
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Eastern
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150 Chs

(Chapter 148)Bestowed with a Special Physique!

Lan Ao was very anxious as he said, "Please save my son. It doesn't matter what place he is from. I just want to save his life."

A few days ago, Lan Ao used his knowledge of poisons to try and detoxify Lan Qingfeng.

The situation only worsened because of his actions.

It was obvious that the poison he had received was more powerful than expected.

Lan Ao considered all options carefully before he decided to ask for outside help.

He originally wanted to go to the Dongjiang Restaurant and formally invite Master Zhang Lu after the banquet.

Unexpectedly, Zhong Wen took the initiative to ask Zhang Lu to treat Lan Qingfeng. But the ending...was not as expected by anyone!

Zhang Lu not only failed to cure him, he actually stimulated the poison in his body.

Now, the poison had spread to his heart and his situation was very critical!

Lan Ao had no choice but to place all his hopes on Tuntun.

"I can save him. It depends on how much you are willing to pay."

Tuntun was very small, but he had his hands behind his back and his tone was very mature.

His narrowed eyes gave the impression that he was a secluded master.

Lan Ao was stunned. He realized that Tuntun was negotiating with him.

Normally, he would not even look at Tuntun.

But at this moment, he had no choice but to accept the deal.

"I agree to any conditions. Please save my son!"

Lan Ao lowered his head and clasped his hands together.

"Well, looking at your attitude, it's not bad. I..."

Tuntun nodded but before he could finish his act, Lin Chen grabbed him.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Save people first, saving people is the most important thing!"

After saying that, Lin Chen cupped his hands and said with a wry smile, "City Master Lan, my phantom beast just has a loose mouth, don't be offended."

"Lin Chen, do you dare to say that I am rude?"

"Shut up, believe it or not, I will beat you up!"


Lan Ao was stunned for a moment, then waved his hands repeatedly, "No offense, no offense! As long as my son can be cured, it is appropriate to put forward some conditions!"

In his heart, he was very confused.

Lan Ao had never seen a phantom beast argue with its master like this!

"City Lord, please wait outside the room first."

Lin Chen said in a deep voice, "We will see the outcome in an hour."

Lan Ao was a little reluctant at first, but after thinking carefully for a while, he nodded, "Okay."

The current situation is beyond our control.

Lan Ao could only pray in his heart, hoping they would be successful!

Seeing Lan Ao leave the room, Lin Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

He waved his hand, "Tuntun, don't be stunned, hurry up and save people."

Tuntun was a little angry, "I was negotiating with him before. How could you come out and interrupt me? I don't want to lose face!"

"Okay, isn't it just a little consumption? Forget it, I'll replenish it for you."

Lin Chen couldn't laugh or cry.

Tun Tun looked like he didn't appreciate it, "It's easy to say, do you know how much I have to pay? Don't persuade others to be good without others suffering. You can only know what it's like if you experience it yourself. Don't push others into the fire. "

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? I'll give you a hundred four-mark spiritual jade!"

Lin Chen was very impatient.

As they say, no one knows what it's like to be fat if they've never been fat.


Tuntun nodded quickly.

Lin Chen: "..."

As expected, it smelled very familiar!

Tun Tun walked up to Lan Qingfeng and snorted coldly, "Brat, although your physique is far inferior to the Myriad Wood Spirit Physique, it is still a very strong special physique. It's your good fortune that I am giving this to you."

As he finished speaking, Tuntun's arms turned into thorns that pierced Lan Qingfeng's meridians.




In an instant, the tree vine penetrated dozens of meridians!

There was one that even pierced straight into his Dantian.

Lan Qingfeng's pupils shrank, his mouth opened wide, and he gasped wildly.

Pain! Pain! Pain!

The severe pain almost made him faint.

But he was very conscious, and he watched helplessly... dozens of tree vines piercing his body.

The feeling was extremely uncomfortable.

"Next, I'm going to instill the energy of life into your body."

Tuntun smiled obscenely, and a surge of energy burst out of his body into the opponent's body.

The rich and powerful energy of life seemed to bring spring to all things.

Even the fishy smell in the room was diluted somewhat.

Lan Qingfeng's pupils shrank again, he felt a lot of... the majestic energy of life was injected into his body. All the previous pain was swept away, replaced by comfort, like taking a bath in a hot spring.

As time passed by, Lan Qingfeng's wounds gradually healed all over his body.

The toxins in the meridians in the body were instantly washed away by the energy of life.

Lan Qingfeng's face became more and more rosy.

Less than an hour later, Tuntun withdrew his hand.

Apparently, he had overdone it.

"This kid has a pretty good physique and his transformation has been very successful!"

Tun Tun looked weak, "I used seven kinds of life energy to create this 'Seven Yuan Body'. It's so tiring. Don't let me do this kind of thing again in the future. No more. I don't even want to earn spiritual jade anymore."

After saying that, he fell down and fell asleep.

As for Lan Qingfeng on the bed, all his injuries had been healed.

Not only that, even the realm that had originally fallen was restored again.

"Lord Blue, you can come in."

Lin Chen put Tuntun into the world of souls. At this moment, he really needed a good rest.


The door was pushed open, and Lan Ao walked in nervously.

At this hour, he was pacing back and forth outside, his face full of anxiety.

It felt like every day seemed like a year!

After hearing what Lin Chen said, he immediately rushed in.

Lying on the bed, Lan Qingfeng had no toxins on his body, and his face was rosy.

Moreover, he was breathing evenly and was clearly falling asleep.

Lan Ao injected a ray of his spiritual energy into Lan Qingfeng's body. After some exploration, his eyes suddenly froze and he said in disbelief, "This... this physique..."

After all, Lan Ao was a strong man at the fifth level of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, he could instantly feel the changes in his son.

Has he... awakened a special physique?

No, not possible.

A person with a special physique is not a street cabbage, so how can you say that you will wake up if you wake up?

"I used secret techniques to give him a special physique. It was the increase brought by this special physique that cured all his injuries and dispelled his toxins. From now on, not only will his cultivation speed up, even his strength will be greatly improved!"

Lin Chen explained carefully.

"Special physique!"

Lan Ao took a breath of air.

After a brief silence, he immediately clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, thank you so much for giving my son such an opportunity!"

How can special physiques be given to people casually?

This young man either has an extraordinary status!

Or... has a great opportunity and luck!