
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Eastern
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150 Chs

(Chapter 83)Killing Feng Yu

"Feng Yu, what's got you so frightened?"

A cold indifference flickered across Lin Chen's gaze, a hint of a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. "Didn't you swear you'd kill me? Go ahead then!" 

As soon as he finished speaking, he hurled another punch. 

The colossal shadow of the tree slammed into Feng Yu's lower abdomen, eliciting a pained groan as he was forced to stumble backward. 

Rage twisted his features. 

"You little punk!" 

Feng Yu roared, his pride wounded by Lin Chen's dominance. 

"Azure Swordsmanship!" 

A faint glow erupted from Feng Yu's body, and the enchanted sword in his hand darted forward with lightning speed. 

The blade was imbued with a hint of bloodlust, its momentum formidable. 

Despite not being a swordsman by trade, Feng Yu's time in the Azure Sword sect had honed his skills, making him a formidable opponent. 

Lin Chen met the attack head-on, his palm glowing with spiritual energy as he threw a punch. 

Straightforward, unadorned. 

His punch lacked any flashy effects. 

Yet it was this unassuming attack that pierced through the sword light, shattering Feng Yu's elaborate technique. 


Horror widened Feng Yu's eyes, his mind reeling in disbelief. 

How could this kid's fist resist his enchanted sword? 

I refuse to accept this! 

Feng Yu's roar echoed like a wild beast, his pupils glowing crimson. 

He charged at Lin Chen once more! 

Lin Chen remained calm, his palms turning, imbued with the power to shatter mountains and rocks. 

Splitting Mountain Palm! 

His palm struck the sword's hilt, causing Feng Yu to scream in agony as his wrist bent at an unnatural angle, clearly shattered. 

Lin Chen moved with feline agility, twisting his body and launching a devastating kick that shook the earth. 


Feng Yu was sent flying, his body slamming against the mountain wall, his head lolling. 


A mouthful of blood erupted from his lips, his countenance growing pale. 

Lin Chen took a step forward, his eyes glinting with intent. "Feng Yu, when you attacked me for surpassing you, when you and your father slaughtered my spirit beast and destroyed my cultivation, did you ever envision this outcome?" 

"Lin Chen, if you kill me, my father will exact retribution!" 

A flicker of panic crossed Feng Yu's gaze. 

They were deep within a secluded valley, thousands of meters from civilization. 

Even if he called for help, it would be too late! 

At that moment, an unimaginable aura of darkness enveloped Lin Chen. During the Spirit Road trial, he had witnessed his brother, Xiaolang, die at the hands of two individuals. That heart-wrenching pain still haunted his memories. 

And now, Feng Yu stood before him. 

What other option was there but to end his life? 

"Lin Chen, do you truly dare to kill me?" 

Fear gripped Feng Yu, his resistance crumbling. 


Without hesitation, Lin Chen punched Feng Yu in the abdomen. 


Another mouthful of blood escaped Feng Yu's lips, his face ashen as he curled up in pain. 

"Feng Yu, rest assured, after you, I will kill your father and reunite your family in the afterlife!" 

Lin Chen stomped down with immense force, driving Feng Yu into the ground. 


A chasm opened up, Feng Yu's wails echoing in the depths. 

"Didn't you always view me as an insignificant ant? You went out of your way to ruin my cultivation, sparing my life only to humiliate me. Yet today, it is you, the 'ant', who will end your life." 

Lin Chen seized Feng Yu's sword and swung it with lethal precision, severing his arm. 

Feng Yu screamed in agony, "Lin Chen, just kill me!" 

At that moment, death seemed like a welcome release. 

The torment he endured was unbearable. 

The pain of neither living nor dying was driving Feng Yu to the brink of insanity. 

Lin Chen's expression was a mask of cold fury. Ignoring Feng Yu's pleas, he delivered another backhanded strike, severing his other arm. 

His eyes burned with a crimson hue. "Is this how you murdered the little wolf?" 

His rage exploded, each strike a catharsis for the anger that had consumed him. 

If not for Feng Yu, why would he have suffered so much? 

The perpetrator must be punished! 

"Lin Chen, if you don't kill me, I swear I'll slaughter your entire family!" 

Feng Yu had descended into madness, his consciousness clouded by bloodlust. 


Lin Chen raised his sword and ended Feng Yu's life with a single stroke. 

As the blade fell, a sense of closure washed over him, the weight of his hatred dissipating. 

Evil begets evil. 

Feng Yu had brought this upon himself. 

With Feng Yu's death, his spirit beast, the Octagonal Venomous Spider, let out a final mournful cry before collapsing to the ground, its life extinguished. 

"Pfft, how anticlimactic." 

Tun Tun rolled his eyes. "Lin Chen, why are your opponents always so weak? Too weak, too weak, utterly pathetic!" 

"If you're so strong, why don't you go after Feng Bu Mie and avenge him yourself?" 

Lin Chen shot him a glare, retrieving Feng Yu's enchanted sword and spatial ring before heading towards the ancient tomb. 

Feng Yu's demise secured his interest in the treasures within. 

As he approached the tomb, the sound of commotion reached his ears. 

A figure emerged from the tomb at an alarming speed, his appearance disheveled. 

He clutched a spiritual elixir in his hand, its aura so potent that it distorted the surrounding space. 

Behind him, a group of pursuers were hot on his heels. 

"Don't even think about escaping!" 

"Hand over the elixir!" 

As the figure left the tomb, another individual stepped into his path, their eyes blazing with murderous intent. Before he could identify the newcomer, he lunged at Lin Chen, his strength undeniable. 

Lin Chen's gaze narrowed. It seemed this individual had obtained the elixir from the tomb. 

And now, his pursuers were closing in. 

What a coincidence! 

"Azure Dragon's Hand!" 

Mustering his strength, Lin Chen let out a deafening roar as he clashed with the figure. 


Half of the figure's body exploded into a mist of blood. 

The elixir flew into the air. 

A vine emerged, snatching the elixir and retreating. 

"A Seven-Star Begonia Blossom, aged at least a century!" 

Tun Tun examined it, unable to contain his excitement. "This is a rare treasure." 

The disciple crashed to the ground, vomiting blood. 

As he recognized the assailant, his eyes widened in horror. "Lin Chen, it's... it's you..." 

Lin Chen glanced at the disciple. Coincidentally, he was a member of the Azure Sword sect, one who had previously followed Feng Yu. 

"A small gift for a thousand-mile journey, a token of my appreciation." 

Lin Chen smirked, slipping the elixir into his ring. 

At that moment, a group of disciples emerged from the tomb in pursuit. 

Their expressions turned pale as they witnessed the scene unfolding before them.