
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Eastern
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150 Chs

(Chapter 90)The Arbiter of the Chen Clan

Lin Chen's declaration made the room freeze.

Su Hongyi, Yan Lin, and the other inner disciples fell silent. 

Fang Luo broke the quiet with a sneer, "Junior Brother Lin Chen, you've only joined the sect for half a year. Your achievements in the past may have led you to overestimate your abilities. Regardless of your grudge with Su Huanxue, I assure you that you will never defeat her, let alone Chen Lingfeng, who is on a completely different level!" 

"Oh? Is Senior Brother Fang suggesting that he will fight Chen Lingfeng on behalf of our sect?" Lin Chen countered with a raised eyebrow. 

Fang Luo had always been subtly targeting Lin Chen. 

In the past, Lin Chen would have ignored him. 

But Fang Luo's public mockery of him this time had provoked him. 

Fang Luo frowned, "If the sect needs me, I will not hesitate…" 

"Don't talk so big. At your current level, even the Beast Origin Fruit won't help your spirit beast grow. Why bother? Are you seeking death? Your own death wish is fine, but don't drag down our sect. This is our only chance to win a spot. We can't let you waste it." 

Lin Chen sneered. He outtalked Fang Luo, leaving him speechless. 

"You, you…" 

Predictably, Fang Luo was furious but couldn't find the words to refute Lin Chen. 

If he argued, everything Lin Chen said made sense. 

If he didn't, he would feel wronged! 


Su Hongyi's cold voice cut in, "This is the most important battle in our Fire Sect's history. I expect everyone to fight with all their strength. If we lose this battle, the Lihuo Sect may cease to exist within the Five Kingdoms!" 

Her words shocked everyone. 

The inner disciples looked at her in disbelief, their pupils constricting. 

What did their Sect Master mean by that? 

If they lost, would the Lihuo Sect disband immediately? 

The atmosphere turned heavy. 

Everyone felt an invisible weight on their shoulders. 

In a different room, Chen Lingfeng entered and sat in the main seat. 

This was the room of the Wind Sword Sect, and its leader, Feng Bumie, should have been seated in the main seat. 

But Chen Lingfeng didn't show any courtesy. 

Feng Bumie saw this and anger flashed in his eyes. But in the end, he swallowed it down. 

Many of the Wind Sword Sect's powerful inner disciples had been killed by Lin Chen. 

His son Feng Yu was also among the dead. 

Now, the sect's only hope of survival was to secure a spot as a second-class sect. 

Otherwise, their recent losses would cripple the Wind Sword Sect for years to come. 

Their only chance of winning rested on Su Huanxue and Chen Lingfeng. 

Chen Lingfeng was a young master of the Chen Clan, which happened to be the clan responsible for overseeing this competition. 

Relying on this connection, the Wind Sword Sect had a good chance of securing a spot as a second-class sect. 

They couldn't afford to offend Chen Lingfeng now. 

"I regret something now." 

Feng Bumie clenched his fists tightly, his eyes blazing with anger. "I regret not killing that little bastard when we were in the Spirit Path. None of this would have happened, and Yu'er would still be alive!" 

"This time, I'll make him pay dearly." 

Su Huanxue sneered, her voice dripping with arrogance. 

Her confidence was evident. 

She couldn't wait any longer. 

Only by killing Lin Chen could she appease her hatred. 


A man entered the room. 

He had a refined demeanor and strong energy, indicating that he was at the Heavenly Spirit Realm. 

A faint but powerful aura radiated from his body, causing the space around him to tremble. 

When he entered, the atmosphere in the room became thick. 

"Uncle Yun!" 

Chen Lingfeng smiled and welcomed the middle-aged man, hugging him. "I didn't expect you to be the arbiter this time." 

"My Ling Feng was sent to the Five Kingdoms, so as your uncle, I had to come." 

Chen Yun patted Chen Lingfeng on the shoulder, his voice filled with emotion. "The clan hasn't changed much this year. You can return once you help the Wind Sword Sect secure a spot as a second-class sect." 

Chen Lingfeng nodded and then asked with a smile, "Uncle Yun, how will the competition be held?" 

"It hasn't been decided yet. Do you have any suggestions?" 

Chen Yun raised an eyebrow. 

"Let's follow the format of the Dragon Gate Competition. The sects will compete against each other in a best-of-five series." 

Chen Lingfeng clasped his hands behind his back and said calmly, "Help me arrange for the Lihuo Sect to be our opponents in the first round. I can't wait to meet them." 

"Was someone from the Lihuo Sect disrespectful to you?" 

Chen Yun chuckled. "Lingfeng, no matter how powerful the sects in these five countries are, they are all insignificant to us. If someone offended you, I'll kill them for you. What do you think?" 

The other disciples, including Feng Bumie, looked ugly after hearing this. 

But there was nothing they could do. 

They were powerless in front of such overwhelming strength. 

Besides, the Wind Sword Sect still needed Chen Lingfeng's help. 

"No, Uncle Yun, let me handle it." 

Chen Lingfeng grinned. "I haven't fought in a while. I'll kill that kid in front of everyone. Wouldn't that be amazing?" 

"You're still as playful as ever." 

Chen Yun shook his head, amused. "Very well, I'll take care of this." 

"Master Chen, I'm Feng Bumie, the leader of the Wind Sword Sect. We're counting on you this time!" 

Feng Bumie seized the opportunity to approach Chen Yun, wanting to have a conversation with him. 

But Chen Yun ignored him completely. 

He waved his hand dismissively and said, "I know about the Wind Sword Sect. You have some ties to our Chen Clan, but that's just based on old history. Rest assured, you'll definitely secure a spot as a second-class sect this time." 

"Yes, yes, yes." 

Feng Bumie nodded and bowed, a forced smile on his face. 

Chen Yun didn't say much and left shortly after. 

Feng Bumie took a deep breath, not minding the other's attitude. 

As long as his sect could defeat the Lihuo Sect and become the only second-class sect in the Five Kingdoms, he was willing to pay any price. 

After Yu'er's death, the Wind Sword Sect was all he had left. 

He was determined to make it thrive, no matter the cost.