
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Eastern
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150 Chs

(Chapter 8)Deadly Deception Strategy

Lin Yiming's spirit beast is a Flame Bird, and the level is five.

He's a second to none genius in the Lin family.

This time's deal with Fengjian Sect, it's huge!

Only if Lin Chen were to kick the bucket, he can pop into Fengjian Sect for training, making his way to the whopping world outside.

The flaming bird beneath him let out a shrill scream, at once lightening struck from heaven, forming an indescribable hellish rain of fire, floating down like fairy dust, the rain of flames fell on the surrounding tree trunks, burned through straight away, and fell on the ground, leaving behind a series of craters.

Lin Chen's eyes gleamed coldly, since deciding to sever ties with the Lin family, all past events have turned into wisps of smoke.

Lin Yiming?

Just a mortal enemy!


Lin Chen's physique is tough, instantly covered in vines with his own two eyeballs.

He jumped like a wild beast, breaking free from the fire rain, and grabbed the Flame Bird's slender neck.

"Are you asking for it?"

Lin Yiming's eyes are teeming with murderous intent.

He activated a secret technique, instantly morphing into a flaming long sword, charging against Lin Chen.

"Young man, please refrain from engaging in a grand battle!" The little tree seed, seemingly anxious, charged directly towards the flaming long sword.

Fire flickered, nearly scorching the green on the top of his head. He reached out to pull Lin Chen, "Run!"

Lin Chen's eyes were filled with fury, there was a thunderclap inside his body, his chest ascended rapidly, forcibly releasing the magical force, flipping the Flame Bird's body viciously and slamming it down onto the ground.


The noise rang, and the Flame Bird was knocked unconscious. Even Lin Yiming, was left feeling like a tramp.

"Living is not shameful, dying is!" A baby tree seed didn't mince his words, dragged Lin Chen running.

The two juiced their way through the jungle, lost their traces within a few seconds.

Lin Yiming clambered back up, his face looked like a demon.

His fists clenched, "Lin Chen, you cannot escape!

"Master, are you okay?"

The guard captain surrounded them.


Lin Yiming's face was as cold as ice.

Today under any circumstances, Lin Chen cannot leave Zilian Mountain alive!

After the Fengjian Sect found out that Lin Chen was killed, they even sent over the entrance token. If Feng Buemo finds out that Lin Chen is still alive, it's going to be a huge clusterfuck. The family will be facing an unprecedented disaster!

"Hey hey hey, take a sharp left up ahead... oops, there's a monster! Better go right!"

Little tree sapling sat on the head of Lin Chen, frantically guiding him.

Lin Chen rolled his eyes, was this seriously not making things worse?

High in the sky behind, Lin Yiming rode the flaming bird with icy eyes, seemingly supreme.

"To me, you're just a dog without a home, even if you escape, how far can you run?" Lin Yiming looked at Lin Chen's rear and sneered humorously.

This time, he had him dead to rights!

Lin Chen glanced back, unsurprised by this.

In their family, there's a bodyguard captain with a panther as their spirit beast, perfection in tailoring!

Just trying to escape will never get you outta their hands!


A fireball exploded down from the sky behind.

Lin Chen dodged the blast using impeccable agility.

However, from the fiery explosion, a wave of terrifying heat still hit Lin Chen's back, making his blood boil.

Lin Yiming twinkled, relentlessly releasing fireballs like a cat playing with a mouse.

All the bodyguards captains laughed uproariously.

They all thought Lin Chen would be history this time!

Apparently, they'd forgotten what Lin Chen did single-handedly and bloody with his wolf, laying the firm foundation for Lin's family!

"Master, let me at him!"

A bodyguard captain flexed his fists, "I've been itching to give this guy some grief ever since he kicked my legs out from under me because I played a girl too much. And he docked me one year's worth of training resources, causing my advancement to lag!"

Lin Yiming gave him a sidelong glance and nodded.

The bodyguard captain's spirit beast was a wild boar. He concentrated his energy cruelly, brandishing a sharp spear in his hand.

Then, with a mighty throw towards Lin Chen's retreating figure!


The spear pierced through the void, making ears ring!

Lin Chen slammed his palm onto the ground, jumping like a jack rabbit.

Then, he hurled an overwhelming punch that shattered the flying spear.


The spear fragmented into pieces, and Lin Chen was also flung away by its immense power.

"Alas, the level is still too weak!" Lin Chen wiped the crimson blood off his mouth and broke off combat, somersaulting and fleeing deeper into the jungle.

"Haha hahaha..."

"Did you see? He's hurt."

"Is this the once high-and-mighty prodigy of the world, like... a dog?"

Behind them, the laughter echoed.

"This endless running isn't going to do the trick..."

Lin Chen's eyes began to shimmer with a killing intent as he chased his prey!

The shrubbery was spooked, "What the heck are you up to? Please don't go all murder on me, cuz we're not in that league!" 

"Not in that league, huh? Well, let's try something else then!"

Lin Chen let out an earth-shaking howl, he was furious, but his mind was as clear as crystal.

Striking hard, trying to break through the siege is indeed a tough cookie. But remember: this is a rugged old forest!

He has omniscient vision, which is the ultimate advantage!

If this is well utilized, perhaps a comeback is in the cards.

"Kid, I suggest you swallow your pride, there's an ancient saying that..."

The shrubbery muttered.

Lin Chen roared, "Swallow, swallow, swallow! If you're scared just say it, you spineless thing!"

"Kid, how dare you talk to Tree Brother like this? Fear? When has Tree Brother ever been afraid!"

The shrubbery bared its teeth, grabbed Lin Chen by the hair, and said arrogantly, "You dare belittle Tree Brother, oh my god, you drive me insane!"

Although the situation looked bleak, a comeback was still possible if they could wrap their heads around this tricky situation.

In Lin Chen's mind, he was cranking up strategies at a rapid pace.

Suddenly, ahead of him was an expanse, and lo and behold, he was at the edge of a ravine.

Lin Yiming laughed sinisterly, "I see you can't escape now."

Surmounting the cliff would land him deep in the Scarlet Reunion Mountain.

Deep inside, powerful monsters roam frequently. Those who don't have a strength of at least fifth level of the Earth Spirit realm will only end up lookin' for a ticket!

"Let's go!"

Without a second thought, Lin Chen jumped off the cliff, the fog slapped him in the face, chillier than ice.

"Is this kid whacked?"

One of the guards flabbergasted shook his head, "Could the Scarlet Reunion Mountain deep inside be what he dares to step into?"


Lin Yiming's face morphed into something terrifying, "To see him alive or dead, barefoot or not!"

Lin Chen's descent was swift, relying on his perception, he memorized every piece of terrain around him like a virtuoso.

"Three, two, one!"

When he reached the number one, Lin Chen flicked his finger, a vine shot from his palm, wrapped around a boulder on the mountainside.

Then he swung himself inside, and voila, he landed in a hidden cave.

This cave was so well concealed, coupled with the hazy mist and poisonous gas outside, it would be tough to spot.

"Peek! Peek! Peek!"

Lin Yiming led the guards past the cave entrance.

But lin Chen's perception was as sharp as a tack!

Lin Chen's eyes glowed with a fearsome light, he flung his wrist, and a vine sneaked out unseen, ensnared the last guard's head, and catapulted him into the cave.