
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Eastern
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150 Chs

(Chapter 64)Sister, let me vent your anger on your behalf!

Lin Ning'er quickly covered up, "It's nothing. I just accidentally got splashed with oil when I was cooking. It was my fault. Xiaochen, please hurry up and eat. These dishes today are specially made for me..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Chen gently reached out and pinched Lin Ning'er's chin, lifting her head up little by little.

After seeing the slap mark on Lin Ning'er's face, a flash of rage suddenly flashed in Lin Chen's pupils.

He suddenly stood up and said one word at a time, "Sister, tell me, who hit you?"

Being questioned by Lin Chen all the time, Lin Ning'er felt aggrieved and anxious, "Xiao Chen, you have just become an inner disciple, your qualifications are still relatively young, and you don't have any backers. I don't want to cause any trouble to you!"

"Sister, if I, Lin Chen, can't even care about my sister's safety, then what's the point of all my hard work in training?"

Lin Chen's expression became more ferocious, "Sister, we must get this justice back! Tell me, who is it?"

Under Lin Chen's repeated questioning, Lin Ning'er finally couldn't hold back her emotions, and her tears fell like broken beads.

"I was notified before that the inner disciples were asked to collect the elixirs. You were not at home at the time. I was afraid of being delayed, so I went to collect the elixirs for you. However, the disciple who distributed the elixirs humiliated you and said you were a waste. I was so angry. I just argued with him..."


Lin Chen clenched his fists little by little, and the strong killing intent was blooming wantonly.

After knowing the ins and outs of the matter, Lin Chen's heart flashed with murderous intent!

At the same time, there is also deep self-blame.

You shouldn't hide your shame in front of your sister!

My sister is kind-hearted and always thinks of herself, for fear of causing trouble outside.

But in fact, few people in the entire sect can offend him!

"Sister, let's go, I'll seek justice for you."

Lin Chen grabbed Lin Ning'er's hand and said with a cold expression, "At the same time, I also want you to see your brother's current strength!"

Just like that, Lin Chen led Lin Ning'er, with a cold face, and rushed towards the elixir hall.

Along the way, many inner disciples saw this, and their eyes flashed with excitement.

When they received the elixir before, they saw Lin Ning'er being beaten with their own eyes.

Now, Lin Chen led Lin Ning'er to the elixir hall, surely because he wanted to vent his anger on her!

There's something good to watch now!

Just like that, the group of inner disciples followed behind, wanting to see what would happen next.

Lin Ning'er was in a state of confusion. She didn't know what level her brother had reached now. She only knew that in order to stay in the sect and cultivate, he was kind to others and rarely caused trouble.

"Xiao Chen, forget it. I'm afraid you just arrived at the inner gate and are weak. If you offend them, you will be ostracized!"

Lin Ning'er grabbed Lin Chen's hand and said softly.

"Excluded? Sister, be optimistic today. My brother has the ability to make you never suffer any grievance again!"

Lin Chen's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

The more gentle and sensible Lin Ning'er is, the more worried he becomes.

My silly sister, you really don't know what level your brother has reached now.

In the entire Lihuo Sect, among all the disciples, there is no one I dare not kill!

After arriving at the elixir hall, Cheng Nianguang happened to have not left yet.

Cheng Nianguang raised his eyes and was shocked when he saw Lin Chen rushing towards him with murderous intent on his face.

But soon, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

If the other party dares to take action, then I will deprive him of a month of cultivation resources!

As the temporary manager of the elixir hall, I still have some power.

The rules of the inner sect are much stricter than those of the outer sect. There are many elders patrolling back and forth. If Lin Chen really dares to take action, the simple elders will give him a drink!

"Hey, isn't this Lin Chen? Why, do you want to come and fight with me?"

Cheng Nianguang was confident. Anyway, there were sect rules and the other party couldn't take action at will.

What's there to be afraid of?

"Did you slap my sister on the face?"

Lin Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and a sharp killing intent burst out from them. It was extremely fierce, as if it was going to tear the void apart.

"So what if it's me? She doesn't understand the rules, so she should be beaten!"

Cheng Nianguang laughed wildly, showing no fear at all.

At this time, more than ten inner disciples had gathered outside.

They stood there, pointing, talking and laughing.

"Do you think Lin Chen dares to take action?"

"He is crazy if he dares to take action!"

"If anyone dares to break the rules of the inner sect easily, he will have to shed his skin even if he doesn't die!"

"Haha, no one dares to break the rules easily. Who is Lin Chen?"

"Do you think that winning the first place in the outer disciple competition means you are lawless?"

This group of inner disciples all sneered.

There are rules, and none of them think that Lin Chen dares to openly violate the rules!

Over the years, few talented disciples have dared to flout the rules.

Even if there is, the subsequent consequences will be disastrous!

In full view of everyone, Lin Chen suddenly took action.

Dragon Jade Hand!

Split Tablet Palm!

The spiritual energy in his body surged like a mountain roaring and a tsunami roaring.

Lin Chen didn't hesitate and slapped Cheng Nianguang with his palm.

Fast and ruthless!

"How dare you do it!"

Cheng Nianguang's pupils shrank violently. He never expected that in Lin Chen's eyes, he didn't care about the so-called rules at all!

Is he crazy?

Inner doors are different from outer doors!

Anyone who dares to violate the rules will be imprisoned for at least three months.

In serious cases, they will be punished by whipping and punishment!

Cheng Nianguang was horrified and quickly put his hands in front of him, hoping to receive Lin Chen's palm.

However, what he didn't expect was that the power attached to this palm was beyond his ability to bear!


There was a sound of bone cracking, and Cheng Nianguang howled in pain and took a few steps back.

I saw that his two arms were completely shattered.

Lin Chen stepped forward and used his backhand to use the Cracking Tablet Palm again!

This palm is even more powerful than before!


There was no blocking space for Cheng Nianguang, and he was slapped on the forehead with a palm.

The skull was shattered and he died on the spot!

Even a bronze figure made of copper and iron cannot withstand the power of this tablet-breaking palm, let alone Cheng Nianguang?


Outside the court, the faces of many inner disciples suddenly became stiff.

Immediately afterwards, they looked at each other, and they could see the horror in each other's eyes.

He only used two moves from beginning to end, and he actually killed Cheng Nianguang on the spot!

You know, Cheng Nianguang is also quite famous in the inner sect!

He is very powerful and few people dare to provoke him.

Unexpectedly, for Lin Chen, killing him was like slaughtering a chicken but a dog!

Not far away, Lin Ning'er covered her mouth, a look of disbelief flashing in her beautiful eyes.

Although she didn't know Cheng Nianguang, she could imagine that he was very wealthy in the inner sect, both in terms of combat prowess and status!

However, the younger brother was able to kill him on the spot with just two moves.

When did my brother become so strong?

For a moment, Lin Ning'er felt that she felt strange to Lin Chen.

He is really strong and grows up so fast!


At this time, a thunderous roar came from the distance.