
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Eastern
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150 Chs

(Chapter 39)I’m upright and honest!

Lin Chen was visibly taken aback after hearing Su Yuwei's words.

In the land of the Five Kingdoms, several sects conduct an examination every year. According to the rules, the top three in the examination qualify for the Dragon Gate Conference.

The so-called Dragon Gate Conference is a competition among geniuses from several major sects!

Every sect stakes many treasures in this gamble.

The strong always remain strong.

The weak remain weak.

The rules have remained the same all these years.

In this Dragon Gate Conference, Su Yuwei will face Feng Yu from Fengjian Sect!

Of course, Su Yuwei had heard about the grudge between Feng Yu and Lin Chen, so she took the initiative to ask him about it before leaving.

"Just defeat him in a regular match."

Lin Chen slowly raised his head, a glint of indifference flashing in his eyes. "When we meet next time, I'll personally behead him. A blood feud will be settled in blood!"

"All right."

Su Yuwei didn't hesitate. She turned around and walked out of the room, disappearing into the night.

Lin Chen closed the door and went straight into the practice room to cultivate.

The next day.

Another piece of news broke.

He Guan was ambushed on his way back to the sect.

How tragic his death was!

He was punched in the face, his brain shattered!

How powerful must that punch have been to cause this?

After some investigation by the outer sect elders, they came to the conclusion that both He Guan and Chen Han had died at the hands of the same person!

It was hard to tell whether that person was a disciple of the Lihuo Sect.

No one in the outer sect possessed such physical strength!

The number of inner disciples was limited, and every one of them was busy cultivating and rarely showed up.

Who would target two insignificant outer disciples?

The only witness claimed that on that night, he was punched and sent flying. He fell to the ground and lay unconscious for a long time.

When he regained consciousness, half an hour had already passed.

Therefore, he knew nothing about the incident.

The case fell into a standstill once again.

That day, no one came to provoke Lin Chen in front of his courtyard.

Everyone became suspicious.

Could it be that Lin Chen was the one who did it?

He Guan and Chen Han were the most provocative ones!

They stood outside the courtyard and kept hurling insults. No one could tolerate that.

If it was really Lin Chen, why didn't he accept the challenge but chose to ambush them in the dead of the night?

No one could explain it clearly!

"Lin Chen, are you in there?"

Xu Kun knocked on the door of Lin Chen's courtyard.

After a while, Lin Ning'er came out and opened the door. "It's Elder Xu. My brother is cultivating hard in the room. What's the matter?"

"I... I indeed have something to discuss with him."

Xu Kun forced a smile and walked in.

"Elder Xu, please have a seat. I'll call him."

Lin Ning'er served Xu Kun a cup of tea and then knocked on Lin Chen's door.

"Elder Xu is here?"

Lin Chen walked out with a hint of evident surprise flashing in his eyes.

"Come, have a seat."

Xu Kun smiled bitterly and took a sip of tea. "In the past few days, Chen Han and He Guan were ambushed and killed in the city one after another. Did you do it?"

"Elder Xu, you can't accuse a good person without evidence!"

Lin Chen looked surprised. "I've been cultivating in my room and have never paid attention to these matters. He Guan was also killed?"

Perhaps it was because Lin Chen's acting skills were so superb that Xu Kun was stunned.

Could it be that I really misunderstood him?

Xu Kun frowned, carefully pondering over the entire incident.

Chen Han and He Guan had no interactions with each other before. The only time their paths crossed was when they gathered outside Lin Chen's courtyard and cursed at him.

In the end, they were the ones who died.

This made people highly suspicious of Lin Chen.

"Elder Xu, you know me. I've always been cautious and prudent, and I rarely dare to offend others. Besides, I'm a kind person, so why would I ambush others in the dead of the night?"

Lin Chen had a pained expression on his face. "It really hurts me that you doubt me so much."

Lin Ning'er, who was standing to the side, also nodded in agreement. "Yes, Elder Xu, I know my brother's character best. He only thinks about cultivation and will never take the initiative to cause trouble. Maybe someone else killed them?"

"I've thought about that too, but why were they the only two!"

Xu Kun sighed. "It's such a coincidence that I couldn't help but suspect Lin Chen."

"The reason why I stay behind closed doors is not because I can't defeat them, but because I don't want to cause trouble for myself."

Lin Chen swore, "Elder Xu, think about it, how could I, a person who is afraid of trouble, go out of my way to ambush them in the middle of the night? That's clearly not my style!"

"That's true."

Xu Kun nodded slightly, acknowledging Lin Chen's words.

"Alas, I can only say that the cycle of reincarnation is just and that good and evil will eventually be rewarded!"

Lin Chen took a sip of tea and said calmly, "A kind-hearted person like me is often bullied. Even the heavens can't stand it."

Xu Kun's expression changed.

If someone else had said these words, it would have been fine, but coming from Lin Chen's mouth, why did they always feel odd?

Are you... kind?

Back then in the arena, you killed Zhao Long and Su Cheng without even blinking!

A person who kills people without batting an eyelid talking about kindness...

Well, it was very inconsistent indeed.

After Xu Kun left Lin Chen's courtyard, his head felt dizzy, and his mind was filled with those words—

"Kind to others", "cautious", "pure and honest", "upright and honest"

"Perhaps I really misjudged him?"

"Could he actually be a genuinely kind person?"

Xu Kun fell into deep thought as he walked further and further away.

The Dragon Gate Conference this time would be held in the Great Xu Kingdom.

During this period, everyone inside and outside the Lihuo Sect was eagerly discussing this matter.

After all, this Dragon Gate Conference represented the sect's prestige!

Whichever side produced the strongest genius would secure a brighter future.

As disciples of the Lihuo Sect, they were used to the taste of victory.

This time, it would be no exception.

"Did you hear? The first match is between Junior Sister and Feng Yu!"

"I heard. It was a complete碾压 from start to finish!"

"Feng Yu has reached the seventh level of the Earth Spirit Realm and is extremely powerful. However, he was no match for the Junior Sister. The Junior Sister is truly the pride of our Lihuo Sect and the number one genius in the Five Kingdoms!"

"I was there that day. I don't know why the Junior Sister was so ruthless. She directly broke Feng Yu's limbs in the arena. The screams reverberated through the sky. I can't forget it to this day!"

"Feng Bumie's face turned ashen at that time!"

"Hahaha, so satisfying!"

Many outer disciples gathered together to discuss this matter.

Although Lin Chen was in the courtyard, he heard everything clearly.

He couldn't help but smile wryly.

He had specifically instructed Su Yuwei beforehand to treat it as a normal battle.

Unexpectedly, she still vented her anger for him!

If it weren't for his own fault, Su Yuwei really didn't have to be so ruthless.

This was simply causing enmity for no reason!