
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Eastern
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150 Chs

(Chapter 29)You Are Her Man

"The sect competition is in three months?" Lin Chen raised his brows in surprise. "Are these treasures given to motivate me?"

In every sect, there is a sect competition. For example, the Spiritual Road Trial held by the Fengjian Sect gives advance notice to invite geniuses to become inner sect disciples. These disciples would then participate in a spiritual path competition against other inner sect disciples. Performing well in this competition earns you rewards and recognition from the sect.

The Lihuo Sect's sect competition is different. It requires all new inner and outer disciples to participate, making it a grand affair. Securing a top three position would undoubtedly showcase one's exceptional talent.

Lin Chen couldn't help but wonder, "What does it have to do with her if I finish in the top three?" After all, he had to participate in the competition regardless of these treasures.

Xu Kun gave him a strange look. "Do you genuinely not know or are you pretending?"

Lin Chen spread his hands with a wry smile. "Elder Xu, don't give me that look. I really don't understand the intricacies of this."

Xu Kun reminded him, "Several inner sect elders visited your courtyard during the day, hoping to take you as their disciple. Do you recall? But Miss came and sent them away, saying that you wouldn't become anyone's disciple."

Lin Chen remembered this incident and was curious about Su Yuwei's reason for doing so. Did she make another decision on his behalf?

Xu Kun elaborated, "Now, everyone in the sect knows you belong to Miss. Naturally, no one else can take you as their disciple. If you can secure a top three position in the sect competition, Miss will be very proud of you. Do you understand?" He suspected that Lin Chen was deliberately waiting for an explanation. How could he not see something so obvious?

Lin Chen was confused. "Huh? What's going on? How did I become hers? We merely journeyed back together. We're not in a relationship, and there's no connection whatsoever! My grandfather taught her spiritual patterns, which makes him her master, but that has nothing to do with me!"

Xu Kun sighed. "Let me explain clearly. After the bell tolled five times during the day, the sect immediately held an emergency meeting. The sect leader criticized Miss for tolling the bell for you impulsively. However, Miss insisted on supporting you, going so far as to quarrel with the sect leader over it."

Lin Chen fell silent for a moment and asked, "Is the significance of the bell tolling five times that profound?"

Xu Kun nodded. "It is significant. But the reason involves another secret, which is the sect leader's heartache. I can't share it with you for now. Just know that once Miss asked for the bell to toll five times for you, no one in the sect can accept you as their disciple. Everyone knows that you belong to her!"

Lin Chen was speechless. "What... what is this?"

Xu Kun reassured him, "It's not a bad thing. Enjoy all the cultivation resources you have now! I think you have potential, and I hope you can shoulder this responsibility. In the sect competition, you must strive for a top three spot. If possible, it would be best to win first place. That would make Miss very proud!"

Lin Chen noticed that Su Yuwei and her father didn't have a good relationship. "According to you, the relationship between Su Yuwei and her father is not very good?"

Xu Kun sighed. "Everyone has their own difficulties. As outsiders, we can't comment."

Lin Chen nodded in understanding. Since Su Yuwei had provided him with so many cultivation resources, he should focus on practicing diligently. In the sect competition three months later, he must strive to advance!

In this world, the rules are for the weak, not for the strong! The more one fights and strives, the more they gain!

Xu Kun's gentle voice turned serious and firm. "You are different from other outer sect disciples. You don't have to attend classes or study, but you can't slack off in your practice. Many outer sect and even inner sect disciples will challenge you because the five tolls of the bell carry immense significance. Remember, you... cannot be defeated!"

Lin Chen realized the responsibility that came with the bell tolling. "Regardless of who challenges me, I can't be defeated?"

Xu Kun emphasized, "You cannot be defeated! If you can't beat your opponent, don't accept the challenge until you can."

Tuntun voiced his dissatisfaction. "Isn't that just being a coward? Brother Shu never brags. If someone dares to provoke me, I'll stab them to death!"

Lin Chen rolled his eyes. "If your life was in danger, you'd be more cowardly than anyone else. You'd cower in fear!"

Tuntun gritted his teeth. "That's because you gave me too little spiritual jade. If you fed me spiritual jade every day, I'd regain my strength and wouldn't fear anyone!"

Lin Chen apologized to Xu Kun for Tuntun's behavior. "I'll remember your words. Don't worry. I'll fight if I can beat them, and I won't stay behind closed doors. Once I'm strong enough, I'll challenge them again!"

Xu Kun nodded in approval. "That's the spirit. Lin Chen, I believe in you."

After seeing Xu Kun off, Lin Chen couldn't resist the urge to practice.

Tuntun protested, "Let's practice later! I'm so sleepy!"

Lin Chen grabbed him and dragged him to the training room. "I'll give you spiritual jade!"

Tuntun nodded eagerly, forgetting his previous protest. "Alright! More, more! I feel like I'm about to break through!"

Lin Chen gave him a few pieces of second-grade spiritual jade.

"Not enough! Not enough!" Tuntun rubbed his hands together. "More, more! I feel like I'm about to break through soon!"

"You're not even at the first level yet?" Lin Chen remarked skeptically.

"Hey, what's your attitude? I'm an ancient Hongmeng tree! Does rank matter to me? Just know that I'm very strong, incredibly strong, and that's all that matters!" Tuntun puffed up his chest. "My strength is sealed, so to me, this isn't an upgrade but an unsealing! With each level, my bloodline and strength will greatly increase!"

Lin Chen humored him. "Oh, come on." But he couldn't deny Tuntun's potential. If Tuntun could advance from the first level to the second level, it would be a significant improvement. In general, prodigy-level spirit beasts start at the fifth level, and some even use treasures to enhance their spirit beasts to the sixth level.