue's face paled.

Her fist bones had actually been shattered in a clash with this trash!

Waves of severe pain crashed over her like a tide.

Instinctively, Su Huanxue wanted to retreat, but she felt two immensely heavy gazes upon her back.

One belonged to Chen Yun.

The other to Chen Lingfeng!

They were clearly expecting the outcome of this battle!


No, there was no way she could retreat!

She must use absolute force to crush Lin Chen!

She couldn't even take a single step back!

"Little girl, doesn't this feeling of powerlessness leave you in despair?"

Lin Chen smiled cruelly. Since the humiliation he had suffered in the Imperial City half a year prior, he had always yearned to kill Su Huanxue.

He was no saint, and he would take his revenge!

Anyone who offended him would not live well in this world.

To let one's enemy live was irresponsible to one's family and friends.

If one was his enemy, then they should go to hell!

Su Huanxue could perceive a multitude of emotions in Lin Chen's smile.

There was ruthlessness, murderous intent, delight... and of course, insanity!

This was the revenge he had been waiting six months for!


Su Huanxue roared furiously as she thrust out her other hand and aimed for Lin Chen's eyes.

The distance was too short for him to dodge.

However, Lin Chen was extremely focused. As Su Huanxue unleashed her killing move, he refused to retreat. He shut his eyes and charged forth head-on.


Lin Chen possessed the powerful 'Ten Thousand Trees' Majestic Body.

Two of Su Huanxue's fingers snapped off!

She screamed and her face drained of color.


Whether in terms of cultivation or spirit beast, she should have been stronger than this kid!

Why had she suffered repeated setbacks in this battle?


Su Huanxue's body trembled. She truly could not understand why this was happening.

At this moment, though she did not wish to admit it, she was indeed somewhat afraid!

She actually felt fear toward a good-for-nothing whom she had looked down upon and despised for six months!

"If you had asked me earlier, you wouldn't be filled with regret now..."

Lin Chen smiled faintly as he raised his hand and delivered a slap.


A crisp sound rang out as Su Huanxue was sent flying, half her face swollen.

Blood seeped from the corner of her mouth.

Her hair was disheveled and she looked extremely pathetic.

All her dignity and pride were gone.

"Now, it's my turn to ask."

Lin Chen raised an eyebrow. "Do you regret it? Little girl?"

Silence descended over the entire arena.

Had they seen correctly?

How many moves had the two of them exchanged?

Su Huanxue had actually been defeated!

Some of the spectators even began to doubt reality.

Could they be dreaming?

They had expected an evenly matched battle, or for Su Huanxue to dominate, but... reality had far exceeded their wildest imaginations.

High up on the platform, the smile on Chen Yun's face slowly froze.

Earlier, he had voluntarily stood up for Su Huanxue, openly supporting her and lavishing praise upon her talent.

And now, Su Huanxue had been crushed by Lin Chen!

It was simply too humiliating!

This was akin to a resounding slap to the face!

Meanwhile, Chen Lingfeng also frowned.

This shouldn't be happening!

He knew Su Huanxue's strength well, and it was not merely at the level she had displayed.

Was Lin Chen simply too strong?

Su Huanxue stood up from the ground like a madwoman, her pupils flashing with an unimaginable killing intent. She shouted furiously, "Xiao Lei, tear him to pieces!"

She was summoning the Thunder Twin-Tailed Griffin!

No matter what, Lin Chen had to die today!

Only by killing him could she restore her lost pride.

However, there was no response for a long time.

Su Huanxue turned around and looked about. On the other side of the arena, she saw the Thunder Twin-Tailed Griffin pinned down by Tun Tun. One pair of its wings had been severed, and blood dripped from its wounds, making it appear extremely pained.

This Thunder Twin-Tailed Griffin had been defeated by Tun Tun in just a few moves.

It was not a battle on the same level at all!

Tun Tun stomped on the Thunder Twin-Tailed Griffin's head, sneered at Su Huanxue, and taunted, "Little girl, do you want to try your tree brother's root sprint?"

"You're seeking death!"

Su Huanxue's face turned ashen with rage, and she nearly fainted.

This tree was too shameless.

Lin Chen walked toward her slowly, a hint of ridicule curling his lips. "In the past, you suppressed me from above and brought me despair. Now, I shall return it tenfold!"


Su Huanxue suddenly retrieved a spiritual weapon from her ring and swung it toward Lin Chen.

It was a whip that seemed to tear through the void like a thunder serpent, crackling with electricity!

"Thunder Spirit Whip!"

Someone in the arena exclaimed, "That's a fourth-grade spiritual weapon. That's too much!"

The might unleashed by a fourth-grade spiritual weapon was extremely terrifying.

The whip tore through the void and struck with a vengeance!

Lin Chen's Dragon Jade Hand sprang into action once more, catching the Thunder Spirit Whip in his grip.

Immediately after, he exerted his strength and yanked Su Huanxue toward him with a backhanded pull.

"Stele Splitting Palm!"

Lin Chen surged a vast air wave from his palm. At this moment, he seemed to transform into an unyielding mountain, suppressing her fiercely.


This palm struck Su Huanxue on the shoulder.

Her entire shoulder was shattered, dislocating it!


Su Huanxue coughed up a mouthful of blood, her expression growing increasingly desperate.

It was like an abyss, dragging her deeper and deeper.

"You ignorant dog, you good-for-nothing!"

Su Huanxue clutched her arm, her eyes filled with madness.

"I still remember the day you came to suppress me in the Imperial City Plaza with all your might!"

Lin Chen roared, and with all his strength focused in his feet, he stomped on the ground. "War Soul Trample!"


The ground trembled violently.

After enduring this shock, Su Huanxue's legs abruptly gave way, and she fell to her knees.

Then, a torrent of immense pressure erupted from Lin Chen's body.

It was like a towering mountain, pressing down heavily on Su Huanxue!


Su Huanxue's bones shattered inch by inch.

Blood seeped from her fair skin, a gruesome sight.

Lin Chen raised his hand and punched again, his spiritual energy transforming into the shadow of a towering tree that sent Su Huanxue flying.

Su Huanxue collapsed to the ground, her body limp, barely breathing.

Murderous intent flickered in Lin Chen's eyes as he raised his hand to finish her off!

This blow would end her life!


Just then, a thunderous roar echoed through the air.

Chen Lingfeng unleashed his aura from afar and moved to suppress Lin Chen!