
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Eastern
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150 Chs

(Chapter 72)The Three-Year Agreement Draws Near

A sudden sense of foreboding washed over Huo Fan.

Before he could react, Lin Chen swiftly snatched the enchanted sword from his grasp.

"My sword!"

Huo Fan's eyes widened in horror.

To sword cultivators, enchanted swords are their lifeblood.

Losing his sword would severely diminish his combat prowess.

"It seems you rely heavily on this enchanted sword."

Lin Chen held the sword with a hint of disdain in his gaze, "Let me show you the vast chasm between us!"

With lightning speed, Lin Chen pressed his finger against the sharp edge of the sword.

In an instant, the razor-sharp blade was flattened into dullness.

The audience gasped in shock.

This enchanted sword was a precious fourth-grade weapon.

Yet, Lin Chen had effortlessly destroyed it.

"You destroyed my sword!"

Enraged, Huo Fan lunged at Lin Chen.


Lin Chen countered with a backhanded strike, driving the dulled sword straight into Huo Fan's forehead.

Huo Fan collapsed to the ground, his eyes wide in disbelief.

After dispatching Huo Fan, Lin Chen swiftly turned his attention to Sun He.

Sun He and Tun Tun were engaged in a fierce battle when a sharp energy surged towards them from behind.

Instinctively, he dodged to the side.

But it was too late.


Lin Chen collided with him, sending Sun He flying dozens of meters away.


Sun He landed heavily, his face flushed, and he coughed up blood.

Agonizing pain coursed through his body.

Before he could recover, Lin Chen was already standing before him.

Lin Chen looked down at him with a hint of pity in his eyes, "For your parents' sake, I will spare your life."

Sun He was stunned.

His opponent was actually merciful enough to let him live?

"You shall be punished, but I will not take your life."

Amusement flickered in Lin Chen's eyes as he pointed at Sun He's chest.

A surge of heat coursed through Sun He's meridians, causing him immense pain and making him writhe in agony.


His meridians exploded, unable to withstand the impact of the spiritual energy.


Sun He spat out more blood and collapsed to the ground.

His eyes were glazed and lifeless.


He had not been killed, but crippled instead.

His meridians were destroyed, rendering him incapable of cultivation for the rest of his life.

This was a fate worse than death.

In the distance, Xie Yu's face darkened with anger and despair.

Two of the three geniuses he had brought with him were dead, and one was crippled.

"Since you enjoy mocking me as a wastrel, I will show you what it truly means to be one."

Lin Chen's voice was devoid of emotion, his lips curled into a disdainful smile.

The crowd erupted in a frenzy of amazement and disbelief.

A complete and utter annihilation!

"Why did you not kill me..."

Sun He spat out blood in a fit of rage, his entire body trembling with fury.

However, Lin Chen paid no attention to him.

"Wind Sword Sect, who gave you the audacity to challenge our Lihuo Sect with such feeble abilities? Leave this place and spare yourselves further humiliation."

Lin Chen's words were a response to the mockery he had endured earlier.

His words were met with cheers and applause.

Xie Yu's face turned ashen with fury.

He retrieved Sun He's body and mounted his phantom beast once more.

"Hahaha, you may rule over all you can see, but our reach will forever surpass yours!"

"Away from the Fire Sect, you will remain forever suppressed!"

"You will never understand the insurmountable gap between us."

The disciples of the sects jeered and ridiculed Xie Yu mercilessly, as if to vent their pent-up resentment.

And so, amidst the jeers and mockery of the disciples, Xie Yu departed in disgrace.

"Farewell, distinguished guests! May you have an enjoyable journey!"

Yan Lin's laughter echoed through the void, reaching Xie Yu's ears.

His intention was clear, to repay Xie Yu for his arrogance.

Xie Yu nearly choked on a mouthful of blood.


He gritted his teeth in frustration.

Before leaving, Xie Yu turned and fixed Lin Chen with a cold stare, "Lin Chen, do you remember your three-year agreement with Su Huanxue? Seven days remain. If you are a man of honor, do not break your word!"

"Three-year agreement?"

Lin Chen's eyes narrowed, recalling the events in the imperial city.

Su Huanxue had humiliated him, crushing his bones with spiritual energy after he had rejected her.

"Inform Su Huanxue that I will be in the Imperial City Square on that day, ready to take her life."

Lin Chen spoke calmly.

He could not forget that day.

That memory burned brightly in his mind.

Until Su Huanxue was dead, he would not find peace.

"Very well. I hope you keep your promise."

Xie Yu exhaled sharply and departed on his phantom beast.

On the other side, Sun He sat motionless on the back of the phantom beast, his body and mind shattered.

He could not accept the reality of his fate.

From a promising genius to a crippled waste, his life had taken a cruel turn.

Endless pain and despair awaited him.

Xie Yu glanced at him with indifference.

What use was a cripple to him?

He was nothing but an embarrassment.

"Sun He, your spirit is broken beyond repair. To end your suffering, I shall grant you a merciful release."

Xie Yu said coldly, pointing a finger at Sun He's forehead.

Internal spiritual energy instantly shattered Sun He's consciousness, ending his life.

Xie Yu then tossed Sun He's body off the back of the phantom beast.

From beginning to end, his expression remained devoid of mercy.

A useless individual had no worth in his eyes.

"Lin Chen!"

Xie Yu's eyes glinted with cold fury.

He had never expected Lin Chen, the loser who had been expelled from the Wind Sword Sect for cheating, to emerge as a threat to Lihuo Sect.

Although they shared the same seventh level of the Earth Spirit Realm, Lin Chen's combat prowess far exceeded his peers, rivaling geniuses like Su Huanxue and Chen Lingfeng. This was a cause for concern.

After all, Lin Chen harbored a grudge against the Wind Sword Sect.

As the Wind Sword Sect continued to rise in prominence, it was imperative to eliminate potential threats like Lin Chen.

And what better way than to have Su Huanxue defeat him in battle?

A definitive end to the conflict, ensuring no future troubles.