
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Eastern
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150 Chs

(Chapter 85)He Deserves Five Tolls!

News of Lin Chen's defeat of Feng Yu spread like wildfire through the Lihuo Sect, creating shockwaves once more.

If even Feng Yu had fallen, wouldn't Su Huanxue and Chen Lingfeng be next?

It was hard to believe that just half a year ago, Lin Chen had been a mere outer disciple.

His transformation had been so swift that it seemed almost superhuman.

Upon Lin Chen and his companions' return, the disciples beheld them with awe.

As he stepped through the sect gates, the bell tolled five times, a privilege reserved for exceptional prodigies.

Many sought to challenge Lin Chen, eager to prove their worth.

They had once doubted him, questioning why an outer disciple deserved such recognition.

After all, as an outer disciple, he had no right to ring the bell five times.

Only the greatest talents—monsters both within and beyond the sect—were granted such an honor.

Had Lin Chen remained the Da Cang Kingdom's top genius, no one would have questioned his achievement.

In his prime, he had eclipsed even Su Huanxue.

However, after his cultivation was crippled, his feat seemed all the more extraordinary.

Did not his ringing of the bell prove that they were inferior to a cripple?

Yet Lin Chen refused their challenges.

The disciples interpreted his reluctance as cowardice.

Later, however, Lin Chen ascended to the inner sect, defeating Zhao Peng.

Despite his origins, he continued to shatter expectations.

Even then, many remained skeptical.

Only after his victory in the sect competition and his achievement as the top-ranked inner sect disciple did Lin Chen gain some credibility.

Then, he defended his sister by killing Cheng Nianguang in a rage.

When the Fengjian Sect dared to provoke them, he defeated three of their disciples in succession.

These feats gradually earned him the respect of all.

And now, his defeat of Feng Yu had left every disciple in the inner and outer sects filled with admiration.

He had more than earned the ringing of the five bells and the praise that followed.

Three days later, momentous news arrived.

The quota for promotion to a second-class sect had finally been announced.

Every sect in the Five Kingdoms would compete, with the Chen family of the Eastern Yuan Territory overseeing the judgment.

The Five Kingdoms were merely a border region of the Eastern Yuan Territory.

Compared to its vast expanse, the Five Kingdoms seemed small and insignificant.

The Chen family was a renowned clan in the Eastern Yuan Territory, surpassing even second-class sects in overall strength.

Given their proximity to the Five Kingdoms, it was fitting that they would judge the qualification competition.

This news sent waves of excitement through the Lihuo Sect.

Many inner disciples emerged from seclusion.

The once-serene inner sect became increasingly bustling.

This competition promised to be the most significant event in the history of the Five Kingdoms.

Geniuses would gather, vying for glory in the arena.

Naturally, the true contenders were the Lihuo Sect and the Fengjian Sect; the other sects merely joined in for the experience.

They hoped their disciples would gain valuable combat training.

After a series of covert and overt clashes between the Lihuo Sect and the Fengjian Sect, animosity had deepened between them.

The Lihuo Sect yearned to avenge their humiliation at the Dragon Gate Conference.

The Fengjian Sect, in turn, vowed to kill Lin Chen and exact retribution for their fallen disciples.

In the Lihuo Sect's square, inner disciples assembled.

Their eyes turned to Lin Chen with respect.

During this turbulent time, the Fengjian Sect had been relentless in their aggression.

Without Lin Chen, the Lihuo Sect would have crumbled under their pressure.

Lin Chen's talents rivaled those of any sect genius of the past.

After all, in the sect's history, only two individuals had ever rung the bell five times.

The first had become a taboo subject, never to be mentioned.

"Greetings, Senior Brother Lin!"

"Well met, Senior Brother Lin Chen!"

New disciples greeted him with reverence.

Lin Chen nodded and approached Yan Lin.

"How are you faring?"

Yan Lin chuckled. "Aside from the Miss, you are our Lihuo Sect's greatest pillar. This competition will test our disciples' combined combat abilities. The Miss will undoubtedly excel, and you must strive to do the same."

"Leave it to me," Lin Chen replied with unwavering confidence.

This competition would provide him with the opportunity to kill Su Huanxue.

To that end, he would not hesitate to shine.

At that moment, Lin Chen noticed a change in Yan Lin's expression and quickly stepped aside.

Just as curiosity sparked within him, a respectful voice sounded behind him. "Greetings to the Sect Master!"

The Sect Master?

Lin Chen was astounded.

During his half year in the sect, he had met many inner sect elders but never the Sect Master.

Whenever he inquired about him, he was told that the Sect Master was in seclusion, but no further information was provided.

Lin Chen turned and saw a middle-aged man approaching with a calm demeanor. Clad in a gray robe, his eyes radiated an aura of tranquility. He walked with the poise of a dragon or tiger, exuding an undeniable presence.

In the arena, all disciples and elders bowed in greeting.

Evidently, despite the Sect Master's prolonged absence, his prestige remained undiminished.

"This time, our Lihuo Sect must secure the quota for promotion to a second-class sect at all costs," declared the Sect Master, Su Hongyi. His voice was calm and measured. "This is an opportunity for us to transform our sect. As for the past… let bygones be bygones. Regardless, we must fight for this quota, because the Lihuo Sect is not destined to remain here."

The inner disciples straightened their backs.

From the day they joined the sect, they had been drawn to its unique atmosphere.

In the current climate, it was exceedingly rare to find a place that offered sanctuary, cultivation opportunities, and the chance to hone their skills.

Thus, they resolved to fight with all their might to secure the promotion quota.

"This contest is of great importance to our sect, and it may be our last chance to compete for this quota. If we fail this time…"

A flicker of pain crossed Su Hongyi's eyes.

Shen Tubo quickly reassured the gathered disciples. "I urge you to give your all. As the leading sect of the Five Kingdoms, it is our birthright to claim this spot!"

In the past, such words would have inspired unwavering confidence.

However, with Su Huanxue and Chen Lingfeng now representing the Fengjian Sect, even Shen Tubo hesitated to speak with absolute certainty.

"Only the Lihuo Sect is worthy of this promotion quota," a cold voice interjected.

Su Yuwei emerged, her tall and slender figure clad in black. Her face remained impassive.

In her hand, she carried a wine bottle.

Though many inner disciples had seen her before, they could not help but be struck by her stunning beauty.