
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Eastern
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150 Chs

(Chapter 48)As long as you destroy him, he'll tell you everything!

"How dare you lay a hand on my sister..."

Lin Chen stared menacingly at the arrogant Zhao Peng. 

At that moment, a fierce murderous aura swept over the arena like a storm. The air grew heavy as spiritual energy was squeezed, generating piercing noises. 

Everyone in the arena, from inner disciples to outer elders, couldn't help but feel a sense of oppression. 

This feeling was strange. 

No matter their realm or strength, they all surpassed that kid. 

Why did he still feel their hearts pound when he exuded murderous intent? 

Zhao Peng was initially shocked, but he quickly realized it was Lin Chen! 

"Stop spouting nonsense. Your sister's arrest has nothing to do with me." 

Zhao Peng smirked. 

He wouldn't admit to sending someone to arrest Lin Ning'er in front of so many people. 

Such a method was only for secret scheming. Exposing it would violate the sect's taboo! 

The Lihuo Sect encouraged disciples to strive for excellence and challenge the strong, but it strictly forbade them from using any means to achieve their goals. 

Actions like arresting someone's sister to threaten their submission would never be tolerated! 

In the distance, Xu Kun's expression shifted. 

Lin Ning'er was arrested? 

That explained Lin Chen's fury. 

Lin Ning'er was everything to him! 

If anyone dared to touch her, Lin Chen would fight to the death, even if it cost him his life! 

It was natural for him to feel that way. 

"That's ridiculous. I don't even know you. Why would I arrest your sister?!" 

Zhao Peng's eyes flashed with killing intent. "The moment you arrived, you slandered me and dared to challenge my authority... Today, I will kill you on the spot, no matter what. Otherwise, everyone will think that I, Zhao Peng, am a pushover!" 

Earlier, Lin Chen's earth-shattering roar had attracted not only inner sect disciples but also some outer sect disciples. 

When they saw Lin Chen confronting Zhao Peng, their expressions varied. 

"This kid must be tired of living. How dare he offend Senior Brother Zhao?!" 

"A genius inner sect disciple could crush him with a single finger." 

Some outer sect disciples gossiped with schadenfreude. 

After all, Lin Chen had rung the bell five times, making the outer disciples dissatisfied. 

If you're so talented, why are you still an outer disciple like us? 

Moreover, during this period, many had gathered outside his courtyard to provoke him, but he didn't dare to fight back. 

It reinforced their belief that Lin Chen was weak! 

"Lin Chen, state your reason for his alleged attempt to arrest your sister." 

The outer sect elder who had previously stopped Lin Chen frowned and stepped forward. 

"As long as you destroy him, he'll tell you everything!" 

Lin Chen's eyes flashed with murderous intent. He suddenly took a step forward and shouted, "Tuntun!" 


Tuntun roared as his body expanded to over three meters tall. 

His sturdy body and fierce appearance were intimidating. 

His steps shook the ground, creating cracks with a loud boom! 

"You all saw it. He provoked me first. If we don't fight, how will I, Zhao Peng, maintain my reputation?" 

Zhao Peng yelled, "Heiyu, tear them apart!" 

No one stepped forward to stop them. 

Thus, a bloody battle began! 

"I'll pluck all your feathers if I don't call you daddy!" 

Tuntun brazenly used his Dragon Jade Hand, his arm as hard as fine iron. 

As Black Feather swooped down, Tuntun spread his stance and smashed his arm at it. 


The force behind this smash was incredibly powerful. 

The sense of oppression it exuded caused some inner disciples to change their expressions slightly. 

This spirit beast was only at the third level, so why was it so powerful? 


A dull crash resounded as Zhao Peng blocked Tuntun's arm. 

Black Feather's body suddenly sank, weighed down by the force of the blow. 

Zhao Peng was shocked. This kid was indeed capable! 


Zhao Peng moved like lightning, the black flames in his palms condensing into a sharp blade that slashed at Lin Chen. 

Lin Chen met it with a slap of his palm. 

"This kid is courting death!" 

Zhao Peng sneered. This martial skill, called the Black Flame Sword, was an earth-grade martial skill. 

Condensing the black flames in his body into a blade, it possessed incredible killing power. 

Not to mention this kid, even those specializing in body training wouldn't be able to withstand it! 

However, when the black flame blade struck Lin Chen's palm, there was a loud clash of metal! 

Black fire splattered. 

Lin Chen's eyes were fierce as he looked forward. 

His arm, enhanced by the Dragon Jade Hand, exuded a crystal-like luster and was extremely durable. 

Ordinary attacks and methods were useless against it! 


Lin Chen turned his palm into a fist and struck Zhao Peng hard in the chest. 

A buzzing sound vibrated in the air. 

Some of the weaker outer disciples turned pale and coughed up blood. 

It was as if they had been struck in the chest by a giant hammer. 

They couldn't bear the aftermath of this punch! 

Zhao Peng's pupils constricted as he staggered back, using the force of his retreat to neutralize the impact. 

Looking down, he saw a deep fist mark on his chest! 

Intense pain radiated through his body. 

The corners of Zhao Peng's mouth twitched slightly. 

This punch was brutal! 

Despite landing a blow on Zhao Peng, Lin Chen showed no sign of complacency. 

Gathering his strength, his eyes grew even more ferocious as he launched another attack. 

His speed and precision were relentless. 

The onlookers exchanged glances, sensing something amiss. 

Zhao Peng's eyes suddenly turned fierce as he raised his hand to counterattack. 

"Black Feather! Black Flame Sword!" 

Zhao Peng roared. He and his spirit beast, connected by spirit energy, unleashed their martial arts simultaneously. 

Black Feather's enormous wings sliced through the air, threatening to tear the void apart. 

Black flames surged at the tips of its wings, growing more and more intense! 

"Dragon Jade Hand!"

Lin Chen's pupils turned scarlet as he met the attack with the same martial skill. 

He and Tuntun faced off against Heiyu and Zhao Peng at the same time! 


Black Feather's wings severed half of Tuntun's arm. 

Just as it reveled in its victory, Tuntun swung its other arm! 


Black Feather was knocked unconscious by the powerful blow. 

"It's this hand, you fool!" 

Tuntun raised its arms as if showing off, a proud expression on its face. 

And where it was cut, vines grew again. 

Within a few breaths, it was completely restored to its original state. 

An astonishing regenerative ability! 

Meanwhile, Lin Chen and Zhao Peng traded blows, their arms numb from the impact. 


The ground beneath them quaked, the impact creating large cracks. 

Zhao Peng gritted his teeth as he retreated. 

As an inner disciple, he had failed to defeat his opponent several times in a row. Embarrassment crept upon him! 

However, at this point, it was no longer a matter of shame. 

Lin Chen was consumed by murderous intent. 

He intended to destroy Zhao Peng!