
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Eastern
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150 Chs

(Chapter 147)You are useless!

Again, Tun Tun knew nothing about spirit patterns, but with his sharp sense of judgment, he was certain that the injury was not the work of an ordinary monster.

As a rule of thumb, the stronger the monster, the stronger its poison. Subsequently, the more urgent the need for treatment.

"Hmph, you're just a greenhorn. How dare you question my proficiency in spirit patterns?"

Zhang Lu snorted coldly and continued, "I invited you in to observe earlier out of respect. Little did I expect you to have the audacity to lecture me. I am among the top three spirit pattern masters in the entire Dongyuan Domain. You're just a nobody. How dare you act like an expert?"

A look of horror crossed Lan Ao's face.

Tun Tun's guess had hit the nail on the head.

The one who had injured Lan Qingfeng was indeed a fifth level monster of the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

But the question was, if he hadn't told him, how had he guessed it?

With such terrifying powers of observation and insight, Lan Ao would have been skeptical if he had claimed to possess no abilities.

"Your abilities may be modest, but your arrogance knows no bounds," Meng Dongsheng also sneered. "If you're seeking attention, you've succeeded!"

"You don't believe me?"

Tun Tun looked disdainful and said, "Why don't we make a bet... Ah, no need for a bet. Three, two, one!"

Before he could finish, Lan Qingfeng's body on the bed began to convulse, his expression contorted in pain.

Dark blood oozed from his lower abdomen, the sight of it was shocking.

The blood contained toxins that made a "chichi" sound.

Wherever it passed, even intact skin began to rot.

"How can this poison be so potent!"

Zhang Lu exclaimed upon seeing this.

He gritted his teeth and began carving spirit patterns again, albeit somewhat reluctantly.


A profound spirit pattern was formed in his hand, more intricate than the previous "poison-repelling pattern".

When the spirit pattern connected with Lan Qingfeng, he suddenly spat out a mouthful of black blood.

The blood had a fishy smell that permeated the air.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Cold sweat broke out on Zhang Lu's forehead. He took out a fifth level spirit pattern from his ring and activated it.

Unexpectedly, Lan Qingfeng's symptoms not only did not ease, but worsened.


Lan Ao's heart skipped a beat.

He watched the flustered Zhang Lu and said through gritted teeth, "Master Zhang Lu, please stop for a moment. Perhaps... the spirit pattern has no effect on expelling the poison!"

"Let me try again!"

Zhang Lu said with determination.

Before he had arrived, he had promised Zhong Wen that he would cure Lan Qingfeng.

After all, Lan Ao was formidable, not much weaker than Zhong Wen.

Dongjiange was truly determined to win him over.

Therefore, this move was crucial.

Zhang Lu's heart skipped a beat, and he shot two spirit patterns in succession, sealing Lan Qingfeng's heart veins.

Just as he was about to use the spirit pattern to continue treatment, Lan Qingfeng's eyes suddenly opened.

"It hurts! It hurts!"

Lan Qingfeng cried out in pain, his voice hoarse.

Lan Ao could no longer bear to watch.

Spiritual energy condensed in his palm, and he pulled Zhang Lu away, gritting his teeth, "What exactly is going on?"

Meng Dongsheng was surprised and speechless for a long time.

Zhang Lu's face turned pale. "City Lord Lan, your master's injury is severe beyond my expectations. I misjudged the intensity of the poison..."

Meng Dongsheng's expression changed upon hearing this.

Did this mean that Zhang Lu had reached his limit?

"What should we do now?"

Lan Ao's pupils flashed with murderous intent.

"This fifth level spirit pattern is called the 'life-suppressing pattern'. It can extend your son's life for a while."

"City Lord Lan, take this time to find someone else."

Zhang Lu gritted his teeth, took out another fifth level spirit pattern and placed it on the table. He then pulled Meng Dongsheng out and walked away.

"Master Zhang Lu, are we... really just leaving?"

Meng Dongsheng was startled. He had come to offer his congratulations, intending to win over Qixin City.

And now, he was just leaving in despair?

"If I don't leave, what else can I do?"

Zhang Lu's forehead was throbbing. "Lan Qingfeng's toxin has entered his heart. Even with the 'life-suppressing marks', he will not survive for three days. If we don't leave, Lan Ao will be furious and we will all die!"

"Can he be cured?"

Meng Dongsheng was still somewhat unwilling to give up.

If he could resolve this matter, his master would surely reward him.

But everything had been messed up by him.

Zhang Lu cursed as he walked away, "He can't be cured unless we can find a sixth level spirit pattern master within three days. Don't be ridiculous. There is no sixth level spirit pattern master in the entire Dongyuan Domain. Where will we find one?"

"If I had known it would be so difficult to cure, I wouldn't have come and wasted two of my fifth level spirit patterns! Those are fifth level spirit patterns!"

As he spoke, Zhang Lu's cheeks twitched.

He was so distressed that he could barely breathe.

The 'life-suppressing pattern' was extremely valuable.

It had taken him a long time to successfully portray it.

To purchase the materials for this 'life-suppressing pattern', he had almost exhausted all his cultivation resources.

To just give it away like this, how could he not feel distressed?

Meng Dongsheng frowned slightly. "If even the master can't do anything, then the boy... naturally can't do anything about it. Although we didn't cure him, we still left the 'life-suppressing mark', so we've done our part. But if Lin Chen takes action recklessly and fails, Lan Ao will definitely kill him!"

Thinking of this, Meng Dongsheng's eyes lit up with excitement.

This kid had the audacity to try to win over Lan Ao. Did he think too highly of himself?

Inside the room,

Lan Qingfeng vomited blood repeatedly, filling the air with a fishy smell.

His skin and flesh seemed to be rotting away.

Lan Qingfeng opened his eyes and croaked, "Father, I... I'm so uncomfortable!"

Lan Ao's eyes brimmed with tears as he quickly wiped away the poisonous blood from Lan Qingfeng's body.

As he wiped, he gritted his teeth and whispered, "Qingfeng, hold on a little longer. I'll find a solution right away!"

With that, Lan Ao was about to activate the 'life-suppressing mark' in his hand.

After all, the 'life-suppressing pattern' was a fifth level spirit pattern that could definitely extend Lan Qingfeng's life for a while.

He was his only son. No matter what, he had to save his life, even if he had to sacrifice everything.

Tun Tun stepped forward and snatched the 'life-suppressing pattern' away.

He said calmly, "This thing is useless to him. If you want to save him, listen to me."

"You... you have an idea?"

Lan Ao looked at Tun Tun as if he had found a lifeline.

He looked more nervous than ever, his breathing shallow.

His eyes were filled with anxiety and worry.

Although he was skilled in using poisons, he was helpless against the poison that plagued his son.

Perhaps, there was nothing more painful in the world than this.

What was the point of his mastery over poisons?

"Of course I have an idea."

Tun Tun calmly handed the 'Suppression Pattern' to Lin Chen and said, "I told you before that I had a way to save him, but you didn't believe me and insisted on letting that old man try. Now, the situation has worsened."