
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Eastern
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150 Chs

(Chapter 61)Did the sect forbid exterminating the family?

Lin Chen was in no rush to return. He found a tavern and ordered a few side dishes.

He gazed out the window, savoring his food while calming himself.

With the Zhao family wiped out, no enemies should be left in Lihuo City.

"Oh, I simply want to live a life without disturbance. Is it so hard to achieve?"

Lin Chen took a sip of wine and sighed softly, "I hope no more trouble comes looking for me before I grow strong enough."

He detested killing, yet life had forced his hand.

Just like Zhao Peng!

If he hadn't violated the taboo and dared to harm his sister, would his entire family have been wiped out?

Lin Chen wasn't afraid of others attacking him; he was only worried about Lin Ning'er!

His younger sister had no cultivation; she was a complete mortal.

It would be a disaster if these villains made a move on his sister.

Everything he did was for a righteous cause. He only sought to protect his family.

That being said, was it wrong to protect one's own kin?

After finishing his meal, Lin Chen left the money and made his way back to the sect.

He planned to enter seclusion for an extended time and continue striving for a higher cultivation realm.

After all, Su Huanxue was an exceptional talent destined to grow more and more powerful.

Killing her would be no easy feat.

And then there were Feng Yu and Feng Xian'er!

He had to train diligently and break through to the Celestial Spirit Realm as soon as possible to qualify to stand against them!

When Lin Chen arrived at the sect's entrance, the two disciples guarding the gate instantly turned ashen, as though they had seen a malevolent spirit.

'What happened?'

Lin Chen raised an eyebrow.

They had seemed fine when he had left, so why this sudden reaction?

"He's... back..."

One of them trembled violently.


From within the sect, two figures suddenly dashed out, as quick as lightning.

One was Yan Lin, the other Liu Yuan.

The two inner sect elders abruptly appeared before Lin Chen, one to the left and one to the right, surrounding him.

"Elders, what... what is the situation?"

Lin Chen had a suspicion in his heart that it must have something to do with him killing Elder Zhao, but he could not let it show on his face.

"Lin Chen, Elder Zhao's body was discovered on the rear mountain. Did you kill him?"

Yan Lin's expression was complicated. On one hand, he found it hard to believe that Lin Chen possessed such combat prowess. On the other hand, even if Lin Chen truly was the killer, he didn't find fault with his actions.

After all, it was Elder Zhao who had killed Lin Chen's family first!

Lin Chen feigned initial shock. "Elder Yan, you... what did you say? Elder Zhao has died on the rear mountain?"

"Indeed. I just heard yesterday that Elder Zhao had been gravely injured on a mission and had to retreat to the rear mountain to recuperate. Could it be that his injuries were too severe and he passed away?"

As he spoke, Lin Chen's face displayed a mix of bewilderment and joy.

From their perspective, Lin Chen's reaction made sense.

Firstly, he bore a grudge against Elder Zhao; it was a life-and-death enmity.

Regardless of whether Lin Chen had killed Zhao Peng, Elder Zhao believed he was responsible!

Just yesterday, Elder Zhao had rushed to the Great Cang Kingdom and slaughtered Lin Chen's entire family.

Upon learning of Elder Zhao's death, Lin Chen would naturally feel overjoyed; this was only human nature.

"No, esteemed elders, Elder Zhao's death must be investigated thoroughly. What does this... have to do with me?"

Lin Chen looked away again, appearing dazed.

"We suspect that you infiltrated the rear mountain and killed Elder Zhao."

Liu Yuan narrowed his eyes and stared into Lin Chen's eyes, attempting to detect any fluctuations of emotion.

However, Lin Chen showed nothing but shock and disbelief.

"I... I killed him? Are you mistaken? I am but an inner disciple at the sixth level of the Earth Spirit Realm. How could I possibly contend with an inner sect elder? Even if he was gravely wounded, he could kill me with a flick of his wrist!"

Lin Chen shook his head, dismissing the notion as absurd.

Liu Yuan frowned slightly, about to question him further, when Yan Lin interrupted, "I agree. By all accounts, he cannot be a match for Elder Zhao. And... look at him. He has no injuries and is completely unscathed. Even if he really did kill him, is it possible to have slain Elder Zhao without suffering any harm?"

Upon hearing this, Liu Yuan's doubts, however lingering, became untenable.

Even he could not emerge unscathed from a battle with Elder Zhao.

In truth, how could Lin Chen be uninjured?

Yesterday, there had been at least a dozen sword wounds on his body.

The one below his ribs had been particularly gruesome!

Fortunately, Wan Mu Zhengrong's body possessed exceptional regenerative abilities, and by this morning, all the wounds had healed.

Even if others scrutinized his body, they wouldn't be able to find any evidence.

"Where did you go just now?"

Liu Yuan thought of something and asked.

"I visited the Zhao family. I heard that their clan had been acting tyrannically in Lihuo City for a long time. They oppressed others, committing countless atrocities. Their crimes were unforgivable. So I exterminated them, that's all."

Lin Chen's expression was calm, as though he were recounting an insignificant event.

Liu Yuan's pupils constricted. "The Zhao family had dozens of members, and you killed them all?"

"Exactly. They incurred immeasurable wrath over the years. There were many who wished to see them dead, but I am the only one who took action."

Lin Chen scratched his head, smiling ingenuously. "Why? Does our Lihuo Sect have a rule that prohibits exterminating an entire family?"

Yan Lin: "..."

Liu Yuan: "..."

Was there such a rule?

Of course not!

Moreover, it had been Elder Zhao who struck first!

"If Elder Zhao's death was unrelated to you, why did you rush to kill the Zhao family first thing this morning? Weren't you afraid of Elder Zhao's retaliation?"

Liu Yuan narrowed his eyes and asked.

"He was recovering from his injuries. I'm not afraid!"

Lin Chen stated matter-of-factly, "I returned to the sect as soon as I finished killing them. Besides, the sect's rules restrain him from attacking me. I'll wait until I surpass him in strength before facing him."

There seemed to be nothing amiss with this reasoning.

"This matter will be thoroughly investigated..."

Liu Yuan massaged his temples, feeling a headache coming on.

How old was Lin Chen?

Eighteen years of age!

He had scarcely reached adulthood.

At this age, shouldn't he be chasing girls and competing with others for affection?

When a disagreement arose, going to the dueling arena to settle it with a fight was more in character.

How did it reach Lin Chen's extreme of exterminating an entire family!

Although the sect had no rule forbidding the killing of a family, such an extreme act was rather drastic.

"I'll draw a conclusion after a thorough investigation."

Liu Yuan sighed. In all likelihood, this was the truth of the matter.

Zhao Peng had been killed, and Elder Zhao had died under unclear circumstances.

The only certainty was that the Zhao family had been wiped out by Lin Chen.

However, there was no rule in the Lihuo Sect against killing people, let alone exterminating a family!

Furthermore, Lin Chen had acted in revenge.

His actions were justifiable!