
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Eastern
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150 Chs

(Chapter 38)Gratitude for the Senior Sister's Help

Lin Chen instructed Tuntun to monitor He Guan's movements.

For three consecutive days, He Guan didn't leave the sect, making it challenging to make a move.

On the fourth day, the outer sect disciples gathered at a restaurant in Lihuo City, and He Guan received an invitation.

In the evening, He Guan returned with another outer sect disciple. They strolled along the deserted street. He Guan couldn't resist joking, "Chen Han died not long ago. Someone pointed at his eyebrows and killed him miserably."

The disciple shivered and replied, "Brother He, don't say that at night. It's creepy."

"Haha, look at how scared you are. What's there to be afraid of?" He Guan laughed boisterously. "I'm just starting out and don't have many enemies. Who would ambush me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a dark figure suddenly appeared before him.

His pupils constricted violently, unable to react.


The outer sect disciple standing next to He Guan was punched and sent flying.

He Guan seized the opportunity and swiftly released his spiritual energy to shield his body. Just as he was about to summon his spirit beast, the dark shadow struck like lightning and punched him in the face!

The fierce fist, enveloped in a faint green glow, surged towards He Guan.


He Guan took a direct hit, and the sound of cracking bones echoed in the air. He didn't even manage to scream before he was sent flying and collided with a stone pier in the distance, dying on the spot.

'Such audacity to challenge me. He must be seeking fame and courting death.'

Lin Chen inwardly complained. He had expected He Guan to put up more of a fight, but it seemed that he had overestimated the man's abilities.

At that moment, Lin Chen couldn't help but wonder where He Guan had gotten the courage to shout in front of his courtyard every day. He had expected He Guan to be more formidable.

Meanwhile, the outer sect disciple writhed on the ground in agonizing pain, his eyes rolling back. He remained unconscious for quite some time.

Lin Chen initially intended to eliminate the root of the problem, but he realized that the other party hadn't done anything evil, so he refrained from killing him.

He quickly left the alleyway and made his way back to the sect.

Due to Chen Han's recent murder, the Lihuo Sect had dispatched several outer sect elders to patrol the area. They would rush to investigate any sign of trouble.

Relying on his keen perception of the vegetation, Lin Chen evaded the elders and returned to his courtyard safely.

He was just about to change out of his night clothes and go to bed when he noticed a slender figure leaning against the doorframe, a bottle of wine in hand.

She wore a simple dress that accentuated her graceful figure despite her age.

Lin Chen felt a bit awkward and touched his nose as he asked, "Senior sister, what are you doing here?"

Since becoming an official disciple of the Lihuo Sect, Su Yuwei had changed her name.

She raised her eyebrows and said calmly, "You remained composed during the day when provoked and insulted, yet at night, you ambushed your assailant and killed them without hesitation. How ruthless."

"Senior sister, I just went out for a bit. Don't accuse me falsely." Lin Chen tried to defend himself. "I'm an honest and kind person. How could I possibly ambush and kill someone?"

"The smell of blood is all over you, yet you claim innocence. Do you want me to take you to the scene?" Su Yuwei rolled her eyes.

'At least come up with a believable excuse,' she thought. 'Do you think I'm a fool?'

Realizing that he couldn't fool Su Yuwei, Lin Chen explained, "Senior sister, I didn't want to do it. They forced my hand. Since joining the Lihuo Sect, I've only wanted to cultivate peacefully, improve myself, and fulfill my duties as an outer sect disciple. But they've been harassing me and even tried to humiliate my sister! She's my only family. She raised me and has done everything for me. I've suffered many grievances and humiliations, and I swore long ago that no one would harm her. Anyone who upsets her will face my wrath!"

His words were filled with murderous intent, and his delicate features distorted into a fierce expression.

At that moment, Lin Chen seemed to have transformed from a harmless boy into a ferocious beast, his every growl a threat to his pack.

Su Yuwei glanced at Tuntun, who coughed and said, "That's just how he is. I can't control him."

"Come in," Su Yuwei said as she opened the door and stepped inside.

Lin Chen composed himself and followed her, wondering why she had come to his courtyard in the middle of the night.

Could she have something to say to him?

He carefully closed the door, fearing that he might wake his sister in the other room.

"Senior sister, what do you need from me?" he asked.

"I gave you a five-star evaluation. You're in this predicament because of me. Do you hate me?" she said, taking a sip of wine and staring at him with cold eyes.

"No, I don't," Lin Chen replied. "You must have had your reasons for doing so. Besides, you're helping my sister get rid of the cold poison. I'm grateful for that."

"Indeed, there's a deeper reason behind my actions. You'll know it in the future." Su Yuwei narrowed her eyes and handed him a piece of soft armor made of silk. "This is a fourth-grade spiritual weapon, the Tiancan Soft Armor. I just engraved spiritual patterns on it. It has excellent defensive capabilities. Take it."

"Thank you, senior sister!" Lin Chen's eyes lit up.

A fourth-grade spiritual weapon was more than enough to block most attacks at his level.

Su Yuwei's generosity surprised him.

'They say spirit pattern masters are wealthy, and it seems to be true,' he thought.

"I initially planned to teach you this Heaven-Grade cultivation technique, but it seems you've already acquired a stronger one. As for Spirit Jades, this is my token. Whenever you feel you're running low, go to the treasury and withdraw some. As long as you don't go overboard, no one will cause trouble for you," she said, tossing a jade pendant to Lin Chen, who caught it swiftly.

"Thank you, senior sister!" Lin Chen beamed.

This was a fantastic feeling!

Su Yuwei stood up and walked to the door. She took another sip of wine, paused, and turned to look at Lin Chen. Her beautiful eyes were calm and indifferent.

"One last thing. I'm facing Feng Yu in the Dragon Gate Conference. If you want to destroy him, I'll do it for you."