
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Eastern
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150 Chs

(Chapter 3 )Silly sickly older sister!

Lin Ning'er was like a kid at Christmas as she clutched the precious box, rushed to the bedside.

There stood Lin Chen, critically wounded and gasping for breath.

"Little bro, just pop this pill down, everything will be back in order. Can't train? No sweat! Sis will guard you for eternity..."

The words trailed off and before long, Lin Ning'er's voice started to crack.

Her eyes started leaking buckets of water.

In seven days' time, she would be marrying Zhang family bigshot as a concubine.

This was also the last favor she could do for her brother.

"Sis is useless. If only she could train, she'd stick around and take care of you forever!"

Lin Ning'er wiped away the tears and laid the pill gingerly into Lin Chen's mouth.

The pill, swallowed in one gulp, immediately filled his body with toxicity.

LinChen's final breath was being upstaged by the toxin, and his veins instantly went haywire.

His face started to flush, due to his heart being provoked to pump blood like a madman.

But naturally, it was all a waste of time.

"Little bro, get some rest. I'll swing by again tonight."

Lin Ning'er dragged her worn-out body out of the room.

In bed, Lin Chen's last bit of life energy was being eaten up by the backlash.

"Am I, about to kick the bucket?"

Lin Chen's last remaining consciousness felt like he was flying high, constantly ascending.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself in an endless ocean of stars.

A monstrous tree that covered itself in green light was voraciously expanding, spreading at an alarming rate.

This monstrous tree was too tough, covering thousands of star systems in a blink of an eye!

Wherever the vines grew, countless stars were stripped of their qi, turned into dry husks, like dead rocks.

Billions of stars, unable to resist the onslaught of this terrifying tree!

The scene was awe-inspiring! Absolutely terrifying!

"What, what's the hell is this thing?"

Lin Chen was shaken to the core, even his breathing froze.

Just then, the heavens of the cosmic sky were ripped open violently.

A man cloaked in darkness broke through the void like a superhero.

He was standing, yet radiating an authoritarian supremacy that could make even the heavens bow to him.

"Humble! "

The man pointed a finger, his voice deep and commanding. 

As though standing on the pinnacle of the universe, shaking galaxies into dust.

As soon as the two-tone echoed out, Lin Chen's passion was ignited like a burning torch, his blood vessels about to explode!

That monstrous tree in the distance, also conjured up a trace of fear, frantically fleeing.

But the black light was upon it in a blink, locking it within an energy sphere, oppressed as a confinement, such as a vast prison, eventually condensed into a ball of light covered with arcane runes, silently floating in the void of the universe.

"Is that not one of the balls of light in my phantom world?"

Lin Chen's pupils contracted crazily after spotting the light ball.

On the Jiu Tian continent, everyone is born with a special "phantom birth space".

In the phantom birth space, monsters known as phantoms hatch and fight alongside their owners.

Lin Chen's phantom, named Red Fury Blood Wolf!

Grading five ranks, unbelievably powerful!

Besides the phantom, there are also nine balls of light covered with countless arcane runes suspended in his phantom birth space, emanating a mysterious power of eternal, unyielding strength.

These balls have been present since birth, but nobody knows what they are.

At this moment, inside Lin Chen's phantom birth space.

The first ball of light is trembling, obscured by cracks, an irresistible primeval aura, streaming without end.

Something, it seems, is coming out!

Then, Lin Chen suddenly lost vision and was disassociated from the universe.

Consciousness, afloat back to the body.

But it feels like the soul is imprisoned in a cage, unable to stir.

Inside the room, a teenage boy subtly stood there.

Even if he didn't open his eyes, Lin Chen could tell, this was Grand Elder Lin Hongbin's younger son, Lin Yilong.

Lin Yilong gazed at Lin Chen who was lying on the bed, an evil grin sneaking up on his mouth.

"Lin Chen, my esteemed cousin, you've finally kicked the bucket, recall how incredibly smart you were, suffocating us all, but in the end, didn't you lose your life recklessly?"

"Do you know who wanted you dead, sir Feng Bu Mei! "

"He bestowed a poisonous pill to my father, as long as you're poisoned, me and my brother can enter Wind Sword Academy to cultivate, becoming esteemed disciples of the sect, and our Lin family will thrive forever!"

"A year ago, you vented for me, invaded the enemy city, singlehandedly slaughtered ten thousand armies, that scene, it was truly terrifying, truly spine-chilling, you made all of us feel dread, you surpassed my grandfather in one generation, are we still to subsist under your shadow?"

"You're a genius, and so are we!"

When he got to this point, Lin Yilong was chattering like a machine gun!

He wanted nothing more than to let out all the pent-up, suppressed feelings he had.

"Lin Chen, your vanishing act is splendid! But shame on your sickly sister, sacrificing herself by marrying the despicable Zhang Dashao as a concubine, only to find out the elixir she sought with all of her soul was actually poison, hahaha!"

"And your grandpa, I'm going to scratch his name off the family tree, trample his spirit tablet into powder, and then evict him from our ancestors' graveyard. From now on, my dad's family is Lin's family, and mine and my big brother's! "

Lin Yilong was laughing so hard that his face was a grotesque mask!

What an absolute bullet! What an absolute bullet!

Lin Chen's heart was screaming with pain.

But even a pinky finger wouldn't move.

He hated it!

Hated it!

Having given so much to the family, but in the end, such a fate came back to him!

Get up! Get up!

Lin Chen was roaring deep down, so angry that a hot tear rolled out of his eye.

"What? "

Lin Yilong's brows instantly wrinkled, he quickly stepped forward.

He planned to probe for Lin Chen's pulse.

But before he could get close, an ice-cold hand "swish" grabbed his neck.

Then he faced a pair of fierce, murderous blood-colored eyes.

Not human, like ancient ferocious beasts!

"Lin Chen, you... You didn't die?"

Lin Yilong's eyeballs nearly popped out of his sockets.

How didn't this poison kill him?

"Thank you, cousin."

Lin Chen gritted his teeth, every syllable a struggle.

He completely hated this family!

"No, don't kill me..."

Lin Yilong was about to summon his phantom beast to fight back, but he was horrified when Lin Chen's arm suddenly transformed into countless wooden whisker, vines, solidly twining around his throat.

And then his life force was irrationally surging outside.


With a scream muffled by pain, Lin Yilong's skin shriveled at an alarming speed.

All the life force was sucked dry by these vines.

After dropping the body of Lin Yilong, Lin Chen looked at his arm in disbelief.

What do these vines have to do with the horrifying massive tree in the previous hallucination?

His consciousness once again sunk into the illusory space, and found that instead of nine light orbs, there were only eight left!

Where's the other one?

Lin Chen was perplexed.

Suddenly, in front of him, a sapling stood up.

It was as big as a Baby Ruth bar, with arms and legs like human anatomy, fingers roughly the diameter of a dry spaghetti noodle, a greenish tuft riding its head, and the green was so vibrant!

"Satisfied, little dude, you admire me?"

The sapling was basking in the spotlight, looking like the slimiest person alive.